32-Hold Your Breath Zane's POV
We decided to cut our honeymoon short and head home so Lucy can get into the oncologist. We thought it was best since she took a heavy blow to the head.
Everything looks good though and no signs of the cancer coming back. We follow up again in 3 months.
"I hate that we had to come home." Lucy pouts.
"I know but we had to be safe." I say resting my hand on her leg.
We are now on our way back from Seattle and sitting in traffic. Lucy decided it was best to keep the doctors she had before we moved. I'm ok with that because they've been there since day one.
"So we need to talk." Lucy says.
I hate when woman say that we need to talk. The we need to talk phrase could mean a million different things.
"Ok, what about?" I ask trying to hide that I'm annoyed by that statement.
"Never mind, you don't seem like you're in the mood to talk."
Shit she caught me. It's not that I don't want to talk, it's that I don't like the phrase "we need to talk."
"Babe no go ahead talk. Those words always scare me."
"Nothing to be scared of Zane, I just wanted to know how you felt about having kids."
Oh well that's not that bad. I like kids, I would love to have kids, especially with Lucy. Oh dear god! Is she trying to tell me she's pregnant?
"I want kids." I answer. "Are you going to tell me next that you are pregnant?"
"Ha no! God no! But if we do want kids, we have to start thinking about it because of me being on birth control."
"Ok well yeah, we should think about starting soon then. I don't want to be an old dad." I say laughing.
"Well I made an appointment for tomorrow. I guess I'll bring it up during the appointment."
"I'll come with you." I say.
"Are you sure?" Lucy asks with a questionable look on her face.
"Yeah why not? What time is it?"
"It's at 10:00am."
"Ok and we can get an early lunch after that."
Traffic finally starts to move and we are finally going at a decent speed toward home. I look over at Lucy and she's intently looking out the window. The light outlines her beautiful features. I'd be lucky to have her as the mother of my children. Becoming a dad is definitely exciting.
Lucy reaches over taking my hand in hers and smiles at me. I wonder if she is thinking the same thing I am. Our lives have changed so much in the last few months and would never imagine being married and talking about children. Lucy's phone rings breaking me from my thoughts.
"Hmmm don't know this number." She says glancing at her phone. She lets the call go to voicemail and seconds later the same number is calling my phone. I hand it to Lucy and she answers it.
This is she.
What happened?
Yeah I'll get there as soon as I can.
Thank you.
I look over at Lucy as she slides my phone back into the cup holder. She's not saying anything and her lips form a thin line. I can't take it anymore, she needs to tell me what's wrong.
"Ok Lucy you need to speak up. I don't like the look on your face." I say getting impatient.
"That was the oncologists. He needs me to come back. He ran my blood work after we left and needs me to come back in." Lucy explains and tears begin to form in her eyes.
Slowly the tears begin to spill over her eyes and fall down her cheeks one by one. Taking her hand in mine I give a gentle squeeze.
"Lucy it may not be anything." I say trying to cut through her tears.
"Then why would he want me to come right back in? Why couldn't he just tell me over the phone? Why couldn't he run the blood work while we were still there?" Questions come flying out of Lucy's mouth quickly.
I pull over and put the car in park. I turn on the hazard lights and pull her into me. I hold her still, letting her cry out her fears. She's been so brave and barely let this get to her, but you can only be strong for so long. She's scared, angry, hurting and she's letting everything out in her sobs.
"Zane I can't do this! I can't do any of this!" She starts shouting. "I don't want to be your wife anymore! Forget what I said about having children and just take me home so I can pack my bags and get the fuck away from you!" She pushes out of my arms.
I just sit and stare at her stunned. What the hell was happening? Was she being serious? How can she say all this? She doesn't even know what they are going to say.
"Lucy..." I say as calm as possible reaching for her hand and she slaps my hands away.
"Stop! Just stop!" She shouts and gets out of the car walking down the median.
I jump out of the car after her and run to catch up. She turns around and shoves me knocking me back because she caught me off guard.
"Lucy stop!" I shout beginning to get angry at her behavior. "You don't even know what the fuck they are going to say!"
Lucy holds her thumb up in the air trying to catch the attention of the people driving by. A silver suv pulls over and opens the passenger door for her and I hear her say no he didn't hurt me but please just go. I watch the silver suv pull away and my heart breaks from what is happening. I feel tears well up in my eyes and I try hard to swallow the lump forming in my throat.
Running back to the car, I jump in as fast as I can to go after the silver suv that has my wife. I grab my phone and try to call her but it goes straight to voicemail. I finally spot the suv and speed up to catch it. The driver speeds up, obviously trying to lose me.
I don't know what else to do, so I call Lizzie and explain to her what was going on. She is livid with Lucy and agrees that she will help me. She calls Lucy and Lucy answers the phone in tears. Lizzie called me from Jamie's phone so I can hear her conversation with Lizzie.
I hear Lucy say something along the lines of that I don't deserve this, that I don't need a broken wife, that she vowed to love and care for me but can't do that if she's dying with cancer. Hearing her say everything breaks my heart.
Lizzie finally gets Lucy to calm down and finally got her to listen that just because they need to see her about her blood work doesn't mean that it's anything bad.
Suddenly the silver suv pulls over and I followed. Lucy gets out of the car and walks toward me. I let Lizzie know that Lucy was coming back to the car and that I would let her know what happens. I hang up with Lizzie as Lucy opens the door.
"I'm sorry." She says before even getting fully into the car.
"Lucy don't apologize. This is an emotional rollercoaster and there is no doubt that you are scared. But Lucy don't think for one minute that I want any less because of this."
"But Zane...." She starts to say and I stop her.
"We are going to turn around and go back to that office and we are going to listen to what the doctor has to say. Once we hear what he has to say then we will go from there. You do not get to tell me that I don't need this."
She sighs and sinks back into the seat and puts her seatbelt on. I drive off taking the next exit to turn back toward Seattle. The drive back to Seattle is long and quiet. Neither of us really saying much to each other. I guess in our minds we are scared and if we say anything we may crumble.
Reaching over I rub her cheek with my thumb and give her a reassuring smile. "I'm not going anywhere Lucy. I'm here for the long hall and don't think that you can get rid of me. I am pretty pissed though because of you storming off like that."
"I know Zane I'm sorry. I'm just a bag of emotions right now. I'm legit scared and don't want to do this anymore."
"Lucy, you're not alone and I promised young from day one that you weren't and I still mean it. I love you or I would not have married you."
"I love you too Zane, whatever he has to say though has to be pretty damn serious if I have to go back to see him."
"It may or may not be." I say shrugging my shoulders.
About an hour later I'm pulling into the parking garage of the hospital. Lucy looks anxious and I'm not going to lie I am feeling pretty anxious myself. We sit in the car for a good fifteen minutes before Lucy works up the courage to open the door and get out. When she does I open my door and get out too.
She takes a deep breath turns around to face me and says we got this and starts walking toward the elevator to go to the doctors.
When we arrive on the floor that the doctors office is located on Lucy carefully steps out of the elevator.
"I can go in alone if you want." She offers.
"You're kidding me right?" I ask.
"Well I mean he can tell me and I can fill you after."
"Lucy I'm coming with you. End of story." I say.
We go into the office and sign in. The receptionist apologizes they we may have to wait a bit. We take a seat in the waiting room and Lucy picks up a better homes and gardens magazine.
"You know, we should do something like this along the patio." Lucy says showing me a picture of a landscaped yard. "There's so much we could do! Endless possibilities."
"I like that. I was thinking around the pool to do some kind of rock or sand. Kind of give it the beach feeling and the one side of the guest house do a flower garden."
"I want a vegetable garden too!" Lucy says excitedly.
"Alright we can do that too."
Joe and Martha had the guest house built and the pool put in while we were on our honeymoon. The guest house is really nice. It has two bedrooms and a shared bathroom, kitchen, living room and small porch off the bedrooms. They really set us up with a nice layout.
Picking up a car magazine I thumb through the pages and come across a picture of a Volkswagen thing. I turn it to show Lucy that I world love to find one of these. I guess I've already mentioned it because she said she knows I want one.
A woman steps out and calls Lucy back. Lucy and I close our magazines and put them back onto the table. We follow the woman back to the doctors office. Usually we go into an exam room this time was an actually office with a desk.
"The doctor will be in to speak with you in a few minutes. Can I get you anything while you wait?"
"No we are ok thanks." Lucy says.
The woman turns on her heels and walks out of the office quietly shutting the door.
"This is different." Lucy says.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Well we must be in the doctors personal office."
"Probably thought there was no reason to get exam room ready."
Lucy looks around the office, taking everything in. I notice that the desk is rustic like it was hand built and it has imperfections.
"I'd like to build furniture like this." I say to Lucy breaking the uncomfortable silence.
"It's beautiful." She says.
"Maybe I will try my hand at it."
"You should." Lucy says trying to pay attention to what I'm saying. You can tell she's off in her own little world right now, anxiously waiting the doctor to come in to tell us why we had to come back.
Reaching over to take Lucy's hand we hear the door click as it opens and the doctor steps in Lucy jumped when the door had opened. The doctor comes around the desk and takes a seat.
"Thanks for coming back. I was hoping to catch you before you got too far, since you moved from Seattle."
"We didn't get too far, maybe about an hour." I say.
"Don't worry Lucy, I can tell by the look on your face that you are worried."
"Um yeah." She says quietly.
"Well I'm going to cut to the chase then. We ran your blood work as you know."
"Yeah?" Lucy says.
"Well in my eyes this is great news!" He says.
"Can you please just get to it?"
"Lucy, honey your blood tests came back all normal and no signs of cancer. In my eyes the numbers are perfect!"
"You couldn't tell me this over the phone?" She asks.
"No because there is something we need to discuss with what I'm about to say."
Lucy and I look at him with a number of questions in our eyes.
"Lucy...you are pregnant. Congratulations!"
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