25-The Date Zane's POV
I wave nervously before I get into the car and head toward the ice cream place, Joe had given me directions too. Hannah is in the backseat grinning from ear to ear. I've never been one for kids. They terrify me, and to me are so needy! But Hannah she's sweet, cute, quiet and managed to wiggle her way into my heart.
"So what's your favorite flavor Hannah?" I ask.
She looks up me in mirror with her big grey eyes and looks like she's pondering for a minute. "Mint chocolate chip!"
"Mmmmm my favorite too!" I say.
She giggles and starts bobbing to the music on the radio. A few minutes later I'm pulling into the little ice cream shop. I park the car get out and go to help Hannah out of the car and she places a tiny little kiss on my cheek. I smile and she blushes.
Standing in line waiting to get our ice cream along with the ice cream I'm to bring back. Hannah has her hand in mine and is becoming more anxious as we get closer.
"Can I get sprinkles?" She asks.
"Of coarse! How about syrup?"
"No sprinkles will be just fine." She smiles.
We are up next and I place the order for our ice cream and our to go ice cream. Once we get the ice cream we go and sit at a little picnic table to eat.
"So Hannah are you on summer break?" I ask.
"Not yet. We still have 2 months left."
"What grade are you in?"
"First grade." Hannah says proudly.
"Oh wow, and you are 6?"
"I'll be 7 in a week."
"Well happy birthday!" I say as excited as I could.
Hannah blushes and bows her head to continue eating her ice cream. I finished mine all up and Hannah had a few more bites. It started to get really windy and our napkins blew off the table.
"Looks like it's going to rain." I say to Hannah.
"Yeah. I have one more bite." She says shoveling the ice cream into her mouth.
I smile and ruffle her hair and take her bowl to the garbage. She is standing at the table holding the bag to take home and we head back to the car. Before we got to the car it down poured, so we began to run. Hannah was giggling like the rain was the best thing in the world.
I stood with the door open as she twirled and giggled loudly. She hopped from puddle to puddle and runs over to take my hand following her. We run by a tree and I grab a branch to fling water from the leaves at her.
"Come on. We are soaked, let's head back."
Hannah gives me a pouty look, I chuckle and lead her to the car. She shivers and I reach over to grab my hoodie that's laying on the backseat so she could cover up till we get home.
"Zane?" She asks in a tiny voice.
"Yes Hannah?"
"I know I'm too young to be your girlfriend, but can I call you Uncle Zane and Lucy, Aunt Lucy?"
I smile. "Of coarse. I'd be honored."
"Thank you for today Uncle Zane. It was fun."
"No problem kiddo! I had fun too."
The drive was quiet. Hannah had fallen asleep on the way home snuggled under my hoodie. When I pulled up outside of Joe and Martha's house, Lucy and Martha were sitting in the rocking chairs on their huge porch. Martha stood up and I caught a hint of a smile.
I shut my quietly and opened Hannah's door, reaching inside to carefully remove her seatbelt. Picking her up out of the car seat, she laid her head down on my shoulder nuzzling into my neck. This little girl is something special and I'm really happy to have met them.
The rain had stopped by the time we reached the house so I had left the ice cream in the car and whispered for Lucy to get it while I take Hannah up to bed. Martha follows me so she can get her changed out of her wet clothes.
I laid Hannah down on the bed and brushed her hair out of her face saying a silent goodnight. Martha grabs my arm and stops me before I walked completely out of the room. She whispers thank you and I nod my head.
As soon as I got downstairs I found Lucy in the kitchen dividing the ice cream into 5 bowls. I come up behind her placing my nose in her hair, breathing in the scent of her shampoo and kiss the side of her head.
"Have a good time?" Lucy asks.
"Yes I did. She's a very awesome kid."
"She adores you Zane."
"She wants to call us Uncle Zane and Aunt Lucy." I boast with a smile.
"Awe that's soooo cute! What did you say?" Lucy asks.
"I told her she could."
And at the same time like we were thinking the same thing we both said we love it here. Lucy's eyes grow big with excitement.
"Really? Zane you said you like it here right?"
"Yes I do."
"Can we stay one more day?" Lucy asks.
"Sure we can. But I was thinking, maybe a change of scenery would do us good?"
"You mean like move here?" Lucy asks.
"Yeah. I like this area and Joe said he could use some help with the farm."
"Wait...when did you talk to Joe about this?"
"When he gave me the talk about dating his daughter. I mean if I'm going to be dating his daughter." I wink at her.
"Zane!" She smacks my arm.
"So what do you say?" I ask her.
"I don't know. This would be a huge change, but you're right, it could be a good thing."
"Yes! Oh Lucy...I love you!" I hug her.
Before Lucy could say anything more, Joe walked into the kitchen. "Looks like you two are pretty excited about something?" Joe says in question.
"Well we decided we may move here." I say.
"Really? That's amazing!" Joe says shaking my hand pulling me into a hug and then he releases me giving Lucy a hug. "I can't do much on the farm because of my back, which is why I drive the bus part time. Would you be willing to work for me Zane?"
"Sure I would be glad to come work for you."
"Fantastic! You two could use the guest room until you find your own place, maybe even build something on our property." Joes says.
"You'd seriously let us do that?" Lucy asks.
"Sure why not! I know a guy who sells modular homes. What do you think of that?"
"I'm not opposed to that, are you Zane?"
"Not at all!"
"Alright, well how about we go down and take a look at them tomorrow?"
"Thank you Joe!" Lucy says hugging him and I shake his hand.
Joe grabs a bowl of ice cream that is already half melted from the drive and from it sitting here, but it's pretty good, even if it is partially melted.
Martha comes downstairs and calls for the boys to come get their ice cream. Lucy didn't give me a bowl since I already had some.
Joe fills Martha in on our plan and she's ecstatic that we will be moving here. I look over at Lucy and she has a worried look on her face.
"Lucy can we talk outside?" I ask.
She stands up and starts walking toward me, she turns around and puts her bowl on the table then heads to the front door. I look at Joe and Martha confused and head outside to talk to her.
"Lucy what's wrong?" I say sliding my fingers down her arm taking her hand in mine.
"I'm scared. This is a huge change. I know what it's like to live with you and that's not the problem. We'd be leaving Paul, Lizzie and Jamie. Lizzie and Jamie moved here to be close to me."
"Lizzie has Ryder and Jamie has Serena. I also have a feeling Paul is going to be getting cozy with Travis soon too. They have good chemistry."
"Yeah but Aunt Rita and Uncle Rick will be livid!"
"Why do you think that?" I ask.
"I'll be even further away."
"Lucy I can take care of you. I love you. I'm not going anywhere. If I haven't proven that while you were in the hospital I don't know what else to do."
"Zane I'm not saying that I'm not doing this, I'm just terrified of telling everyone."
"Then I will tell them. Or we can tell them together." I give an encouraging smile.
"Alright." She smiles back at me and I pull her into my arms. We stay like that for a few minutes and Martha comes outside.
"Everything ok?" She asks.
"Yeah we were just discussing handling everything for the move." Lucy explains.
"I called Joe's friend about the modular homes. He has a perfect double for you two. Joe will take you to look at it and we will take care of everything else."
"Martha...I don't know that we will be able to get a loan for the home right now. Neither of us are working and we have very little money saved up." Lucy says the worry returning to her face.
"Lucy I said we will take care of it. Don't you worry. We don't have many to help so let us help you. I already feel we've become family."
"Thank you Martha we cannot express enough how much this means to us." I say.
"Zane what you did for Hannah today was amazing. I can tell you two are amazing people and I'm not letting you out of our lives that easy."
I hug Martha and after I hug Martha, Lucy hugs her too. Martha heads back into the house once she's done hugging Lucy. I hear her talking to Joe but cannot make out what they are saying.
Lucy walks over to the rocking chair and sits down pulling her phone out. I hear her say hi Lizzie and she starts telling her everything. She was happy to know Jamie and Paul were there too so they can all listen to her explain. By the sounds of it they seem excited too and knowing that they can visit helps. As soon as Lucy told Jamie about the horses, she was sold.
"We will be coming back to pack the apartment up. Joe and Martha have a trailer they haul their horses with and said we can use that and the truck. We should be able to fit it all in one load." Lucy says smiling.
Joe walks out and lights up his pipe. "Seems like you are making plans official?"
"Yeah. She's telling her cousins and my brother. Are you sure we can use the trailer and the truck?"
"Yes sir. Just leave me your car incase I need to go anywhere if you don't mind." Joe says.
"No problem. It's a deal." I say.
"Well we have their blessings and they all will be helping us too." Lucy says.
"Well then we will get up in the morning go look at the homes and get that squared away." Joe says putting his arm around Lucy.
"We cannot that you enough Joe. You and Martha. You've taken 2 complete strangers into your home no questions asked." I say.
"I know good people when I see them. Back when Lucy was born probably, my ex had a baby. I left her because she was on drugs. The baby was born an addict and she gave him up for adoption. I was 16 I couldn't be a father, so I agreed to her handing our son over to the adoption agency. Zane when I met you, I wondered if my son would be anything like you. Maybe you can somehow be the son I didn't get to have in my life. I'm sorry if that sounds creepy." Joe explains.
"Not creepy at all. It's nice to see what a real family is like." I smile and we head inside.
Joe shows us to the guest bedroom and shows us the en suite bathroom. Once Joe leaves the room I go into the bathroom to wash up. Martha knocks on the door handing Zane flannel pajamas and me a night how. Thankful not to have to sleep in jeans we take them from her hands and say good night as she shuts the door.
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