2-I Want Paul
Staring up at the Ferris wheel, the realization hits me that I'm terrified of heights. The last time I rode one, we stopped at the top and I freaked out. The color must of drained from my face because Paul is now standing next to me with his arm around me.
"Lucy! Are you ok?" He asks.
"Um...yeah. I think I'll sit this one out." Zane eyes me cautiously.
"Crap Lucy! I'm so sorry I forgot! You hate this thing."
"We don't have to ride it Lucy." Zane says.
"No, go ahead. Your brother is dying to show you what Seattle looks like from the top."
Paul places his hand on my shoulder and asks if I'm sure. I assure him and tell them to have fun. Finding a bench near the Ferris wheel exit I sit down and wait. Some guy comes walking toward me and sits next to me.
"Hi, I'm Chris." He holds his hand out smiling.
"Hi, I'm Lucy." I say shaking his hand.
"Listen,I was wondering...." He starts but I cut him off.
"Look...I'm not interested in anyone right now. You seem nice though." I say and he starts laughing.
"Oh honey, I wasn't going to ask you out or anything. I was going to ask about your friend. Not the one with tattoos, the other one." Chris explains.
"Oh gees I'm sorry. I'm so embarrassed now! You mean Paul?"
"Sweetie don't be sorry, I mean you are gorgeous but I'm more interest in Paul." He says laughing.
Of coarse Chris is gay! I have some bad sense when it comes to this stuff. Hell, I didn't realize Paul was at first either, until I fully moved in, and he told me straight out. I'm used to having men throw themselves at me and I was confused at why Paul wasn't. Dummy me.
"So, is he single?" Chris asks interrupting my thoughts.
"He is, but if you are looking to pursue him take your time."
Chris looks at me confused and says. "So, he's not into relationships?"
"Well, it's not really my place to tell. That's up to him. He just hasn't dated in a while."
"Mind if I wait with you?"
"No, it's fine. His brother just moved here so he's just showing him around. I don't do heights, so I sent them up there."
"Yeah I gathered from the look on your face that you're not a fan. So do I just flat out introduce myself to him?"
"Yep just like you did with me."
"What's up with you and his brother?"
"What? N-nothing. Why do you ask?"
"He's curious about you. You have some pretty high walls up darling."
I think about what he has said. Those words sinking in. I do have my walls up. I've been with lots of guys but never had any long term relationships. I've always fallen for the bad boys the ones who like to fuck and then leave. I'm used to waking up alone. Working at the bar has it's downfalls. Lots of guys come in and they hit on me. No I don't sleep around and most certainly have not slept with many. I'm dumb, I seem to think oh this guy is different. I'll take him back to my apartment to watch a movie and of coarse that doesn't happen, because not even half way through the movie we have each other's clothes off. Then I wake up in the morning and he's gone and I was wrong. I then add another layer to my wall and swear of men for months. So on average I get like one guy a year, and that to me, is sad.
Chris nudges my shoulder. "Where'd you go?"
"Sorry. Just thinking about what you said."
Chris was about to say something when his eyes catch Paul and Zane exiting the Ferris wheel. I stand up and Chris follows.
"How was it?" I ask.
"Amazing!" Zane says with excitement.
Chris extends his hand to Paul and introduces himself. Paul blushes and introduces himself back.
"This is my brother Zane." He says trying to take the attention off of his blushing cheeks. Zane gives me a look and raises his eyebrows.
"We are about to grab some dinner. Would you like to join us Chris?" I ask.
"Sure. If you don't mind." Chris looks at Paul for approval and Paul smiles.
We all agreed to go to the Steelhead Diner. Zane hands me a menu and his fingers brush across my hand that sends electricity through my whole body. Pauls words echo in my head. Don't fall for him, and the electricity leaves.
Paul and Chris seem to be getting along great. I haven't seen Paul laugh so much in the five years that I've known him. Zane gets up to head to the bathroom and brushes my leg. Yep there it goes again, stupid electricity.
Chris is now questioning Paul about Zane since he's not at the table at the moment. Paul tells him what's happening and the plan to get him clean. I excuse myself and head to the bathroom myself. As I'm about to open the door Zane grabs my arm and pulls me into the family bathroom.
"What are you doing Zane?" I yell.
"Shhhh." He says putting a finger up to my lips.
He brushes over my lips with his thumb. "They are soft Lucy, soft as they look."
"Look Zane. I'm not one or those easy sluts you pick up. I'm not just going to come in here and bang the shit out of you in the restaurant bathroom."
"Lucy. Calm yourself. Trying to give them some time together. But you have to admit you feel that too when we touch."
I completely disregard his comment and reach for the handle. Zane presses himself against my back with his hand on the door.
"Don't go Lucy."
My breath is ragged and he knows what he's doing to me. "I promised Paul. I promised him I was just going to help him with you and that's it."
"Lucy he can't tell you what to feel. I saw the way you looked at me."
"I don't know what you are talking about Zane. You're a womanizer and that's not going to work on me."
"What makes you think I'm a womanizer. Is that what Paul says about me?"
"Yeah. He said you have gotten yourself into some trouble and that you do a lot of drugs and sleep around. That's why you are here, to get you clean and get you on the right path."
"That asshole. Yes I like to party, well did party but now I just drink and smoke some weed. I'm not a womanizer, I do not sleep around. Do I like woman hell yeah but I do not sleep around."
"Why would he say that then? He makes you out to be a lost soul and that need so much help."
"Lucy...I was a drug addict but they say once a drug addict always one. I used to snort coke and shoot heroin. I would party till I ended up passed out somewhere, my friends were terrified I wouldn't wake up one day." He stops and stares at me waiting for me to say something more.
"So why does Paul think you are still doing horrible?"
"I overdosed a few months back, the hospital called him. I agreed to go to rehab so he wouldn't try and come to me. Imagine that though, it was the best thing I ever did. I got clean from heroin and Coke. I only smoke weed when I have a bad migraine. Eventually I'm going to give up the cigarettes too."
"How come you haven't told Paul about this yet? Here he thinks that you are so troubled and that you need his help."
"I haven't said anything to him because well I was hoping to hang out with just him today so we can talk. No offense. I do need his help though Lucy. I need him to help me stay on the right path."
When he says that he looks defeated like I should judge him but I don't. I don't know the guy that well but part of me wants to tell him how proud I am of him.
"Zane." I say putting my hand on his arm."Let's go out there and tell Paul together. I may not know you that well but I'm proud and I believe you are genuine."
He opens the door and we both walk out to go talk to Paul. The look on Paul's face is like he's seen a ghost. I know what he's thinking and he's dead wrong.
"It's not what you think Paul. Zane and I were just talking. He has some things he wants to talk to you about and I think you will be really happy to hear this."
Zane looks at me and smiles. He begins where he begun with me and Paul listens intently. Chris reaches over and holds Paul's hand for support and I smile, encouraging Zane to continue. Once he's finished telling him everything that had happened, he looks at me and back to Paul.
"I came here because I knew if I did you would help keep me straight. I did the hard part Paul, I promise you. I'm clean and I want to stay this way. I want you to be proud of me."
"I am beyond proud of you Zane!" Tears weld up in his eyes and he stands up to give Zane a hug.
"Don't be mad at Lucy. I went to her to get some help on how to explain everything to you. She's knows you pretty well and I'm glad you've had her as a friend."
Paul comes to me and hugs me next. "Thank you Lucy, thank you so much."
Chris had asked Paul to continue the night with him so he hands me his keys, and asks for me to take Zane home. I agree. When we got to the car I ask Zane what he's up too the rest of the night and since he has nothing going on I invite him over for some popcorn and a movie. We settled on a comedy and nothing felt more natural than it did right now.
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