19-Meet Ryder Lucy's POV
What do you mean she doesn't want to come Lizzie?
Well I thought that she would have been happy about that?
No. Does she know your mom and dad met her already?
Put her on Lizzie.
I pace around the living room waiting for Lizzie to put Jamie on the phone. Apparently she's upset that we had invited Serena to dinner. I hear them arguing in the background and it's a little muffled because I can't fully make out what is being said. Finally I hear the phone pick up and it's Jamie on the other end.
Please Jamie, come for dinner. We are celebrating tonight.
Um duh! I beat that brain tumors ass.
I try to joke around and get at least a little laugh from her but nothing.
Look Jamie, we all like Serena and she's been a godsend while I was in the hospital.
I understand Jamie, but just take it one day at a time. I'm sure she understands too.
Great! Thank you for changing your mind Jamie! Eek! I'm so excited that you all will be here.
Alright see you in about an hour! Love ya!
I hang up the phone and set it on the coffee table. Walking into the kitchen, Zane is standing at the stove cooking. Something about a man at the stove cooking that's really hot. I go behind him and wrap my arms around his waist and he turns around facing me. He dips his head to kiss me and my insides turn to fire.
"What's wrong with Jamie?" He asks.
"She's upset that I invited Serena."
"Well you did it for her and you."
"I know. I told her that. I think she's afraid of mom and dad. Being around Paul will help her too, I'm sure."
"Of coarse it will baby." He kisses me again. "Now let me cook woman!"
He chuckles and goes back to cooking. He's making steaks and baked potatoes. Going to the fridge I pull out the lettuce to make a salad and I can't help but think about our bath. I must of been smiling to myself because Zane comes over grabs my arms and pulls me into him.
He bends over close to my ear and my belly flops. "I know what you're thinking about." He smirks and his lips brush across my ear. "Cause I am too." And he kisses right below my ear lobe sending me into a whirl wind of excitement.
And just like that he's off back to cooking. I suck in my lip and take a deep breath trying to concentrate only on chopping up the cucumbers for the salad. I added some carrots, radishes and tomatoes.
The doorbell rings and I look at Zane. "Shit someone's early."
Zane rolls his eyes at me. "Just let them in." He lets out a deep chuckle.
This man is going to be the death of me. Everything about him makes my knees weak. I look over and he's smirking at me and that too makes my knees weak. I grab the towel from the island and dry off my hands and go to answer the door.
Checking the peephole I see a man standing there his back to the door. I look to Zane in confusion and he comes over stepping in front of me, checks the peephole, shrugs his shoulder and quietly slides the chain-lock.
Slightly opening the door, the man turns around and immediately Zane's face turns to anger. "You don't belong here." He sneers.
"Zane man is that how you greet an old friend?" The man responds. His voice is gruff and if that door wasn't between us I'd be scared to death.
"I said you don't belong here!" Zane yells going to push the door shut but the man stops it with his hand and next thing the door is being kicked breaking the chain-lock.
"And I don't give a fuck!" The man yells angrily.
Zane stiffens his stance between the man and I and I contemplate running, but I don't have much energy since I just got out of the hospital.
"Who's this pretty little thing that you're shacking up with?" The man asks.
"None of your business! Just leave her alone." Zane's jaw clenches and there's nothing but anger on his face.
I decide to speak up. "Look I don't know who you are but you don't just barge into my house and...." Zane cuts me off.
"She's right. Ryder what are you even doing here?" Zane asks.
"That's better Zane. Are your jets cool?" Ryder asks.
"Only if you are going to tell me you are not here for any troubles."
"Nope no troubles here." Ryder says with a smirk.
Unlike Zane, Ryder is tall, blond and has amazing blue eyes. His body is muscular and he seems solid. He has a bit of a country accent which makes his gruff voice sound amazing.
"Then what are you doing here?" Zane asks.
"Trying to get away from everything too. Been clean 4 months now. Figured if you could do it so can I."
"How did you find me Ryder?"
"Well I knew your brother lived in Seattle, so I came here hoping to find you. First time I spotted you was at the waterfront with her and I'm assuming your brother."
"So you've been following me?" Zane asks.
"Well I had be sure you were good. I didn't want to want to get mixed up in the shit again."
Zane holds his hand out and Ryder takes it pulling Zane into a bro hug. They pat each other's backs and there was nothing but silence.
"So are you going to introduce me to your lady?" Ryder asks Zane.
"This is Lucy. Lucy this is Ryder."
I hold my hand out. "Nice to meet you but you need to fix my door."
"Yeah. I'm really sorry about that. I'll fix it." Ryder says. "So Zane, you get clean, move here, meet this beautiful girl and now she's your girlfriend?"
Zane looks at me and I blush. We never really clarified what we were.
"I...I...well we never really made it official." Zane says.
I do my best to smile even though I side I'm screaming wanting to know.
"Better make her yours dude. She's hot." Ryder says and the anger appears on Zane's face again and his jaw clenches.
I reach over and take his hand assuring him that I'm right here next to him. I don't want anyone but Zane.
Zane relaxes in my hand and offers Ryder to stay for dinner. Ryder agrees and helps finish setting up and cooking.
"So Lucy Zane tells me you just got out of the hospital today?"
"Yes I did." I answer blushing a bit.
"He said if you wanted me to know you'd tell me."
"It's no big secret. I had a brain tumor removed." I explain.
"Oh wow that's terrible. I'm sorry to hear that. Leave us guys to the rest of dinner and you just hang out. Zane and I got this. Then after dinner I'll fix the chain."
I smile. "Thanks." I am feeling a bit tired so that offer sounds quiet nice, so I head over to the couch and lay down for a bit.
Zane walks over to me 15 minutes later. "Babe are you ok?"
"Yeah. I'm just a little tired."
He has a worried look on his face but bends down and kisses me. I rub his cheek. "I'm ok. Really. Don't worry."
He sighs, nods his head and gives my hand a squeeze. The doorbell buzzes and Zane runs to the door to answer it.
"It's Rita and Rick." He says and I sit up.
"Oh honey you looked whooped!" Aunt Rita says coming over to me and hugs me tight.
"I'm ok. Just a little tired." I reassure her.
"Hold the door!" Lizzie yells before Zane could shut the door in her face. "Whew that was close! You almost slammed the door on my face."
Zane laughs and shrugs. "Yeah I'm sorry."
Lizzie walks over to the island to put the rolls down that she bought and Ryder turns around.
"Wow hello there! Where did you come from? Who is this guy?"
I hear Zane laugh. "Everyone this is Ryder. Ryder is a long time friend of mine."
Ryder doesn't take his eyes off of Lizzie and she chews nervously on her lip. Paul walks over to Ryder and shakes his hand introducing himself and Rita and Rick do the same.
"Where's Jamie?" I ask.
"She's outside waiting for Serena. Serena texted her asking if she would go in with her. Should be here any minute." Lizzie answers me.
"Who's Jamie?" Ryder asks.
"My twin sister." Lizzie answer and Ryder's eyes light up. "Ha don't get the wrong idea buddy."
His hopes look shot down, Zane glares at him and Ryder's head drops his blond hair falling in his face.
"Should we eat?" Zane asks.
"Yep! Everyone have a seat." I say and jump up from the couch. "I'm going to peak out and see if Serena made it yet."
I open the door, look to the left and no sign of Jamie or Serena then look to the right and about 100 feet away Serena and Jamie are embracing each other and kissing. My heart smiles for them. I clear my throat and Jamie jumps. You can tell I embarrassed her but I don't care ha.
"Girls. Dinner is ready! Get your butts in her." I yell to them and they smile at each other and walk towards the door. "Hey Jamie! Hey Serena!" They both hug me and follow me inside.
"Woah who's the new guy?" Jamie asks.
"That's Ryder. He's a friend of Zane's."
"Bet Lizzie's drooling over him." Jamie says quietly into my ear.
"You know it!" I say laughing. "Ryder lastly meet Serena and Jamie."
He stands up and walks over to shake their hands and they walk to the table to sit down. Zane goes into the kitchen to grab the salad and puts salad in everyone's bowls. Occasionally Zane reaches over rubbing my leg.
I lean over and whisper to him. "I'm not going to break." And wink at him.
A small smile forms on his face and we all continue to eat our salads over small chit chat. We take turns asking Ryder and Serena questions trying to get to know them better.
We all finish our salads and Zane and Ryder get up to get the steak and baked potatoes. Once all the food is served, Zane stands up and taps his glass.
"I just wanted to do a short toast. To Lucy!" Zane raises his glass and everyone cheers to Lucy.
"Thank you everyone." I say trying to choke back the lump in my throat and a single tear runs down my face.
Lizzie and Jamie jump up, run over to me and hug me tight and more tears come.
"I'm sorry guys." I say fanning my face with my hand. "My emotions are running a bit high from everything."
Zane reaches over and wipes the tears from my face and places a small kiss on my lips. Resting his forehead against mine, he smiles. His smile is enough to make all of my fears, worries and doubt disappear. I mouth a thank you to him and he pecks my lips again.
"Get a room!" Lizzie yells.
For a moment I forgot that we weren't alone, for that moment it felt like it was just me and Zane, alone in the room all by ourselves, just he and I.
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