18-Going Home Lucy's POV
I'm sitting here coloring my adult coloring books that Aunt Rita had brought me. I'm anxiously awaiting my test results to see if I can go home. Zane's laying next to me clicking through the channels and because there is only like six he went through the same channels like 80 times already. He lets out a huff and puts the remote down and reaches over for the markers. He pulls one out and starts coloring the page opposite to the one I'm working on.
Jamie had finally message Lizzie letting her know that she was back at the apartment and that she would be back later if I don't get to go home. I wonder if she is ok.
Paul had finally filled me in with everything that had happened with Chris and he seems pretty heart broken but seems like he will be ok at the same time. Paul deserves something real though and Aunt Rita called it.
Serena comes in the room to check my vitals and make sure I have everything I need. I introduce her to Aunt Rita and Uncle Paul and she nervously shakes their hands.
"Your daughters absolutely beautiful by the way." She says as her cheeks light up red giving away her full attraction to Jamie.
"Thank you Serena. We happen to agree." Uncle Rick says with a smile.
"Well it was really nice to meet you. Let me know if you need anything Lucy!" Serena turns to leave the room.
"Wait Serena! Lizzie heard from Jamie. She's back at my place." I say.
Serena smiles. "Thanks for let me know, but she texted me too."
"Great well just wanted you to know." I smile and Serena walks away. You can tell it was a bit awkward but I think the two make a good pair.
"Sweet girl." Aunt Rita says.
I'm shocked when she says that simple little statement but know she is being sincere. After all everyone deserves to be happy no matter what.
Finally the doctor comes into the room and I search his face for the good news. Hopefully the good news. "Great news Lucy! You are going home!"
I look at Zane with a huge smile. "When?"
"Serena is getting your discharge papers together and she will be in as soon as she's done. You can go ahead and get dressed."
"Woooooo I'm going home!" I shout and everyone laughs at me. "So where's my clothes Zane?"
"Crap I think I forgot to grab them from the car." Zane smacks himself lightly on the forehead.
Paul holds up my travel bag. "Good thing I grabbed it for you!"
I smile at Paul as he brings me my bag, setting it next to me. Everyone leaves the room except Lizzie so she could help me incase I needed it. Aunt Rita and Uncle Rick wouldn't have been happy if Zane stayed. I successfully got dressed with no issues and Lizzie opens the door for everyone to come back in. Serena follows behind with papers in hand.
"Here you go Lucy! Time to go home." Serena says cheerfully.
"How about everyone meets back at our place in two hours for dinner. I'll cook for everyone." Zane suggests.
"That sounds like a good idea. Thank you for the invitation." Aunt Rita says.
"Paul how about you and I pick Jamie up and go hang out at your place till its time for dinner so Zane and Lucy can get settled. I'm sure Lucy wants to take an actual shower." Lizzie says.
"We can do that. Call Jamie let her know what's going on. Have her meet us at the bar it's a block away." Paul says and Lizzie picks up her phone to call Jamie. "Zane just drop us off and keep Lizzie's car for now."
"Alright. Sounds like a good plan." Zane says as he places his hand at the small of my back.
Lizzie hangs up with Jamie and says they are a go too. Serena comes back with the wheel chair to wheel me to the car. "I can walk." I say to Serena.
"Hospital policy." She nods her head for me to sit.
"Serena how much longer do you have to work." I ask her.
"Just two more hours. Why?"
"Let me see that note pad and pen in your pocket." I smirk and she hands it to me. I write down my address and tell her to come for dinner. Serena agrees and Zane helps me out of the chair and into the car. Once I'm in the car he places my bag on the floor by my feet and shuts the door and Serena walks off with the wheelchair.
Standing in the bathroom looking in the mirror Zane comes up behind me and places his hands on my shoulders. I smile at his touch as it warms my skin. He bends down and places a kiss on my cheek as he calls me beautiful. Spinning around I reach up putting my hands on his face and stand on my tip toes to kiss his sweet lips. Zane wraps his hands around my waist and pulls me close to him to deepen the kiss. After a minute he pulls away.
"Not today baby. You just got out of the hospital." He says with a sigh and I can tell that was a struggle for him to pull away, because boy was he pitching a tent!
I nod my head and go back to the mirror to remove the bandage from my head. The doctor said it can come off as soon as I got home and I can now shower which is a good thing because my hair is starting to look rough. Zane studies my face for a minute and sighs as he walks away.
"Zane what's wrong?" I ask stepping out of the bathroom to follow him.
"Nothing. I need to get dinner started." His mood completely did a 180 and I'm not understanding why so I continue and reach for his arm as he yanks it away.
Hurt immediately fills my heart as I bite back the tears and I just stand there stunned. Few seconds later I try to blink away my tears and they fall down down my cheeks. I turn and walk away back to the bathroom. Shutting the door silently I decide to draw a bath instead of shower and once the tub is filled with warm water I drop a bath bomb in and let it dissolve. I sink into the water as the tears flow harder now that I'm in here alone.
The door knob jiggles and I hurry up to splash my face with water so he doesn't see I've been crying. He walks in shutting the door behind him and lifts his shirt over his head and then his pants fall to the floor. My god! His body. It's beautiful and I'm gaping. He smirks and walks toward the tub climbing in behind me. His legs slide beside me and he pulls me close to him so I'm now laying my back on his chest.
Taking some of the bubbly water he rubs it over my arms as he quietly speaks to me. "I'm so sorry Lucy. I just don't want to hurt you."
"You're not going to hurt me. I won't let you."
"You have no idea how badly I want you, want us, want this." I feel his member grow against my back and he backs up a bit.
"I think I do and it's probably as much as I want you."
He kisses my neck and gently pushes me forward as he pulls the loofa from the water and gently washes my back. "I want to take care of you Lucy."
"So be with me. Stop being so scared." It felt harsh to say it like that but he needed to realize. I turn around, so I'm facing him now. Heat rises between my legs as I see the head of his member peaking from the water.
He looks down and grins and I pull myself forward straddling him. "Lucy no. We have your family coming very soon."
"I don't care. I want you and I want you now." I pull him closer to kiss him, his member rubs across me and I pulsate feeling the need even more and I think he does do. He pulls away from our kiss breathless and stares me in the eyes as he grabs my ass lifting me to position me over his member. He slowly guides me down onto him and a moan escapes my lips.
"Oh Lucy..." He pants. "You have no idea how long I've waited for this." He buries his face into my hair. "Are you on birth control?"
My yes comes out in a moan as I move up and down on him. I lean back to feel him more as his finger finds its way to circle my clit and I gasp. More moans escape me and I'm feeling breathless. His circling picks up pace and that indicates that he's getting close. He brings me back to him as his fingers run across my nipples. He bows his head and takes one in to his mouth. "You're so..." He's flicks his tongue across my nipple and moves to the other and a couple flicks "breathtaking."
I rock on him some more and my body starts to tremble and he starts circling my clit again. I feel his body tremble and that turned me on more and I climaxed hard on top of him as I continued to rock riding out my orgasm and so he could do the same. Next thing he stills as his body jerks from his own orgasm and holds me close as his body once in a while jerks. I slowly continue to move gliding up and down until he signals me to stop. Leaning forward I kiss him and I part my lips allowing his tongue access to mine. His fingers trail my sensitive skin as he places soft kisses along my jaw and neck. Feeling his erection soften inside of me I stand up and pull the shower curtain closed.
Zane's looks at me questionably and I say. "What? Now we shower."
He smiles as I turn the water on. "You are one of the strongest girls I've ever met, my Lucy."
"And you Zane just don't even know."
He laughs at my comment as if he thinks I'm joking but little does he know. We showered helping each wash and flinging soap at each other. It's probably one of the best showers I've ever had and by far my favorite moment with Zane. Let me tell you, it was well worth the wait and cannot wait for more.
Zane turns off the water and helps me out of the tub. I think he feels that I'm going to break, but I'll let him only because it's sweet. I watch him pick his clothes up from the floor and he pulls a clean pair of underwear from the pocket of his sweats that he was wearing. I laugh and he sticks his tongue out at me, so I snap his butt with my towel.
I quickly get into my clothes and brush my hair. I said screw the makeup and throw my hair into a messy bun. Zane walks out of the bathroom and heads to the kitchen to cook. Good thing we still have an hour before everyone gets here.
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