17-Hospitals yuck! Lucy's POV
Lizzie is sitting here rambling on and on about how unbelievable it is about Jamie and how she can't believe that Jamie is a lesbian and didn't tell her. I just want to look at her and shout who the fuck cares! Aunt Rita and Uncle Rick, aka mom and dad walk into the room right as Lizzie blurts out that Jamie's a lesbian and I want to slap her so hard. I love Lizzie and all but she just needs to let it be.
"What did you just say?" Aunt Rita snaps her head back at Lizzie with her brows furrowed.
"Oh um nothing really." Lizzie tries to shrug her moms question off.
"Lizzie? Again what did you say?" Aunt Rita asks again.
"Aunt Rita please just talk to Jamie and don't be angry." I say trying to smooth it over.
"So my daughters a lesbian and hasn't told us?" Aunt Rita asks.
"Please Aunt Rita, we all just found out too and it's really not that big of a deal as long as she is happy right?" I say.
"She's right. Let's focus on why we are here." Uncle Rick says and smiles at me. Aunt Rita shrugs in agreement and smiles at me too. "How are you feeling sweetheart?"
"Good. Not too much pain. It's good not to have an excruciating headache and being dizzy."
"Well that's good honey. Glad you are doing better." Uncle Rick says sitting down into the the seat next to the right side of my bed.
The doctor comes in and the room falls silent. "Well it looks like we are going to maybe discharge you later tonight or first thing in the morning. We just want to do a few more scans to make sure all is good and make sure you are healing. I spoke to the oncologist and he reviewed your case. He wants to go ahead and start you on the chemo pills and it will only be one time per day for 6 weeks."
"That's good news right?" I ask.
"Absolutely Lucy. You got really lucky." Dr. Green states. "The nurse will be in with your first pill. Do you just want us to fill your script here?"
"Yes please." I smile and he nods his head and walks out of the room.
"Well that's good news, isn't it?" Aunt Rita asks me.
"I think so! Oh I so can't wait to go home!" I shout a little too loud.
"Um we wanted to talk to you about that Lucy. Your uncle and I agree that you need to come home. We will hire a moving company and have your apartment packed up. Also we..."
I cut her off before she could finish. "I'm going home to my apartment and that's final."
"Well you lease has been terminated and we already have movers set to start tomorrow. You will need to let Zane know too. The movers will have your apartment empty by tomorrow evening."
"Like the hell you are doing any of this!" I shout. "This is my life now! I live here, Zane lives with me and I'm not coming home!"
"Lucy calm down. It's only temporary, until you are back on your feet and through with treatment and feeling better. Although the chemo pill has very little symptoms you will still need some help." Uncle Rick states.
"No! I have Zane. He will be there for me. He will help and take care of me."
"Lucy..." Aunt Rita sighs. "He's not stable himself. Do you really think he's the best thing for you right now?"
"As a matter of a fact I do. And if you don't like it then that's on you and you can leave."
"Don't take that tone with us Lucy." Uncle Rick says.
"I'm sorry but you two went behind my back without even asking me how I felt about it and you want to get mad at me for being mad at the decisions you took upon yourselves to make. I may have had my brain operated on but I'm fully capable of comprehending more than you know." I say angrily.
Aunt Rita takes out her phone and calls the moving company. She cancels the movers for tomorrow and then calls my landlord to let him know that I do not need out of my lease. She sighs as she slides her phone back into her pocket and looks at me with a defeated look.
"You're right Lucy. We should have talked to you about this first. We just want what's best." Aunt Rita says apologetically.
"It's fine." I keep it short.
At some point Lizzie walked out of the room, probably while we were fighting about me going home to Aunt Rita and Uncle Rick's. I didn't notice she was gone and when she comes back into the room.
"So uh where is Jamie?" Lizzie asks concerned. "I went to the waiting room and walked around up her to look for her. She's not even answering her phone." Lizzie leans out the door and looks down the hallway again trying to find Jamie. "Hey Serena!" She calls out.
"Hey Lizzie. What's up?" Serena asks.
"Where's Jamie?" Lizzie questions Serena.
"I thought she came back here. I told her I needed to finish somethings up and when I was in the sitting room straightening the magazines up, she said she was coming back to the room and that I'd better come say bye before I leave."
"She's not here and she didn't come back either. I called her phone and it rang twice and went to voicemail." Lizzie tells Serena.
"Oh boy. I wonder where she is." Serena takes her phone out of her pocket and dials Jamie's number. Rings once and voicemail.
Serena looks at Lizzie with questionable look on her face. Jamie would not do this unless she's upset about something.
"Did she at any point come back to the room while she was with you?" Lizzie asks Serena.
"No not at all."
"How long ago did she leave you to get your work done?" Lizzie questions further.
"Shortly after Zane had left." Serena looks down. "She saw her parents coming and hid under the desk until I told her they were gone."
"Did you see her walk back to the room?" Uncle Rick asks.
"No I'm really sorry. I was working and didn't pay much attention. I'm so so so so sorry." Serena apologizes.
"Maybe she's taking a walk, maybe she's just trying to figure some things out." I blurt out. "Let's give her some space." Everyone went quiet in the room and just stared at me like I had two heads. "What didn't anyone think of that before I did?"
"Well no?" Uncle Rick states.
"She's probably confused." I say. "Lizzie can you take me for a walk?"
"Sure!" She walks over to the side of the bed and helps me up. I swing my legs over the edge first and slide to the bare edge and Lizzie has me put my arm in hers as she pulls me to the standing position. We stand there for a minute to ensure I don't get dizzy and I start to take a few steps. "We will be back!" Lizzie grins from ear to ear as if I just asked her to do the most important thing in the world.
Serena walks past as we slowly walk the hallway. "Have Jamie text me once you find her." She smiles. "Have a good night and not to be mean when I say this but hopefully I don't see you here tomorrow." She winks and grabs her stuff from the desk as she walks off.
Lizzie and I continue down the hall and it feels amazing to be out of bed. Lizzie's quiet and you can tell she's thinking because every few seconds her lips curl.
"Do you think she's just taking a walk?" Lizzie asks.
"Probably. She just had a huge realization today. She's probably confused more so now than ever."
"Yeah you are right. I just have that feeling something is wrong. Like she's hurting or something. You know that twin intuition we get."
"Lizzie let's think positive. She's probably just thinking, the girl does that sometimes."
"Hey you need to slow down. Are you trying to run a marathon?"
"Hey I want out of here tonight! Let's walk down to the elevators and back."
We walked all the way to the elevators and then looped back toward my room and I decided I needed to do one more lap. So Lizzie and I set off for another lap around the seventh floor.
"So Jamie and I are looking at an apartment tomorrow here in town. It's about 3 blocks from yours."
"Really?!?!" I ask, excited.
"Yeah we decided it's time for a change and mom and dad said they will do what they did for you with the first and last months rent."
"Oh awesome! I'd be happy to have you guys living near me!"
"Really? I wasn't sure how you'd feel though."
"Lizzie why wouldn't I want you here?"
"I don't know. Just don't want intrude on everything going on in your life right now."
"It will be nice to have my sisters here." I smile and squeeze her arm a bit tighter.
Rounding by the elevators we hear them ding but pay no attention and continue back to my room. I hear a whistle like someone calling out a hot girl and then I hear hey girl nice ass. I immediately turn red and turn around and realize it's Zane and Paul.
"Um Lucy you're giving everyone a show, not that I'm complaining or anything." Zane winks at me and Lizzie jumps behind me to tie my gown.
After my gown is tied Zane takes me into his arms and hugs me tight. "God this fells good!" He says dipping his head to kiss me hard.
"Get a room you two!" Paul says and smiles at Lizzie.
"I admire these two." Lizzie says to Paul, because Zane and I no where near listening.
"They are pretty cute." Paul responds.
Zane pulls away from our kiss and traces my nose and taps the tip with his fingertip. Something about the look in his eyes that makes me weak. Good thing his arms are around me because I would have melted into the floor at that very moment.
"It's nice to see you out of bed." Zane says still holding me and he's holding me so tight I don't know if I'm standing on my own two feet.
"I'm hoping to go home tonight." I smile.
"Really? That's great!" He bends down and kisses me again. "I would love to be holding you in my arms tonight."
"And I would love to be in your arms tonight." I reach up on my tip toes to kiss him again.
Zane takes Lizzie's spot and puts his arm around me to help hold me up and walks me back to my room. He smells amazing and I notice he has bruising around his eye.
I stop walking. "Zane what the hell happened?" I reach up and rub the spot that was bruising.
"Oh um that. Well nothing really." He smiles hoping to get off easy.
"It's my fault. I walked in on Chris in bed with someone else and Zane defended me and pissed Chris off and Chris punched him." Paul explains winking at me. "Little brother to the rescue."
"Awe Zane that was nice to defend him but what the fuck? He slept with someone else?"
"Yeah but I'm over it. I don't want to discuss it anymore."
I nod accepting his request and we walk back to my room and Zane helps lower me back into bed. Paul and Zane say their hellos to Aunt Rita and Uncle Rick and we all go back to chit chatting.
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