Gabriel looked at the data sheets splayed out on the large desk before him. Sales have been dropping and at this rate, the company could be leaking thousands of dollars by the time he retires to London.
"Why now?" he muttered. "Why does it have to be now that we have to have struggles?" Moving the papers around did not help much, nor did the second glass of wine.
The sound of heels against the tiles alerted Gabriel, and he quickly hid the bottle of gin in his desk drawer. Nathalie would certainly scold him for drinking on the job. She entered the office just as he downed the last drops from his glass.
"Are you still trying to find the leak?" she asked, exasperated. Gabriel looked up, daring to glance into her tired eyes. She worked hours a day, often going into the late hours of the evening. He knew she needed a vacation, but when would a good time to spare her be?
"When's the last time you had a break, Nathalie?" The question caught her off-guard, as she shifted from foot to foot, smoothed her skirt, and adjusted and readjusted her spectacles.
"I don't need a break. I take care of myself. You, however..." Nathalie picked up the glass, holding it up to the light, finding one small red drop. She set it down and walked around his desk, putting her hands on his shoulders from behind in an embrace.
With one sniff, she found the acrid smell she was looking for and pulled back. "Gabriel! What has gotten into you? This is the third time I caught you drinking before five."
He gazed into her eyes, seeing the concern she held for him. Nathalie had been his rock, his anchor, the only thing keeping him from spiraling out of control in the sea. She was the lifeline that pulled him back to safety when he was drowning, bringing him back to reality. Without her, he'd be long gone to his sorrows and grief. She deserved the truth.
"Nathalie, there''re right. I haven't been making very good choices lately. But there's a reason. I just...can't say anything yet. I'm sorry. I still haven't even told Adrien, and I don't know when or how to tell him with the gala approaching in less than two weeks."
Nathalie's brow creased. It was so seldom that Gabriel Agreste revealed his vulnerable side, it mostly being with Emilie. She's seen him broken by grief, haunted by guilt, and stressed with the overload of running the fifth-largest fashion house in Paris. For Gabriel to be showing her this, allowing her to see him, meant that something was wrong. But if he won't tell her, how can she help him?
"I don't know what's going on, since you clearly are reluctant to tell me, and Adrien, but you know I'm always here and ready to listen. I told you that I'll be here when you're ready to talk about London. I know that you're hiding something regarding the reason why you're retiring so early there."
"I am. But I must keep my cards hidden until the time is right. I'm too busy waiting to see how things with Mlle. Dupain-Cheng and Adrien are to fold quite yet. They need to get together, he needs her to be his wife."
Nathalie placed her palms flat on his desk, leaning forward. "Why are you pushing them together? Why is it so important that he marries her, that Adrien gets married so soon? Why?"
"Because if they don't then the whole damn company is screwed!" He took the empty glass, rolling it around in his hands. "If I die and Adrien's not married, then the company goes to Amelie. Emilie made her sister successor to her share instead of her own son. Our son. I need the fashion house to stay out of Amelie's hands because you know that she and Felix have plans and will ruin everything." Gabriel squeezed the glass so hard it shattered, the shards cutting into his flesh. He barely noticed the pain as he watched the drops of blood roll down his fingers.
Nathalie carefully took his hands apart, laying them palms up before picking the sharp slivers out of her boss's hands. "You have time. He doesn't have to rush into a marriage right away. Why are you so concerned..." She looked up, complete and utter anguish pulling at her features. Gabriel refused to meet her gaze, his head lowered. Her hands fell limp at her sides. "Gabriel?" she whispered, desperately hoping that Gabriel's words didn't mean the worst.
But Gabriel Agreste always said what he meant.
"There's a doctor in London that I need to see soon." He stood up, grabbing some tissues to wipe the blood from his cuts. "I'm running out of time. What do I do once the New Year comes and Adrien's future isn't set in stone?"
Nathalie moved to give him a real hug, embracing him tightly. Slowly, Gabriel brought his hands up and placed them on her back. He rubbed up and down soothingly, the motion odd for a man who hadn't held a woman in years. She may not be Emilie, but Nathalie meant a lot to him. Perhaps enough that....he could be happy again.
"Now I understand shouldn't just push them together like this. It isn't right. You know that Emilie wouldn't approve."
Ah. The name meant so much to the man and managed to make him collect his thoughts and what he was saying or doing.
"She would want him to be happy and those two were happy when they were together. Even though I didn't approve of Marinette at the time."
Nathalie sighed. "What keeps getting in the way is the past. If we knew what caused them to hate each other in the first place, perhaps things could finally be cleared up. They'd be together and happy again."
Gabriel smiled genuinely. "I think we know what we have to do now."
"Genevieve? Camille?" Marinette walked into the design room, glancing at the empty tables and her wristwatch. She was only a few minutes early, so wouldn't they be there already, waiting?
"Oh, Marinette? Hello!" The said woman nearly jumped when Donald appeared from behind the alcove where he was looking at fabric samples. "The others aren't here yet. I was just looking around to see what I have to work with here."
Sensing her uneasiness, Donald walked over to the large glass table and pulled out two chairs, one for her and one for himself. "Here," he said, waiting until she was seated before speaking again. "I heard the pitch went well?"
Marinette relaxed, knowing that he was trying to break the tension. "Yes, it went far better than I expected. The whole board seemed to like the idea of a classy winter wonderland, so that's what we're doing."
The two continued to talk about what their game plan was going to be and what vibes they were getting fashion-wise about the theme. Marinette had the slideshow pulled up and ready when Genevie and Camille burst into the room.
"Marinette! I can't believe you actually did it!" Camille exclaimed, tossing her work bag onto the glass tabletop. Its contents spilled slightly out of the opening, but she didn't seem to notice, too excited about her new job.
"Well, I told you I'd ask!" she laughed. "I'm just glad that I can continue working with you girls."
"Same here," Genevie said, carefully placing her tote on a chair. "So what's the plan? And who's..." Her gaze fell on Donald.
"Oh, this is Donald Wilson. He's that American designer M. Agreste hired from the internships. We actually went to school together, but I didn't know him then."
"Nice t-to meet me,!" Camille stammered. Genevie and Marinette simultaneously rolled their eyes. At least Cam wasn't as bad as the models and Lila. Wouldn't that be something! Thank goodness Alya wasn't there to comment on how Marinette acted the same way around Adrien back in lycée.
"Oh my gosh. Now I know why the girls were always face-palming when I was around Adrien back in high school," Marinette whispered to Gen, who gave her a curious side-eye. "Don't always trust your crush."
"You as well. Marinette says you're good with couture?" This made Camille's cheeks turn pink, pleased to be spoken of with such praise. While the two did small talk, Marinette finished laying out all her papers on the table with the decoration collages and venue blueprints.
"Okay, so here's what we're going to do," she started. "We have ten days until the gala, an entire team of seamstresses and sewists, employees willing to help out with the physical setup, and a team to help us create the décor. This should be enough time to get everything done. Today and tomorrow, we will work on brainstorming and getting ideas for the line down. I only came up with half of them so far. Once that's done, we'll send the designs down so the seamstresses can begin making them. My goal is to have most of our hand-made decorations done by the end of the week. Adrien and I will be further discussing how the hall will be set up for the event. Does that make sense?"
Marinette studied their faces. Donald had a look of admiration, while Genevieve looked skeptical because...she brought up Adrien? Camille smiled encouragingly.
"Do you want us to begin to work on the designs, or should we work on the decorations?" Genevieve asked, observing the papers strewn across the table.
"Gen, I was hoping I could show you some of the crafts. Camille, you and Donald can work on the designs together. This way we're getting more done at once. You can use what I've got so far as a reference."
Not only did Marinette want Camille and Donald to work together and grow closer, but she had some things she needed to tell Genevieve. Mr. Agreste's threat still loomed in her mind like a dark oppressing cloud and perhaps Gen would be able to offer some input on what to do. At least she couldn't break up with her.
Marinette waited until the two got to work on the sketches before pulling Genevieve into another room. The woman still held a skeptical look, one that reminded Mari so much of Alya at times.
"We need to talk," Marinette whispered.
"Duh! I can practically see the nerves taking over your body! What's going on?"
Marinette took a few deep breaths and closed her eyes, trying to slow her racing pulse. Genevieve wouldn't tell anyone, right? Surely Marinette could trust her enough to keep a secret. Besides, who else could she tell? Alya would be inclined to try and force Marinette to quit her job or get together with Adrien for real.
"Gabriel threatened me," Marinette blurted. She studied her friend's face, watching as it turned from confusion to shock, to anger.
"He threatened you?!" she exclaimed. Marinette quickly shushed her, and Genevieve lowered her voice. "How? Don't tell me blackmail! If he blackmails me my life would be over!"
Marinette shook her head. "Kind of. It's an odd thing. He said that if I don't date Adrien and play nice, then I'll lose my job."
Genevieve blinked, not believing what she just heard. And then, to Marinette's utter confusion, she started to laugh. "No...way..."
"Gen! This isn't funny! What should I do?" Marinette scolded.
Genevieve put her arm on Marinette's shoulder. "You don't have to make up something so ridiculous to tell me you're in love with Adrien!" She was still chuckling.
"Wha–No! Gen, I'm serious! I could lose my job and my life will be over."
Before Marinette could say anything more, a loud bang sounded in the design room. "Where's Marinette?!" a familiar voice exclaimed.
The bluenette walked into the room, worried. "Adrien? Is everything okay?"
Adrien gave her a grave shake of his head. "You need to come see this."
The other three stared at them, their mouths agape in shock and wonder. Marinette met Donald's eyes before following Adrien Agreste out the door and into the elevator.
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