Eui sighed softly as Iseul slammed the door. No more words were said after Eui's command. She felt bad - guilty - but it had to be done.
Iseul was the energetic and more open woman, but she was strong and could always see past someone's lies. When they were teenagers, people always liked her more.
Eui was the outcast. She was quiet, but she was gullible and trusted people too easily. People took advantage of her too much.
Iseul protected Eui since they were in the seventh grade. Eui stuck by her like a leech. Iseul didn't mind. She trusted Eui because Eui wasn't the type to stab someone in the back.
Eui walked back into the bathroom and stared at Jimin as he softly flicked his tail upward. He noticed her and smiled softly at her, beckoning her toward him with his hand.
"What's wrong?" Eui asked.
He grabbed her hand and guided it to his tail. Eui smoothed her hand over his tail. It was slightly slimy, but the water was washing it away.
His tail was silver, but when it got hit with light, it would look like a rainbow. She loved how holographic his tail could be.
"What do you eat to survive?" Eui asked.
Jimin stared at her, opening his mouth repeatedly like a fish.
"Oh. I'll get a pen and paper."
Eui quickly ran out of the bathroom. She shuffled through her drawers for a pen and went through her printer for some paper. She soon returned to Jimin with a pen and paper in her hands.
She handed it to Jimin, who took it with shaking hands. They never wrote with a pen or paper under the sea. For fun, they could write in the sand or in the water with their tails, but it was always for fun - never because one of the merpeople lost their voices.
The ability to sing was everything to them. But now, Jimin couldn't even talk.
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