4 (5/9/21)
Krishima pov)
This morning I woke up to sunlight hitting my face and to my alarm going off, I swung my legs over by bed and stretched. I began to think about what had happened yesterday maybe I should have done something right then and there when I found out Bakugo was partly deaf, but I was tired from everything that had happened.
I looked over to Bakugo he was still sound asleep to my surprise, bakugou gave me the impression he wouldn't fall asleep anywhere and probably would be guarded all night and day, Maybe he was settling in faster then I thought.
I got off my bed and walked to my red curtain it was brighter then my hair, I love the color red! I opened my curtain letting sunlight fill the once dark room.
I heard a sudden growl, I turned my head to see where the growl came from and my eyes landed on bakugou "morning bakubro!" He rolled his eyes "the hell is a bakubro shitty hair?" "Hey my hair is manly! And it's a nickname I gave you" Bakugo fins stood straight and he began to growl "WHO SAID YOU COULD GIVE ME A NICKNAME SHITTY HAIR!!!!" I covered my ears, I wonder what type of mer bakubro is he can shout pretty loud. I laughed and walked away grabbing my uniform and getting changed "OI DON'T UNDRESS!!!!" I looked at him confused "why? were both men the only difference is you have a tail and I have legs" I could see a pink tint forming on bakubro face "it's weird go change somewhere else!" I rolled my eyes and grabbed my uniform, I walked to the bathroom and changed I walked out and grabbed Bakugos' tank. I began to roll him out of the room and to the car.
"OI! WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME!?!!" I smiled as his angry face got closer to mine "to the rehabilitation center! You were brought there yesterday, you will go to work with me so you can still be social and so we can do check ups"
He growled and his fins went back to standing up "if I go and feel threatened in any way I'm ATTACKING YOU!" I nodded and loaded him up in the back of the truck every time there was a bump it earned me some cuss words.
Once we made it to the center i rolled him in, Todoroki ended up holding the tank steady as I grabbed bakugou
"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU CARRYING ME!?" Bakugo began to hit me on my chest it felt like a good smack but nothing to make me drop him. I gently eased him into the water, as soon as he was fully in he hissed and dived under I watched as he went and hid in a bundle of seaweed. I hope he is not anti social it would make it harder to rehabilitate and release if he wanted to go back to the ocean.
"Thanks Todoroki, where's Midoria?"
He pointed to the tank Bakugo was released into moments ago. "Who else is in the tank?" Todoroki paused then answered "sero, Mina, Midoria and denki"
I nodded taking note denki might get on Bakubro nerves I don't think Mina or sero will be to much of a problem for bakubro either but as for Midoria I'm not sure how that's gonna go.
"We need to go ask Aizawa what needs to be looked at
For Midoria and Bakugo" Todoroki said flatly I nodded and Me and Todoroki left.
Bakugo pov)
Now that I have a hiding spot I shouldn't be bothered by anyone, that's what I thought till "KACCHAN!!" I was slammed into the wall by "DEKU!? GET OFF OR TODAY WILL BE THE DAY YOU DIE!!!!!" I shouted at him and felt my fins stand straight, I pushed him off
"kacchan I was so worried last night since this was the first time ,We ever really been separated I mean I guess if we count all the times you ran and hid away from me and I ended up finding you again only to make you more angry and you to chase me off with threats and ever since the poaching incident not even then we're we separated I can't believe we were stuck there like that for so many days I guess it was really my fault though when you tried to save me it only got you captured to-"
"SHUT UP DEKU!!!!!" I shouted grabbing his throat and speeding away, I zoomed by anything in my way slamming the nerd into the wall he coughed and winced in pain.
"DIE DEKU!!!" I felt satisfied so I began to swim away but I was tackled again "THE FUCK!?" I turned my head and a new mer was now on top of me he had yellow hair and a black bolt accenting his hair "whoa chill out no reason to hurt the guy!" I growled flaring my fins I reached my arm around and grabbed the new guys face throwing him over my shoulder and slamming him into the wall as well. Electric bolts sparked around him, his face gave a stupid expression.
"D-denki are you okay?!" I rolled my eyes "weaklings" I swam away back into my hiding spot "hopefully that was a good enough warning!"
Todoroki pov)
"Hey~ Todoroki wake up" I heard this same line maybe (5) times now, I opened my eyes and little sunshine shown through my white curtain. I turned over and looked at Midoria he was smiling "morning todoroki!" "Morning..."
I said as I sat up and swung my legs over my bed, I slowly standed stretching my stiff body "hey Todoroki what is that weird thingy that kept ringing and wouldn't stop?" What is he talking about?..... oh my alarm must of been going off and woke him up.
" us humans use this ringing sound to wake us up at a certain time so we don't miss anything important....sorry did it wake you up?" He shook his head no " it didn't wake me it only startled me, I was up before it started to go off"
Why was he up before the alarm? Bad dream maybe?
" why were you up so early? Is something bothering you?" He once again shook his head no "I woke up because I'm hungry!" Oh I should go get him food then "what are you hungry for?" He paused " do you have any kelp or seaweed?" "I'll go check" I walked out of the bed room and headed to the kitchen, the last mer I had before they were released really liked kelp and seaweed so I should have some left over?
I rummaged through the freezer then the fridge and finally found some fresh kelp in a ziplock bag, I grabbed it and walked back to Midoria I handed him the opened bag and he began to munch down. As he was eating I grabbed my uniform and went to the bathroom and changed. I walked out and started to wheel Midoria out of the apartment "where we going Todoroki?" "We're going back to the center, you were brought there yesterday, while I work with the mers and animals in the aquarium show you will get socialize with other mers" he nodded "is kachan gonna be there?" I nodded Midoria smiled, I loaded him up and we took off, while on the way to the center Midoria started to chat and we talked the hole way there. I ended up learning about their incident with the poachers, I guess Bakugo was trying to save Midoria but ended up getting hurt and caught in the process. Hopefully they will be happy here.
(Omg I had to re write this hole thing because my internet sucks and didn't sync with wattapad I'm so frustrated but I hope you enjoyed)
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