Chapter 4
"Merlin, Lady Dawn. How delightful it is to see you again." The King says as we walk into the room. I smile at him and say a small hello. "You look lovely." Arthur takes my hand and kisses it. "Thank you."
"So Lady Dawn. What is Prybourne like?" The king, Uther I believe his name is, asks once we sit down. "It is nice I guess. It gets hot in the summer but gets cold in the winter. But in autumn it is beautiful." I smile thinking back to New York. New York is where I was born and raised. I shall forever love it. "Maybe I could visit sometime." I laugh, mostly because he won't be alive then. "I think that it will be too far of a travel for you. It would be dangerous for a king to leave their kingdom for so long." I look up at him to see he is confused. "How long have you been traveling?" I look at my plate.
"Around two years." I could feel that everyone stopped. I continue to look at my plate and push food around. "Where are you heading?"
"Just away. I don't really have anything there anymore. My mother died during child birth and my father was accused of murder when I was young. I stayed with someone that worked where I lived. I have no other family and not many friends since the home where I stayed was away from civilization. Once I was able to leave I left. But traveling is fun. I meet so many people and see amazing things." I look back up to meet their eyes. The king and Arthur give me sympathetic smile to which I smile back. But Merlin who is next to me grabs the hand that was under the table and rubs his thumb on it. I smile at him and his hand a squeeze.
"So what interesting things have you done today Arthur?" I ask breaking the silence. "Oh well I trained with some Knights but mostly I was with.... a friend." I look at Merlin in confusing. Merlin winks at me. So Arthur has a girlfriend. "Interesting indeed." The rest of the dinner went smoothly we laughed and joke. Once dessert came out Arthur asked, "How long will you be staying in Camelot?" I hadn't really thought about that. How long until I go back home to my time. "I honestly don't know. I haven't really thought about it. I don't even have a place to stay so I assume I will leave tonight." I say saddened. I don't really want to leave. Arthur goes to open his mouth when Merlin beats him to it. "You could stay with me and Guis. He would be fine with it I'm sure. That is if you would like to?" I smile. "I would love to!" We continue to talk for a little while longer until we are all finished.
"It was lovely to meet you officially Lady Dawn. I hope you enjoy your stay here in Camelot." The king gets out of his chair and leaves. "I shall be heading off as well. Merlin, take tomorrow off and show Lady Dawn around." We both give Arthur a look of shock. Arthur pulls Merlin close and whispers. Merlin goes red and whispers something back causing Arthur to go red. They both laugh and pat each other's shoulders. "Farewell." He says and walks out.
"What did he say?" I ask Merlin as we leave. Merlin just laughs and shakes his head. "You too must be close."
"As much as I hate him, He's my best friend." I nod. "So, How long do plan on staying now that you have a place to stay?" He asks standing next to me. "As long as you'll have me. It's nice to have a friend and someone to talk to. I haven't had that in a long time. So I would love to stay for a long time." I smile at him and he smiles back at me.
Time Skip
"Dawn..... Dawn!" I woke up to Merlin shaking me. "What in devil's name do you want?!" I question opening my eyes. I open them to see Merlin is once again an inch above my head. I feel my heart speed up. " Good morning. " I say mimicking yesterday. "Good morning." He giggles.
"So Dawn, are you ready for your walk around Camelot?" He asked putting on his scarf. I nod and go to get changed.
Once I'm in a purple shirt on and black pants I walk out. "You're wearing pants?"
"I prefer pants. Dresses are too much." He nods still confused but oh well he has to deal with it.
"And this is my favorite place in the whole world." He says and walks me up to a tree. "Not to be rude but why?"
He just smiled and shrugged. "It just is." I smiled.
He lays down and next for me to lay down next to him. I lay down and look up. I see flowers. Blue flowers on vines hanging down.
"I can see why this is your favorite place." He only hums in response. I close my eyes and take in my surroundings. We sit in silence but not an awkward one. It's nice. Relaxing even.
"Can I tell you something?" I open my eyes and look at him. I nod.
"Dawn, I don't know why but over the past two days I have come to trust you more than some people I have known my whole life." I smile at his words. "And since I know that you are okay with magic, I have something to confess." My eyes brows raised and my head tilted. "I am a warlock."
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