21. murtasimbakri - matchmaker extraordinaire
A/N: I had so much fun reading through your reactions to the last chapter, I am glad y'all liked it as much as you did. Nothing makes me happier than seeing the full u-turn we've made for Murtasim! We check in with Murtasimbakri this chapter, it's a fun one, I hope y'all enjoy it!
Murtasimbakri was on a mission. The night was cool, the stars twinkled like scattered jewels in the sky, but her mind was fixed on something far more pressing. She had evaded the vigilant eyes of the one she dubbed Confused Aatma and had deftly made her way into Human Mom's room. It was a daring feat, but considering Confused Aatma was busy assisting the injured Bipolar Lawman, she had succeeded in her mission.
Life had taken a peculiar turn since her name had changed from Murtasimbakri to Rangeeli. She reminisced about the days when she was the queen of the Haveli and the village, roaming with an air of authority and grace, allowed to go wherever she wished. But now, confined to the cozy yet limiting boundaries of the backyard house Human Dad had lovingly constructed for her, she yearned for more. It was a quaint place, with the finest grass and a sense of privacy, yet it lacked the grandeur and warmth she once knew...and it lacked the thing she loved most of all.
Murtasimbakri was no ordinary goat. Spoiled by the affections of Human Dad, she had developed a peculiar addiction – an undying fascination for television. This mysterious flat box was a portal to myriad worlds, a window into the dramas of countless lives, and she couldn't resist its allure.
On this particular night, as she nestled quietly in the shadows of Human Mom's room, her eyes were glued to the flat screen. The movie playing was a tale of lost love and despair, a human man losing his beloved to another due to his own stupidity and succumbing to the depths of sorrow. He drowned his misery in a strange brown liquid, stumbled through life, and seemed on the brink of destruction. There was a beautiful woman by his side, yet his heart ached for the one he called Paro.
Murtasimbakri watched intently, her head tilted in contemplation. As the human man on the television wallowed in his heartbreak, she couldn't help but draw parallels to her own impending household tragedy. The thought of Human Dad turning into a replica of this desolate figure was more than her goat-heart could bear. She liked Human Dad best when he smiled and laughed, which was a rarity when Human Mom wasn't by his side...and it seemed that would be the case going forward.
Next week would herald the marriage of Human Mom to the Golden Retriever Man, as far as Murtasimbakri knew. The very idea filled her with an indescribable sorrow. She envisioned Human Dad, forlorn and lost, much like the man on the screen, perhaps even secretly nursing his sorrows with the mysterious brown liquid. She had never seen this potion in the Haveli, but a man of Human Dad's stature surely had access to such misery-mitigating concoctions.
In her mind's eye, she saw Human Dad wasting away, a shadow of his former self, abandoned and desolate without Human Mom. The scenario was unbearably tragic. Murtasimbakri let out a series of sorrowful bleats, much quieter than she wanted them to be. She couldn't risk being caught by Confused Aatma, who would promptly evict her from her coveted spot in front of the television.
As her bleats echoed softly in the quiet room, Murtasimbakri's thoughts turned to the village and Human Friend. Oh, how she missed those simpler times! Back then, love and happiness seemed so easy, so attainable. But everything was topsy-turvy since the divorce, she thought her human parents were sharing custody but Human Dad had been missing of late.
Human Mom was about to marry someone else, Human Dad was on the brink of a dramatic decline, and here she was, a mere goat, caught in the whirlwind of human drama too burdensome for her petite body. The world, Murtasimbakri lamented, was full of pyaar ke dushman. Why couldn't everyone just be happy and in love like in the old days? She wanted to run around the haveli and catch the loving looks exchanged between Human Mom and Human Dad. Human Dad had stood behind pillars or just outside doors, watching Human Mom like she was the very air that kept him alive, and she had been no different. When Human Dad wasn't around, all Human Mom ever talked about was Murtasim, Murtasim this, Murtasim that, but she didn't even say his name these days.
Would those times ever come back?
Murtasimbakri, deeply engrossed in her own contemplative world, was jolted back to reality by the sound of footsteps. Her ears perked up in alarm. Was this the end of her nightly television escapades? Her heart pounded in anticipation as the door creaked open, a sliver of light cutting through the darkness.
Tensing her muscles, she prepared for a hasty retreat and the yells of Confused Aatma. Her mind raced – should she dart under the bed or make a beeline for the window? But then, the intruder's identity became clear. Relief washed over her as she recognized Human Mom. It wasn't Confused Aatma coming to ruin her fun after all!
Human Mom stepped into the room, her presence like a calming balm. She locked the door securely behind her, the room became a private sanctuary. Murtasimbakri, excited to greet her beloved Human Mom, leaped off the couch. Her hooves hit the ground with a soft thud, and she trotted forward, eager to nuzzle Human Mom's legs in her usual affectionate manner.
But then, she stopped dead in her tracks. An unmistakable scent wafted through the air – the scent of Human Dad! It was a distinct blend of masculinity and something indefinable that Murtasimbakri had come to associate exclusively with him. Intrigued and slightly confused, she circled Human Mom, her nose twitching as she inhaled deeply.
Yes, there was no mistaking it – the scent was undeniably Human Dad's.
But how? Why? Human Mom hadn't smelled like Human Dad in ages! A million questions buzzed in Murtasimbakri's mind.
She sniffed around Human Mom, her senses heightened, trying to piece together the puzzle. Had Human Mom been with Human Dad? The thought sent a ripple of excitement through her. Perhaps things were not as bleak as they seemed!
Murtasimbakri's eyes shone in the dim light, her gaze fixed on Human Mom. What secrets did she hold? What had transpired between her and Human Dad? WERE THEY GETTING BACK TOGETHER?! WOULD SHE STOP BEING A CHILD OF DIVORCED HUMAN PARENTS?!
The moment Human Mom flicked on the lamp, Murtasimbakri's world transformed from a shadowy mystery into a stage of dramatic revelations. She let out an excited bleat, her eyes almost popping out of her head. There it was – Human Dad's shawl draped around Human Mom, a fabric feast of the highest order! The shawl, known far and wide (or at least in her mind) for its unparalleled chewability, was now within her reach.
Murtasimbakri paced back and forth, her mind a whirlwind of questions. What did this mean? Were Human Mom and Human Dad getting un-divorced? Had they met, licked each other, and exchanged those magical three words that always seemed to fix everything in the human world according to the television? Her goat heart fluttered with hope and excitement – were the horrible days coming to an end?
She bleated at Human Mom, her sounds a mixture of inquiry and urgency. She needed answers, and Human Mom was the key. Human Mom, who always seemed to understand her better than Human Dad did, must surely have the explanations she so desperately sought.
But instead of a grand revelation, Human Mom simply stroked Murtasimbakri gently in greeting, then walked towards the balcony doors. As the doors unlocked and Human Mom stepped out onto the balcony, Murtasimbakri's heart skipped a beat. Human Mom leaned over the railing, gazing into the dark abyss below.
Murtasimbakri's imagination, fueled by countless hours of dramatic television, went into overdrive. Was Human Mom contemplating a leap of despair? She had seen it all too often in the soap operas – the heartbroken human, driven by loss and sorrow, teetering on the edge of forever to their death. No, no, no! This couldn't be happening. Not to her Human Mom, who still had to partake in a grand un-divorce ceremony with Human Dad and give her human siblings to look after!
With a sense of urgency, Murtasimbakri sprang into action. She dashed onto the balcony, bleating like an alarm siren. Her teeth clamped onto the shawl, tugging with all her might to pull Human Mom back from the brink. "Don't do it, Human Mom!" she seemed to cry out. "Think of all the things we've yet to do!"
Human Mom turned, a hush falling over her lips. "Shhhh, Rangeeli, please. You're going to wake up the whole house," she whispered, bending down to pet her. "Shhhhhhh."
Murtasimbakri snapped her teeth in annoyance. Rangeeli? Rangeeli?! How many times did she have to express her disdain for that name? She was Murtasimbakri, the goat of many adventures, the watcher of dramas, the connoisseur of fine shawls!
Human Mom, however, seemed inattentive and went back to peering over the railing. Murtasimbakri, her heart pounding with panic, was just about to tug Human Mom back from the railing with another heroic pull on the shawl when her sensitive ears perked up. The unmistakable sound of someone clambering reached her. She bolted to the railing, her head weaving through the columns with the agility of a seasoned peeker.
There he was! Human Dad! In all his heroic glory, scaling the pipe like a knight in a modern-day fairytale. Murtasimbakri let out a bleat so jubilant, it could have woken up the entire neighborhood.
"OH, THE DRAMA!" she wanted to scream. This was it! The scene she had seen a thousand times on the flat box of wonders – the human man climbing to his love! Human Dad was about to profess his undying love to Human Mom, and they would lick each other, and then...oh, then they would live happily ever after!
Her goat heart was a drumline of joy. She couldn't help but bounce around in giddy circles, each jump higher than the last. Her little hooves tapped a rhythm of unbridled happiness on the balcony floor.
"Shhhh," Human Mom hissed again, a note of urgency in her voice.
But how could Murtasimbakri possibly contain herself at a moment like this? Her parents, the stars of her very own live-action drama, were reuniting right before her very eyes!
She continued her jubilant jumping, her heart bursting with joy, bleating in a crescendo of excitement. In her mind, she was already planning the grand celebration. There would be lots of hay, some of Human Dad's delicious shoes to chew on, and, of course, an endless amount of love to go around.
Human Dad, with the agility of a cat (a creature Murtasimbakri did not care for, but respected in this instance), swung his legs over the railing. Human Mom emitted little nervous chirps, her voice fluttering like a butterfly in a breeze, urging him to be careful.
Murtasimbakri, now the epitome of a hyperactive cheerleader, bounced around them as Human Dad's feet finally found solid ground on the terrace. "He's sneaking into Human Mom's room! This is better than the finale of any show she had watched!" she wanted to bleat out loud.
Her heart was a symphony of joy – no more being the kid of a broken home! She was ready for the grand reconciliation, the epic moment of love's triumph. She could almost hear the dramatic music swell in the background.
"They're going to declare their love! There will be licking! It will be like every romantic scene I've ever chewed a curtain over!" she thought ecstatically.
But, oh the confusion! Instead of the anticipated romantic embrace, both Human Mom and Human Dad were on a 'shushing' spree, trying to contain her enthusiasm with gentle yet firm holds.
"Why aren't they doing the lovey-dovey human thing?!" Murtasimbakri pondered in frustration. "Don't they know how this is supposed to go?"
"What's wrong with her?" Human Dad asked, his tone a mixture of amusement and bewilderment.
"Wrong? WRONG? I am a goat of culture and emotion!" she wanted to bleat indignantly. In a fit of impatience, she headbutted them towards each other – a little nudge towards their inevitable romantic destiny.
"Why must I, a mere goat, orchestrate this love reunion?" she thought, her bleats taking on a tone of exasperated affection.
Murtasimbakri, her heart still bursting with euphoria, pranced around, her every leap a plea – "Embrace! Declare! Lick!" She couldn't fathom why her humans needed so much prodding to do what came so naturally in every drama she had ever watched. But oh, she would guide them, for she was Murtasimbakri – matchmaker extraordinaire!
"I think she's just happy to see you," Human Mom said, a giggle escaping her lips, a sound that danced in the night like a joyful whisper.
Murtasimbakri's gaze darted towards Human Mom, she rarely giggled anymore, but there it was. "A giggle! A beacon of hope!" she thought, her goat heart swelling with joy.
Her eyes, wide as saucers, observed the unfolding scene. Human Dad, lifting her with his strong arms, whispered for quiet, his fingers working magic behind her ears as he carried her in his arms. She wanted to protest – "But I am the voice of reason here!" – yet, she found herself melting into the comfort of his touch, she had missed him!
As they moved into the room, she was placed on the sofa again, and her frustration mounted. The humans stood there, awkward as two left-footed dancers, their gazes shifting from each other to the room, clearly missing the script – they had forgotten their lines!
"I haven't been in your room before," Human Dad remarked, his voice filled with nervousness.
Murtasimbakri rolled her eyes. "Really, Human Dad? That's your grand romantic line?" She almost wanted to bleat out a script for him. "Say 'I love you', not a commentary on interior decor!"
The peril of the situation struck her – what if Golden Retriever Man swooped in with the right words first? The stakes were high, and these humans were fumbling!
"Oh- yeah...sorry I haven't cleaned it..." Human Mom responded.
Murtasimbakri let out an incredulous bleat. "Liar! Not cleaned? She cleaned when she was nervous, and she had been cleaning all day!"
"It looks really clean...nice..." Human Dad added, his voice trailing off.
"Are we really doing this? Discussing room cleanliness at a time like this?" Murtasimbakri thought, her frustration bubbling over. "We need declarations of love, not housekeeping reviews!"
Driven to the brink of her patience, she began headbutting the sofa arm, each thud a silent scream for action. "Why, oh why, can't you be like the humans in the dramas I watch? Just lick each other and make up already!"
Murtasimbakri's bleats filled the room, a chorus of urgency, imploring them to seize the moment. Her little goat heart couldn't take much more of this suspense – would they, wouldn't they? The drama was too much, even for a goat of her theatrical caliber!
"I – uh – are you sleepy?" Human Dad stammered, his voice awkward.
"Haan..." Human Mom replied, her gaze drifting towards the bed.
"Nahi!" She exclaimed suddenly, as if startled by her own thoughts.
Murtasimbakri tilted her head in confusion. "Is Human Mom okay? Why the sudden change of heart?"
Both her humans seemed to be in a silent standoff with the room itself, their gazes darting around as if seeking an escape route from their own emotions. Then, with a heavy sigh, Human Mom settled onto the bed, patting the space beside her. Human Dad, looking as if he'd won the biggest bale of hay, gingerly sat down next to her.
Murtasimbakri's eyes widened to the size of saucers. "Oh, the plot thickens! Are they going to do...the thing? The thing I've seen on those late-night dramas? I'm too young and innocent for this!"
She buried her head in the sofa cushion, her heart racing. "I shouldn't peek... but oh, the curiosity!"
Sneaking a glance, she saw them sitting in silence, their sides pressed together like two pieces of a puzzle. Human Dad, in a move of pure cinematic romance, lifted Human Mom's hand to his lips, touching it gently with his lips.
Murtasimbakri's excitement bubbled over, and she bleated, prancing on the sofa. "Yes, yes, that's it! More of that, please!"
Then came the moment she had been waiting for – Human Dad's voice, low and filled with emotion, said, "I love you."
Murtasimbakri could hardly contain herself. She hopped on the sofa, her eyes sparkling with glee. "Now, your turn, Human Mom! Say it back! Say the words!"
But to her bewilderment, Human Mom simply leaned her head against his shoulder, silent, their hands intertwined in a silent conversation of their own.
Murtasimbakri bleated in frustration. "Why aren't you saying it back? Don't leave him hanging! This is your moment!"
Human Dad sighed heavily after a minute, a sound filled with longing and uncertainty. "Kuch nahi kahoge?" he asked, his voice a tender caress in the silence of the room.
Human Mom shifted, her gaze lifting to meet his. "I am still processing," she whispered, a soft confession that seemed to hang in the air.
"Processing what?" Murtasimbakri wanted to bleat out loud. What was there to process when love was right in front of you!
He nodded, his voice gentle, "Take your time."
Murtasimbakri nearly tumbled off the couch in her excitement as Human Dad cupped Human Mom's face with one hand. Human Mom nuzzled into his touch, her eyes fluttering closed. "This is it!" thought Murtasimbakri. "The big moment! Cue the background music, and let the licking commence!"
But, oh, the disappointment!
Instead of a passionate lip-lock, Human Dad pressed his lips to Human Mom's forehead. "Amateur move, Human Dad! Have you learned nothing from our television binges?" Murtasimbakri bleated in frustration, she had watched so much television in his study, he should have picked up a thing or two!
There was an electric tension in the air as Human Dad slid onto the floor by the bed, whispering a soft "sleep" to Human Mom. She lay down, and he rested his head on the edge of the bed while he sat facing the bed, their faces so close, yet so far.
The room was silent, filled with unsaid words and emotions as they stared at each other. Then, Human Mom reached out, her hand hesitating only for a moment as if she wasn't sure she was allowed to, but then her fingers tenderly brushed through Human Dad's hair, pushing it away from his forehead. "I've wanted to do this for so long," she murmured, her voice heavy with unshed tears.
Sobs wracked Human Mom's body, her tears falling freely. Human Dad, in a show of deep empathy, wiped them away, his own eyes glistening with moisture.
"I am sorry," he said, his voice barely audible. And then, the words Murtasimbakri had been longing for him to tell Human Mom for what felt like an eternity slipped out, "I missed you."
Murtasimbakri couldn't help herself. She was crying and bleating again, overcome with emotion. She too had missed them. She was perhaps a little too enthusiastic with her bleating, and drew the shushing of her human parents.
Then, a knock at the door sent them into a frenzy. Her goat eyes darted between the door and her parents, noting their expressions of sheer horror.
Confused Aatma's voice filtered through the door, "Meerab, I told you to keep the bakri outside, she's so noisy."
Murtasimbakri bleated angrily through the door to Confused Aatma. "The bakri has a name, thank you very much!"
Human Mom leaped off the bed like a cat startled by water, hurrying to the door but not daring to open it. "I – uh - sorry, I'll take her out," she stammered, her voice a mix of panic and pretend calmness.
The doorknob rattled as Confused Aatma pressed on. "Beta, darwaza kholo, I'll take her out, it's dark, tumhe darr lagta hai."
Human Mom's eyes widened even further, a silent scream of 'Oh no!' She turned to Human Dad, who had risen from his floor perch, his eyes scanning the room like a secret agent.
"Hide!" Human Mom hissed under her breath, urgency lacing her voice.
"Meerab, everything okay?" Confused Aatma's voice grew more insistent, laced with curiosity and concern.
"Where?" Human Dad's query was almost comical in its desperation.
Murtasimbakri watched in bated breath as Human Mom, in a display of quick thinking, pushed Human Dad towards the closet, her hands on his chest, pushing him backwards, causing him to almost trip over his feet. It was like a thrilling chase scene, minus the actual chase.
"Meerab! Koi hai andar?" Confused Aatma's voice was now filled with suspicion.
Human Mom's whisper was barely audible, a panicked "Murtasim."
Human Dad cupped her face, his voice a calm anchor in the storm of their panic. "Breathe, I'll hide in here, but even if she finds us, we'll deal with it, okay?"
Murtasimbakri, from her vantage point on the sofa, couldn't believe the theatrics unfolding before her very eyes. Her humans were hiding like the heroes and heroines of the movies she adored. This was better than television! This was real life drama, and she had the best seat in the house!
Human Mom, with a shaky nod, gently closed the closet door, trapping Human Dad within its dark confines. "Coming!" she called out as a knock sounded again, her voice wavering as she scurried towards the door, fumbling with the handle.
Murtasimbakri's heart raced with excitement, her mind buzzing with questions. What would happen next? Would Confused Aatma discover Human Dad? Would Human Mom be able to concoct a believable story? The suspense was almost too much for a little goat to bear!
The door swung open, and in stepped Confused Aatma, living up to her name with her perpetually puzzled expression. She paused abruptly, her nose twitching as if picking up a scent – the room smelled like the best mix of Human Mom and Human Dad, even someone as confused as her had to notice it!
Murtasimbakri watched, her heart hammering in her chest, as Confused Aatma's gaze roamed the room. "Why did you take so long?" She asked, her tone laced with curiosity, eyes scanning the surroundings, briefly landing on the shawl strewn across the bed.
It was unmistakably Human Dad's shawl.
Murtasimbakri held her breath, almost expecting Confused Aatma to connect the dots.
But to Murtasimbakri's amazement, Confused Aatma seemed oblivious to the significance of the shawl – how had she survived in the world so long with her lack of perception, Murtasimbakri knew not.
Instead, her gaze fixed on Murtasimbakri with a disapproving frown. "Stop spoiling that bakri, please. Your baba is trying to sleep," she scolded.
Murtasimbakri felt a surge of indignation. Of all the people in the house, Confused Aatma was the one she liked the least. The nerve of her to call her a bakri like it was a bad word.
Human Mom, meanwhile, looked like a deer caught in headlights, nodding meekly in agreement, her eyes flickering towards the closet, her hands trembling ever so slightly. It was as if her entire being was screaming 'Please don't find Human Dad'.
The room was a whirlwind of emotions and confusion, and in the midst of it all, Murtasimbakri had a moment of sheer brilliance. A lightbulb moment! She remembered a scene from a movie she had watched just last week – when a human couple got caught together, the other humans around them got them married. Of course! That was what needed to happen here!
Excitement coursed through her as she realized the perfect solution was right at her hooves. She just knew more about human love stories than her own humans did. And Murtasimbakri was on a mission to reunite them, so she had to do something!
With a determined bleat, she seized the moment. She grabbed the hem of Confused Aatma's suit in her teeth, tugging with all her might. "What are you doing?!" Confused Aatma screeched, trying to wrestle her clothing free from Murtasimbakri's persistent grip, her feet digging into the floor like roots.
But Murtasimbakri was a goat with a goal, and she was not one to give up easily. She heaved and tugged, her strength surprising even herself. She needed to get Confused Aatma to the closet. She needed her to see Human Dad. This was it, her chance to play Cupid!
With every pull, she dragged Confused Aatma inch by inch towards the closet. The scene was nothing short of comical – a bewildered human being towed by a determined goat. If only her humans could see the lengths Murtasimbakri was going to, to fix their love story!
In her mind, Murtasimbakri was already picturing the wedding. There would be flowers, lots of delicious human food (which she, of course, planned to sample), and her humans finally being happy together. She just needed to get that closet door open. Just a little more...
Murtasimbakri pushed against the door with her goatly rear, her hooves slipping a little on the smooth floor. She knew this closet door intimately – it was the gateway to her secret shoe-chewing paradise. But to her shock and goatly dismay, the door stubbornly refused to open. It seemed Human Dad was on the other side, thwarting her mission!
"Rangeeli, stop!" Human Mom's voice rang out as she scooped up Murtasimbakri, obstructing the closet's view. Murtasimbakri bleated in protest, her plan foiled, as the hem of the suit slipped from her teeth. She turned her gaze towards Confused Aatma, bleating desperately, as if to say, "Look in the closet! There's a big handsome surprise waiting!"
Confused Aatma's face contorted into its namesake expression. "Is there something in the closet?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued by Murtasimbakri's insistent bleating.
Murtasimbakri bleated a resounding yes, her eyes pleading for her to discover the secret.
"Mur – " Human Mom started and then coughed, "Murtasimbakri wants to chew on shoes, I put them away earlier, she's trying to get you to get them." Human Mom laughed nervously.
Murtasimbakri, feeling like the heroine of a tragic play, turned to Human Mom, bleating in frustration. Liar! This was about so much more than chewing on shoes! This was about love, about destiny!
"Mama, you should go sleep, she's worked up," Human Mom interjected, blocking Confused Aatma's view of the closet. "I'll put her to sleep and take her out myself, don't worry," she continued, her voice quivering with a nervous laugh.
Confused Aatma's gaze shifted between the closet and Human Mom, her suspicion palpable. But, after a moment of hesitation, she finally left, oblivious to the drama she had almost uncovered.
Murtasimbakri couldn't believe it. That idiot! She needed to find another way to bring her humans back together – Confused Aatma was no help.
The moment was charged with an electric mix of tension and relief as Human Mom rushed to lock the door, pressing her back against it with a heavy sigh of relief. Then, out popped Human Dad from the closet, like a mischievous character from one of Murtasimbakri's beloved shows.
Their eyes met, and for a brief moment, there was a silent understanding between her humans. Then, as if on cue, they both burst into a hushed, stifled laughter. It was a laugh that held within it months of pent-up emotions, a shared relief that the night's escapade hadn't ended in disaster.
"Shhhh," they whispered almost in unison, their fingers pressed against their lips, trying to tell the other to quiten, but their eyes dancing with mirth. It was a conspiratorial, intimate moment that Murtasimbakri couldn't help but feel a part of. It had been an eternity since she had witnessed such joy and camaraderie between her human parents, it warmed her goat heart.
Human Dad, still chuckling, gently took Murtasimbakri from Human Mom's arms, lifting her up high in the air and staring up at her. "What are you trying to do, huh?" he asked her, his tone playful yet filled with mock exasperation.
Murtasimbakri bleated back, a lengthy, impassioned speech in goat language. It was her telling him off for his slow romantic progress, her bleats practically translating to, "I'm trying to speed things up since you clearly have no game!"
The bleating-talking match between Murtasimbakri and Human Dad was a sight to behold. Murtasimbakri, animated and determined, bleated her heart out, while Human Dad playfully scolded her for being a 'bad goat'. But in her heart, Murtasimbakri knew she was just doing her best to help him, since he clearly needed all the assistance he could get in the romance department.
Human Mom seemed to not care that he had no game because she looked at him with a fond smile, like he had hung the stars in the sky...the way she always looked at him. But Murtasimbakri couldn't help but notice the exhaustion etched on Human Mom's face. It had been a long, eventful day, and the weariness was evident in her gentle smile and drooping eyelids.
"Sleep," Human Dad suggested softly, his voice laced with concern as he motioned towards the bed. He had always been perceptive about Human Mom, noticing every little detail, every subtle change in her demeanor. It was so romantic!
Human Mom's response was a quiet, almost hesitant whisper, "Stay." The single word hung in the air, charged with a multitude of unspoken emotions.
Human Dad simply nodded, his eyes locking with hers in a silent conversation that only they seemed to understand.
Murtasimbakri watched with a mixture of excitement and anticipation. Human Dad was going to stay in Human Mom's room for the night?! Her mind whirled with the scandalous possibilities. The opportunity for more moments of affection was too good to miss – maybe they would finally engage in the mutual licking that characterized such moments.
However, instead of snuggling into bed together, Human Mom settled back onto the mattress, leaving a conspicuously empty space beside her. Murtasimbakri couldn't believe it. Human Dad was still missing the cues!
Rather than joining Human Mom on the bed, Human Dad settled himself on the floor again, spreading an extra blanket and resting his head close to the bed. It was as if he couldn't bear to be any further away from her– BUT HE HAD MISSED HER OBVIOUS INVITATION INTO HER BED.
Human Dad was an idiot, an idiot she loved with her whole heart, but an idiot nonetheless.
Human Dad's gaze was fixed on Human Mom, unwavering. His fingers tenderly found their way to Human Mom's hair, gently playing with it as they continued their silent, soulful staring contest.
Murtasimbakri let out a soft sigh.
Her human parents really were hopeless, she thought.
Resigning herself to their slow pace, Murtasimbakri curled up contentedly beside Human Dad, her head resting on his lap. Despite the lack of dramatic romantic gestures, there was a comforting warmth in their simple, quiet closeness. As she settled down for the night, Murtasimbakri felt a deep sense of happiness. Her family was together again, and that was a start.
In the back of her mind, Murtasimbakri began to plot her next move. If her human parents weren't going to take the lead from all the television humans she loved so dearly, then she would have to help them along.
As the first rays of the morning sun filtered through the window, Murtasimbakri awoke, refreshed and ready to embark on her new mission. She was the first to rise, her human parents still deep in slumber. She gazed affectionately at them - Human Dad, steadfast as ever, had spent the night on the floor, his head resting on the bed next to Human Mom.
In a heartwarming scene, Human Mom had shifted in her sleep, her face now mere inches from Human Dad's. Their hands were entwined, a silent testament to their unspoken bond. Murtasimbakri felt a surge of joy - it was just like the movies!
But such a perfect moment couldn't go unnoticed. She needed a witness, someone to see this beautiful scene and perhaps give a little nudge to the human love story.
With a plan in mind, Murtasimbakri sauntered over to the door. She was a goat with a mission. Rearing up on her hind legs, she skillfully scaled the door, her front hooves reaching for the handle. Grasping the lock between her teeth, she expertly turned it, her heart fluttering with excitement as the door swung open.
Glancing back, she noted with satisfaction that her human parents were still in the land of dreams, blissfully unaware of her antics. She then confidently trotted down the hallway, her hooves clicking gently against the floor.
Her destination was clear - the room where Bipolar Lawman, a much more favorable human than Confused Aatma, was currently residing. Pushing the door open, she found him seated in a rolling chair, engrossed in a book.
Murtasimbakri approached Bipolar Lawman with a sense of purpose, bleating softly to capture his attention. She gently tugged at the hem of his pants, her eyes imploring him to follow her. She needed him to witness the sleeping tableau of her human parents, to understand the depth of their bond and perhaps to play a role in their unfolding love story.
Murtasimbakri's excitement was palpable as she tugged on Bipolar Lawman. She had a plan, and every step was crucial to its success. Her bleats were filled with urgency and anticipation.
"What's wrong?" Bipolar Lawman asked, his voice tinged with concern as he eyed her.
Nothing was wrong, of course, but Murtasimbakri needed him to witness something significant. She motioned her head towards Human Mom's room.
"You want me to follow you?" Bipolar Lawman guessed, looking puzzled yet intrigued.
Murtasimbakri bleated an emphatic yes, her excitement growing – he was clearly much smarter than his human mate. She took a few steps towards the door, pausing to ensure Bipolar Lawman was following her lead. When he didn't immediately move, she let out an impatient bleat, urging him to catch up.
Gradually, step by step, she coaxed him towards Human Mom's room. Her heart pounded with each movement of his rolling chair, her anticipation building with every inch they covered.
Finally, they reached the door to Human Mom's room. Murtasimbakri pushed it open wide, standing by it and jumping with uncontainable excitement. She wished she could speak his language, to tell him, "See! Now get them married!"
As Bipolar Lawman rolled close enough to peer inside the room, Murtasimbakri held her breath. The scene was set perfectly: her human parents, still deep in their serene slumber, faces close together, hands intertwined, a picture of love.
This was the moment she had been waiting for, the cliffhanger in her own little soap opera. Would Bipolar Lawman play his part in bringing her human parents together? Would he see the love that Murtasimbakri saw so clearly?
Murtasimbakri's eyes were fixed on Bipolar Lawman, waiting for his response, her heart beating in hopeful anticipation.
A/N: Dun dun dunnnnnnnn! Whatever shall happen next? Will Waqas catch them? What will his reaction be if he does? What's your favourite part?
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