hey sisters, i ask few of u something about mystery and many of u guess, few were right, few werent let's see, but it was fun how u ask me and pm me, it felt great thanku so much for liking my story this much, okay so this part is really table turning point for ragini, some of u may like some of u may dont, but plz keep supporting me and vote and keep commenting tell ur views.
b4 starting many of u feel sorry for swara, but that is i show laksh character, he was also like this to rag and ap, but slowlly he accept them, he still dont talk with other members of house.
Maheshwari mansion was full decorated with yellow flowering and lights, the house of full of guests. Ragini step down wearing yellow saree looking beautiful, everyone saw her, even laksh smile see her like this after many days but ragini was nervous as guest were whispering, she couldn't hear them but she was sure that it was only about her, she start breath heavy not taking any more stares, she start running upstairs but b4 she goes laksh stop her
L: bhabi, wont u apply haldi to ur devar 'she turn and smile forgetting everyone she excitedly goes to him and apply haldi on his arm and face
Guests: aray ap ji, how can u let a widow to perform in these ritual, u know na this apshuguni[bad omen], doesn't she have any sense about this 'laksh got angry he was about to bust but ap came in between
Ap: no I don't think so behen ji, I don't believe in these things, in fact I was the one who force ragini to perform every ritual by herself after all she's still elder daughter-in –law of this house, she have that all the right 'ap saw laksh holding rag hand, she sigh' ragini beta, mehndi ladies had come, go and apply mehndi to ur hand 'guest were shock, ap goes to laksh to apply him haldi' see that's what I was telling u, u call ragini but these women still judged her no one point out at u, can u see the looks they r still giving to her 'laksh look at all as the women were still giving disgusting looks to her, and he saw ragini who was nervously sitting applying mehndi
Lak: then what was need of all this, there was no need to these stupid ritual, marriage was enough
Ap sigh: so u decided u want swara, tomorrow u will be getting married, so now let us elders decide her fate
Lak gave angry glares; only I will decide her fate, I know what I have to do 'laksh was irritated. He was not even want to come out of room but ragini didn't leave him a choice. His rasam's finishes
Ap: ragini, ur also swara sister so u will take this haldi and mehndi to gadodia house 'rag nod' driver is waiting
Lak: wait, no need of driver, just gave me 5 min, I will change and take u there '
Ladies start to tease him: Oh-ho, u want to take her there, or u want to see ur bride, oh u couldn't stay away from her not even for day, oh this much love
Ap: laksh, u know na u can't see swara b4 marriage
Lak frustrate: I'm going for bhabi not swara 'he left to his room leaving all guests suspicious. Ap was scare now she was confirm he was planning something and worst of all she know she can't stop him, she just hope whatever laksh plan it work. Rag notice lakhs was quiet, she try to start the conservation but laksh just somehow end it, he was still remembering those gossip ladies. Raglak reach gadodia house which was also decorated and filled with guests
Rag: ma 'sharmistha saw ragini, her eyes well up, her daughter was looking beautiful just like she used to be, they hug eo
Sh: ragu, ur looking so pretty, I'm seeing u like this after so long
R smile: thankx, laksh select this for me, its beautiful right
Shar smile drop: did he drop u here?
R nod: yes, he said he will wait outside till I finish here 'shar nod' where is swara 'swara haldi started. Both sisters hug and compliment eo. Function start all were enjoying while laksh was outside thinking deeply. Ma was right, those ladies how dare they (FB: did u see that girl, how shameless she is, I know how shamelessly she is roaming with her devar-FB END). His thought broke when he see guest coming out of house, he wipes his tears and got out of his car, he was going in to call rag when he heard someone
Girl angry: did u see ragini mom, how she was dress up, her husband just died and instead sitting in her home , she's enjoying
Girl mom: let her be beta, that girl don't have morals. I'm sure she must be dress up to impress some other guy 'girl smirk angry' u plz stay away from this girl, I don't want her ill fate shadow on u 'they both left. Laksh clench his hand tight and grit his teeth's, I have to do this, I'm sorry bhabi but I'm helpless, I want to help u but they won't let me
Rag from back: laksh let's go 'laksh didn't even look at her and sat on car, she too' u alright u seems ...
L: I'm really sorry
R frown: for what 'Rag notice some guilt in his face she just couldn't understand what. Both came home, laksh couldn't sleep all night, he was thinking about his marriage, is he doing the right thing, does any of them deserve this, he's doing wrong to both, but what else he should do. He went to rag room to check her, b4 he knock he heard something
R; I never thought this day will come, I always used to teased swalak taking their names but now they finally getting married, I hope laksh gave his all love to swara like u love me 'laksh confuse, who she was talking to' I also love u sanskar more than anything, I can do anything for u, I wish I was with u right now, I really want to come to u 'her voice shake, laksh was in guilt, he took deep breath and left still confuse'
It was the wedding day all preparations had been done and all guests were present there, ragini was wearing the saree laksh select for her. Both bride and groom were called to mandap, as pandit started his ritual, shekhar did gatbandhan [sorry don't know how indian marriage happen]. All were throwing flowers and blessing the new couple, all were happy, ragini too was happy but got confuse as y laksh ignore her last day all, he want to say something but he couldn't, he talk to her but was not meeting her eyes as he was hiding something or of have some kind of guilt. Laksh also look at her while taking pheras, they both sat
Pandit; vadhu ke galay me mangalsutra dalay [tied sacred black thread to bride]
Lak close his eyes and took deep breath and stand from mandap: no, I won't 'all got shock' I will not marry her 'he said looking at ragini, guest were all whispering, swara was still sitting there with teary eyes'
Rag confuse whisper: laksh
Shek: what r u talking, it's this a joke, what is happening here dp ji
Dp angry: laksh what r u doing, what happened to u suddenly
Rag look at swara tears: laksh y r u doing this, u urself agreed for this marriage right, I ask u million time, then y?
L; I only agreed for u bhabi, I don't love her 'swara sobbed. Shekhar got angry and grab him from collar but rag stopped him
R angry, tear: y stop now, u were marrying her for me na, then marry her now for me
L look stiff at her; I will but only in one condition 'rag confuse' if u will get married first 'SLAP, all got shock. Rag slap laksh, people start gossiping that how a widow can marry again,
R angry: how dare u laksh, I didn't expected this from u, how can u even think about this, how can u be so heartless
L angry hold her shoulder; y can't I think about this, our law gave permission for 2nd marriage right, then when u can accept all rules of this society so y not this one,
R panic, shrug: u can't do this, u said something else that day, u said u will not let me go away, then y, ur taking revenge, y, DON'T U FEEL PITY ON ME 'she yell
L: no, I don't feel pity on any one, u said right I'm heartless, but u have heart right so u take pity, on ur sister 'rag saw swara, who was still sitting in same position crying silently, she saw all the guests who were whispering and judging them, ap also saw this she understand y laksh did that, he had trapped ragini so she couldn't have left any other way but to accept her defeat for her sister sake and submit herself' so now is up to u bhabi, whether u get married now or ur sister will face this consequences and this so called society of urs 'Rag saw how ladies were commenting on them, calling both sisters fate ill and bad omen and other names, she had through this, she had lost her mental stability cus of all this and now it's exact same going to happen with her sister, no she can't let it happened, but how can she betrayed sanskar, she can leave him, his memories no she can't but swara' don't waste time bhabi, u have only 1 option just give up already
R cry; no
Sharmishta cry and fold her hands: ragini plz, u know I love u, I never differentiate between u both, but now this mother is begging from his daughter, plz only u can save swara prestige, if this marriage broke who will marry her, plz ragini for swara sake plz say yes to him plz 'rag saw her, then her dad who also quite. She then saw sujata who was nodding no in anger and ram ap and dp eyes were drop as they were some criminals. Yes they were, they all plan this and trap laksh in their idea to send her away, they want her send her away from sanskar, his memories, his presence but what have she ever done to treat her like that. She wipe her tears but then she see swara who was not even raising her hand to wipe her tears, what fault was her, y laksh did this to swara, does he even know how much swara love her, how can he broke her heart, does he even deserve her anymore. She was in own world when laksh hold her hand and made her sit in swara's place. she didn't even notice when she sat and rituals start
Pan: var ko bulaya [call groom] 'all look at laksh, he took deep breath and signal someone. All got shock to see ragini groom, he sat beside ragini shocking her, now whoever was talking about her stopped as they saw her groom, laksh smirk as he was people reaction seeing her groom, he knew they won't dare now
Rag shock whisper: sahil 'she got angry and look at laksh' y, u promise me u won't let me go
Lak ignore eye contact: u also promise me something 5 years ago but u broke it, so y can't I 'rag couldn't believe what is actually happening with her. She laugh at her fate whenever she feel that her life is to start getting better, table turns for her, and she again got defeated. Y she, don't she have any right on her life, is she not allowed to make her own decisions, she thought after sanskar laksh will be her savior but he also lied, he left her alone, she now have no one, no family no nothing, she felt a tinge feeling in her waist, she touch it and close her eyes to feel his love wobbling inside her.
Pan: pehro ke liye kharay hojaye 'rag open her eyes and felt his presence, she smile to see him infront of her, and this time he is not behind but actually beside her, her eyes well up, he signal her stand, she did happily, she hold his hand and took 7 vows with him again, the same vows they take 5 years back, he still remember that
Pan: mangal sutra pehnaiye 'both stare at eo, rag never look away from him as she was scare he would disappeared, he make her wear the black sacred thread
Pan: vadhu k maang me sindhur lagaye [fill her hairline with vermillion] 'he took a pinch and filled her hairline, ragini close his eyes feeling his touch
Pan: marriage is done, ur now officially wedded husband and wife 'rag smile, someone hugged her
Yes, now ur my mumma' said mishka waking ragini up, breaking her dreams' now I can tell everyone I have my mumma
Sah saw rag who was lost: mishka, not now
Mi; but dad 'sah gave her look, she kept quiet. Rag get up from her place looking no where she ran up to her room, shekhar was going after her but laksh stop them
Lak; u saw ur elder daughter getting married, so plz see ur younger daughter marriage too 'shekhar was angry at laksh, he was feeling helpless, ap made swara sit again and the ritual start. Laksh take vows, when he was wearing her mangalsutra and vermillion, he saw her eyes with lots of hope, and he again felt guilty to make an innocent girl his prey. They successfully got wedded. Guest leaves by their looks it was clear they were unhappy of them but nobody dare to raise their voice at sahil sengupta. Ap take swara to laksh room .Sujata also left to her room in anger
Dp, rp fold their hands infront of shekhar and sharmistha; we r really sorry, we didn't know laksh was planning all this
Shek cry; I will never forgive u laksh, u played with my both daughters respect
Lak smirk sarcastic: really, with their respects, and what about their emotions, no one care to thought what they r feeling
Shek: I did, that's y I let u get married to swara cus she loves u and what u did to her, and to ragini u ruined her
Lak; oh plz don't tell u didn't wanted this, u all want bhabi to get married but I knew she would have never get married, this was the only way to get her move on
Shar scare: but what if she tried anything stupid, what if she hurt herself, she's not in right mind state
Lak; she will not, 1st it was different, she was alone but she have someone to live for now, she won't hurt herself 'laksh knew rag won't herself as she is having sanskar baby, she can kill herself but cannot hurt what her husband gave, laksh look at sahil' u remember ur promise, don't u?
Sah nod: I do laksh, trust me I won't force her, I respect her a lot for that but how will she come with me, she hates me now, she sees us her enemies 'laksh sigh. All were tense for her.
It was dark night, Laksh was sitting in terrace, yes he made her married keeping her sister as bait but what now, how will he send her, he hold his head, someone forward water, it was ap, she was looking angry: I thought u will be happy, I married swara and ragini also got married
Ap angry; like this, laksh what were u thinking, what u did today wasn't okay at all, what if rag have said no to marriage both girls have been ruined, how can u take such a risky step
Lak: I had to mum, bhabi had to move one, she's pregnant ma, and she always close herself in room, it is not healthy for her and baby, she need to move on from here or else she will totally loose her mental balance. Do u know she talk to herself, I saw her mom, I saw how she was suffering,
Ap: we all saw that laksh, but it was not a right time
Lak: it was only time, bhabi would have never accept this this was only thing could be done at this time
Ap: keeping her sister as bait. U do realize u lost her trust, she hates u now
Lak; no, a mother can never be that angry from her son, I know she will understand me, u don't know ma how hard it was for me to make this situation for her. Ma promise me, u will help to make her understand, u will support me 'ap sigh nod yes' thanks ma, and now atleast this society will shut up, nobody dares to raise their fingers at sahil sengupta wife 'he smirk'
Ap nod in disbelief: well we will talk to ragini in morning, first u go to swara. She's innocent girl laksh, she had many dreams 'lak sigh nod' u know right what u have to do right
Lak shock; MA
Ap raise her hands surrendering: okay, okay 'laksh sigh.
Laksh came to his room and saw all decorated with flowers and candles, he saw swara sitting in middle of bed. He sat beside her, she clutch her lehenga in nervousness, he took his ghughat off and cup her face, she closed her eyes in shyness, he was about kiss her when something click in his find, and he stand up jerking her
Sw worried; what happened 'lak hold his head, nod no nothing, he saw her how innocently she was sitting there, his eyes got teary that he was betraying her
Lak angry: go and change ur dress right now 'swara was scare so she nod. She went in wr, laksh change in room itself, after 5 min, sw peek from wr
Sw: laksh wo
Lak stiff: what?
Sw scare: my blouse zip is stuck, can u help me 'he goes towards and turn her, swara saw him with love through mirror, laksh also saw her and grab her zip, swara flinch as fingers brushed her back, but laksh got angry he grab her zip and with full force he pull hurting her in process, she scream as zip pierce her back, her eyes got teary, she whisper in pain' laksh
Lak angry hold her shoulder from back digging her nails in her soft skin: that's what u will get, if u ever try to come near me, u will get burn 'he left wr leaving her totally broken, she saw her back which was bleeding. She got a call it was from sharmistha
Sw, stop crying and wash her face with cold water: ma u call this late
Shar worried: I was worried for u, rag is also not picking our calls, plz tell me atleast ur fine
Sw remember a moment ago; yes ma I'm fine, actually laksh is calling me, can I go 'sharmistha satisfied end the call. Swara changed and saw laksh who was sleeping in bed or pretending to sleep. She sat on bed tired
Lak with close eyes: ur not sleeping in bed
Sw look at him: then where
Lak: I don't know but not in bed 'swara sadly nod ok. She pick her pillow and blanket and laid on floor. Laksh could hear her snobs but he didn't react and tried to sleep. His mind was full of ragini, he had to talk to her, and he know she's upset but she will understand, she had to, he sigh and sleep overtook him.
Ragini was in bed closing her eyes trying to feel him but it was hard to get the same feelings: do u think I betray u sanskar, plz come to me, I'm still urs, plz sanskar, she kept her hands on her waist and tap, it flinch, she remember how sanskar used to tap on her waist, she laugh, were u all along in there. She get up from bed and saw herself in mirror, she saw seeing her waist which had now grown a bit and she could feel him inside him, she felt him hugging her from back,' sanskar 'she could see him now, he was happy, he slide his hands up to neck, she saw her mangalsutra, she smile, he kissed her neck, she closed her eyes, he turn her and kissed on forehead in her sundhoor. She open her eyes staring right into his, she felt so much pleasure she forget how to like to stare at him for hours, he made laid on bed, sliding saree aside he linger a kiss on her waist he whisper' ragini 'she sobbed as she could even hear him now, screen got blur.
Next day
Laksh woke up and remember the last night, he saw swara sleeping on floor, he ignore and went to get fresh, after 15 min he come out and saw swara still sleep, he again ignore and went to dressing, he was brushing his hairs when swara change her side of sleep, laksh saw her though dressing, her back the scar which was still raw, maybe she didn't use medicine, how will she know where is medicine, he again tried to ignore it but couldn't it anymore, he sigh and took medicine to her' swara, swara 'he call but she didn't woke up, he sigh and sit beside her, he saw her shoulders which was having fingerprints, he remember how he abused her last night and got tears. He touch her wounds which disturb swara sleep. She instantly getup scare seeing laksh
Sw gulp: laksh, u need something 'he forward the medicine, swara was shock was he actually caring for her
Lak; take this, and apply on wound. 'She nod' also get ready soon and come downstairs 'she nod. He leave to ragini room and saw her sleeping, she was wearing the dress of last night above that she was wearing sanskar shirt, he saw all room which was filled with sanskar cloths, he sigh and wake her up
Rag woke up and saw him angry: what r u doing here, go get away from me, leave me alone
Lak: r u angry on me, on ur son
Rag smirk: son, who blackmail her mother and force her and sahil I never thought he saw me like me that, y, cus I was widow, if that what all men saw me like this now
Lak angry: stop. If anyone saw u in that way I will be the 1st person to kill them. And it wasn't sahil fault, trust me bhabi he never u saw like that, he respect u a lot. I made him do that, I request him to get married to u, he also still love his deceased wife
Rag cried: than y did he married me, y would u get me marred to him laksh, y? 'she broke down in tears
Lak; cus I wanted to save u bhabi. These all people this society won't let us live peacefully. They just need a chance to judge us, u had already suffer much, I didn't want u to suffer
Rag: then what am I doing now? I'm still suffering laksh, and this time it wasn't society it was u who make me do this, y? what will u get from this marriage
Lak: surety that u will be save. Sahil sengupta is the ace of business, nobody dares to mess with him, and bhabi trust me, he just gave u his name, he didn't expect anything else from this marriage but just u being mishka's mom, this was the deal and I trust him, he would never force u for anything
Rag: but I was happy with sanskar name, don't u think my opinions matters. All I had left was his name and u snatched that away, I hate u laksh, I hate u
Lak; u have more than that bhabi, u had bhai love 'he hold her hand and keep it on her waist' this [baby] will always be with u wherever u go
Rag: u said I will be save with sahil, do u even know who killed his wife?
Lak: I know, I got all info of him, I'm not stupid to tie u with any random man. It was his brother who is no more now and U will get all those things there bhabi which u can't get here, u will safe there with him
Rag cry: but there won't be sanskar, laksh I don't want to leave this place and I won't leave this place ever
Lak sigh: and u think I want u to go. Bhabi u don't how hard it was for me to made u do like this, u don't know I will be the most effective one when u will go
Rag plead; then don't let me go, plz
Lak: I can't, if I did I will be selfish. Sahil will come today mishka will also be there and u will go with them and plz don't make it hard for me, I have already decided 'he left the room
Rag cry and yell; I WON'T GO, I WON'T LEAVE THIS PLACE, DID U HEAR ME, I WON'T GO 'she bust out in tears. She wipes her tears, she can't sit like this laksh said I have to go, she look at the room and sanskar things, no she won't go anywhere, she have to talk to some1 but who, yes, mom, she will talk to him. she went to sujata room and about knock when she heard her yelling
Ram; sujata plz be quite
Suj yell angry; Y, Y WILL I BE QUITE, how can laksh do that, who is he to take ragini decision, she's carrying my son's baby, I won't let her go
Ram: he wanted to give her protection, and ragini need it and u know her situation, she's not stable sujata. And I'm with him in this, I think he didn't do anything wrong
Suj: ya but if he wanted to save her, he could have married her
Ram: STOP RIGHT THERE, now they both married to different person and u will not talk about this anymore
Suj cried: all u blaming me, nobody is understanding situation 'ram was consoling her, both were hurt as they lost their only son and didn't want ragini to go as she is carrying sanskar child. They both were consoling eo but more than them someone else got affect. Ragini was shock to listen that sujata actually think about raglak like that, her tears stop, her world stop right there, she blink trying to understand did she heard right. She felt a hand in arm, she turn and saw laksh, both stares at eo deeply, laksh eyes were saying sorry to her while hers were empty, there was nothing she have to say or want to say, she just start walking to her room. She came to her room quietly, and saw the room carefully, all sanskar cloths, his things, his photos, his fragrances everything. She touched her wedding photo lovingly and kissed on it.
All family gather for breakfast, laksh also come down and saw swara who was busy with ap doing her first rasoi ritual, she was smiling, both stare at eo her smile drop, laksh was feeling terrible that he is hurting her but he didn't want to betray her. All were doing bf when Sahil and mishka also come.
Laksh uncle' yell mishka, she came running to him, he pick her up and hugged her
Lak smile; this much instant energy, how?
Mi smile big: cus finally I got my real mumma, now on one will make fun of me, that I don't have one 'lak smile
Sah: hello laksh
Lak: hey
Sah: I am here to take ragini
Lak sigh sadly: I know
Sah smirk: she didn't agreed right, I knew it
Sw came to them: sahil bhai, I was thinking if di could stay for few days here, she's a bit traumatize right now, she need time to accept this reality. Just few days
Lak stiff: no, she have to go, that to today
Sw shrug confuse: but di need time laksh
I'M READY 'said ragini, all turn at her, she was wearing a simple chiffon saree, standing upstairs with her suitcase ready. All were confuse as they didn't expect that she will agreed this soon
Sw shock and confuse: di, what r u saying?
Rag; I'm saying, I will go with my husband
Ap: r u sure beta, u want to go today 'she nod' ok, then go after bf, swara made it
Rag look at laksh; I want to leave now
Sw: di plz
Laksh understand y she was saying this; it's okay, we will farewell her now 'all nod. Laksh keep her suitcase in car. He saw ragini hugging swara, swara was crying a lot while ragini didn't.
Sah: ragini, let's go 'rag meet all but laksh. Laksh came to her but she ignore and move forward but laksh hold her and drag her to hug, she didn't hug him back
Lak whisper; u will always be meri bhabi 'rag saw his eyes, he was genuine there was nothing wrong in their relation, then y their family think like that. She didn't said anything but sat on car quietly. Sahil drive off, rag see her family, her love house from side mirror, which was minimizing as they were going far. She kept looking outside
Mishka look at her and smile; mumma 'rag look at her' can I sit on ur lap?
Sah: no mishka, u can't sit on her lap
Mi: y? my all friends sit on their mother lap, y can't I
Sah; cus ur mumma has a small baby inside her, and if u sat on her, the baby cannot bare it, as it is too small
Mi; mumma has a baby, that's mean it will my brother sister
Sah smile; yes, it is ur brother or sister
Mi happy squeal: yay, I will be having a brother and sister 'sahil laugh at her, but stop as he see ragini giving him dead glares, he gulp
Sah: sorry, she's a kid 'rag nod in disbelief and again look outside
so ya this was my story, i'm dedicating this part to these who guesses right n wrong
shanaa__98 sorry u guess was wrong but thanks for commenting, and keep commenting like this i love it
Charmedone22 frndsfrevr hey sisters i hope ur satisfied with these, i know it was still early for ragini to get married, but laksh did it cus not she was only single, but he wanted her to move from life so she also deliver healthy, as ragini was spending time only in her room ignoring her health, and also she keeps imaging sansakr, so it was effecting her mind state,which can be harmful to both ragini and her baby
suma_0795 u again guess almost right yes swalak, u didnt noticed rag-sah
GangaChowdary u guess right, thanku for noticing this much, love u sis.
also for sahil, i'm thinking same sahil from swaragini anuj sachdev, ilike him, but ifu want u can suggest, but as u know ragini n laksh r lead.
next episode after another guess haha, get ready sisters and 50+ votes
just type +1 inline comment to my os plzzzzzzz and also vote, it's ragsanlak pure freindship also bromance
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