Sujatha: hey u people came 'she said when she see the men of the house coming back from office
Ram: kia hua, kia kaam tha [what happened, any work]
Laksh whine: see na chachu [uncle], i have been sitting here for so long, but these ladies just not telling me anything
Sanskar: what happened mom
L; yes bro u ask them, they just wont tell me
Durga: laksh quiet. What is all this ap, why did u call us here from office in such a hurry
L: they also call me from college, I had come here missing my imp class but these people ... 'he shut up when he see his dad giving glares to him
Ap: ji actuallythe thing was very important 'they all sit in living room
Dp: what is thing, tell us
Suj: I will tell ubhaisa, wo actually mene or jiji ne, we select a girl for sanskar 'everyone shock
Sanlak: what
San shock: mom how could u do this, without asking me u select girl for me
Lak happy: YES YES YES yani sanskar bhai ki shadi , mom me kab miln ga apni brother ki dulhan se [mom when will we meet my sister in law]
San: laksh shutup, mom who is the girl, mom I'm telling u I'm not gonna married any village girl
Ap: one min one min guys take a break, and sanskar i habe selected the girl, she also live in kolkata and the girl belongs to sophisticated family, she's beautiful, educated and belongs to a well off family and also have same cast as us, and we didn't commit anything just like the girl,u meet her, try to get know eo, then decide. Ur 29 now, it's perfect age to get married
La: mom u still didn't tell me, when will we meet my bhabi
Ap: in evening we r going to see ur brother ki dulhan 'he smile showing his all teeth's, sanskar was bit tense yes he wanted to get married as he was already settle but what if the girl is not upto her expectations, he always wish for girl who support him who love his family and friends like him especially laksh he was like sanskar kid will the girl manage all these relations, as for laksh he was super happy he will get a new member in his house one more member to pamper him he was so excited to see his bhabi, they all get ready to see the bride
dadi: ache se tyar hona lado, 'a girl was getting ready in Indian outfit, when another girl came
girl: wow ragu di ur looking so pretty, jiju eyes will be stuck on u
ragini: hmm really swara, u have been quiet funny these days, are not u? , ma i have heard that swara's jiju[brother in law] had a little brother
shar: yes u have heard it right, y would u ask? 'confuse
r: what y?, so it's a golden chance to keep swara with me, with mine relation u also fix her relation too, what say swara?
s gasp: how could u say that ragu di, I hate u bye, i'm going 'she left ragu and sharmistha laugh
dadi: hey u get ready soon, the boy's family had come already 'she got ready simply looking beautiful in traditional suit
in living room
shar: and sanskar beta what do u do?
sank: auntie I completed my education long back, and started to help dad in business
sharm: oh nice
lak: auntieleave him, u tell me where is my bhabi? 'everyone got shock to see laksh
san whisper to him: laksh what is this, we r just came to see her, she's not your bhabi yet, not till i see her and like her
lak loudly: oh-ho bhai how much u think yar, it's obvious if a mother is that much pretty so there daughter will also be pretty right, u think too much 'sanskar hit his forehead
shekhar: ji I want to tell u something all, actually sharmistha is not ragini real mum 'everyone got shock' my first wife jhanki died giving birth to ragini, and after 5 years I married sharmistha 'everyone felt bad especially laksh he could never imagine himself away from his mother, they were all nervous to get to know this when they heard some footsteps, everybody turn thr gazes towards the sound found the most beautiful angel coming towards them, sanskar was awestruck to see her beauty
sw: hi so ur my jiju 'to sanskar he nodded' this is my di ragini
lak: and this is my bro sanskar' ap notice sanskar nervous and smile
ap: I think we should let kids spent some alone time to understand eo 'everyone accepted and swalak take the ragsan to terrace, all 4 were sitting thr for 10 min without speaking a word, ragsan were stealing glance
l: r we playing dumb shiraz [charades]
sa: what
l: aray yar we have been here for 10 min and none of u guys r speaking
Sa scold: laksh
R nervous: I'm ragini gadodia I'm 25 years old, I completed my graduation 2 years ago and now I teach music in school 'sanskar was shock as she said this in one go
l: wow music, bhabi plz sing something for me
sw: aray y u, she will sing for jiju only na
l: who r u, y r u coming between me n my bahbi
sw: hello my bhabi ke devar, she's my sis 1st, then ur bhabi
l: OMG ur my sweet bhabi ki chudail [witch] sister
sw gasp : chudail u call me chudail u ullu [owl]
l: bhabi see she called me ullu ' swalak were fighting but they didn't notice ragsan were lost in thr own world, sanskar was continuously watching her intensely which made ragini super blush
sa: I think we should go back down 'ragini became tense as sanskar without paying heed to anyone left,
l: bhabi
r: ya laksh
l; when r u coming to my house
r smile at his innocence: laksh it still not final, these kind of things only parents decide and more upto it will ur brother decision
l: array then NP parents tu already select u na and as for sanskar bhai, how could he say no to the most beautiful angel
r smile: acha angel, more than ur brother ur excited
l: of course y will I not be after a new member will come to pamper me
sw: y would she pamper u
l: oh ho chudail, don't be jealous, u can still meet my bhabi after marriage we won't say anything to u 'swalak again started to fight, but ragini somehow take them down, maheswari's left despite laksh who wanted to spent more time with ragini, ragini was feeling low as sanskar didn't said goodbye while leaving she thought he didn't liked her but the next she got shock knowing that sanskar said yes to marriage, both houses were happy to join this new relations, preparations were going all good, even ragsan fell in love with eo and even raglak got close, ragini started to pamper laksh which made swara a bit insecure, as she was only used to ragini pet and now she had to share her with them, ragini made her clear that she love both equally.
Finally the day came wedding take place in gadodia mansion, ragini was looking the most prettiest girl of world not because of make and dress but cuz of happiness she's feeling, both ragsan were experience different feelings both were scare happy tense as it's thr wedding night both going to start the new journey, suji and ap made ragini sit on thr bad and left b4 teasing her, the room was really big, stylish and very romantically decorated, ragini was blushing and was very nervous when she heard sound of door getting lock, she clutch her lehenga as she feel someone close behind her, 'ragini ... u alright' it was sanskar she nod
s: u don't have to feel shy u know that I love u rite' she nod again breathing heavy' say something ragini 'he kept his hand on her shoulder, she immediately hugged him tight sanskar was feeling overwhelm by her touch
r: I love u to sanskar 'he was now on cloud 9, he cup her face and was looking at her lips and then eyes to ask permission, she closed her eyes feeling shy he take this as signal and was about to kiss her when KNOCK KNOCK that door knock jerk them away, ragini hided her face in pillow and sanskar irritate open to door only to find his kid WHO ELSE
s; laksh what r u doing here
l: I wanted to talk to bhabi' without asking permission he enter the room and sit with ragini' so bhabi how's is it going 'sanskar was now really irritate with laksh behavior, laksh was 18 and still behaving like a kid
s: laksh u came this late only to ask this
l: what u mean bhai, bhabi is new here it's our responsibility to take care of her to see whether she need something or not 'sanskar closed his eyes frustrated by him' ignore him bhabi u tell ur comfortable here na 'she nod still nervous' bhabi y ru sweating oh no do u have fever 'he ask touching her forehead to check temperature' oh no bhabi even in air conditioner ur skin is burn 'ragsan got shock they were embarrass how to tell him y were they feeling hot even in AC room;)' I think bhai we should call the doctor, we can't leave bhabi burning in fever 'sanskar was hell angry at laksh but still he calm down himself as he know how laksh can be childish
s; laksh I already call doctor and he said ragini needs rest so she will feel better, so if u allowed can we sleep so she can feel better
l: han tu when did I say don't sleep, bhabi u sleep on the bed, me n bhai will sleep today on floor I have extra bed 'ragsan wide thr eyes
r shock: what, u will sleep here today 'he nod innocently, again double shock, she was upset as she wanted to gift her love the most precious thing but she can't upset laksh either as he is too innocent so she agreed' okay
s shock and angry; what okay, no laksh u can't sleep here today u need to leave 'laksh got hurt as this was the very first time sanskar talk to him like that, ragsan got worried to see him like this
r: ahn sanskar it's okay let him stay here tonight, I don't have any problem
l: I'm sorry if u guys don't want me anymore I will leave 'he was about to leave when ragini hold his hand and stopped him
r sweetly: y would u think like that 'laksh eyes got teary, she cup his face' laksh u know na sanskar and me can never be away from u so how can u say this
l: I'm sorry bhabi I won't say this ever again, u plz rest doctor said na so sleep I will be here all night if u need something 'saying this he went to couch to sleep, ragini turn to see sanskar who seems to be hell angry, he left to washroom, ragini got worried how to handle this situation she saw laksh sleep so she also went silently to washroom,
r knock and whisper so laksh can't get up: sanskar it's me plz open the door, I need to change 'sanskar open the door already change, he was still upset but let her in, she came in washroom with her night suit
r: I'm sorry laksh got upset so
s: so what ragini how can u let him stay here, he's my brother I love him but do u know I'm feeling so frustrated right now
r: u tell me sanskar what should I do, swara n laksh r the same age but still swara know about husband wife relation I'm shock how laksh is unable to understand this, how come he don't know about this
s sigh: it's not his fault bade papa was always strict with these things especially him badi ma give birth to him after 15 years of marrieage thr were many complicatins even we could have loose him during delivery but by god grace he's fine and with us, that's why he is like this 'both sigh' forget that u must be feeling tired with heavy lehenga and jewelry
r: ya I'm 'he smile
s romantically : then let me help u 'he grab her shoulders and take to mirror, he took her ghugat off first' u know ragini ur looking like goddess today' ragu smile shyly' I really wanted this night to be memorable 'he took of her necklace taking more time then it is needed purposely burning her by his touch 'but I think we need to wait more or not' he took off all her ornaments and touch her bare back, she moan when she feel his wet tongue licking her there
r; s-s-sa-sanskar what r u doing 'sanskar ignored her continue kissing her back, he open the dori of her blouse and unpin the pallu, ragini was now wearing only skirt and blouse which were loose now, sanskar turn her towards him and kissed him wildly she also respond with equal passion they break after few min when they were lack of oxygen both were panting heavily with thr forehead join together
s breathing heavy: I really need u ragini, I need u really bad 'he made her laid on cold floor
r shock: sanskar not here plz 'she stopped him as she was nervous and also laksh was outside he could heard them, sanskar got really pissed off so he angrily left from thr ignoring ragini pleads too' sanskar plz stop don't go plz ' sanskar left, her eye got teary, she saw laksh was still sleeping innocently in couch, she sigh and change in light salwar suit, she waited for sanskar as he may come back but he didn't, she was also feeling tire don't know when sleep overtake her and she dozed off
Ap and suji completed the morning pooja's and prepared with rasam's for ragsan
Suji; jiji I will go and wake them up okay
Ap: han u go I will be in kitchen' suji left to ragsan room she saw the door was already open,
Suji: array they wake up this morning 'she went inside room to check but shock to see laksh sleeping on couch and ragini on bed sleeping in sitting position, she glance around the room not finding sanskar anywhere she got worried and angry, she went to ragini and wake her up 'wake up wake up ragini 'ragini open her eyes yawning also very tire 'where is sanskar' suji ask in very tone, ragini wide her eyes as she got the sense
R: ma sanskar sanskar I –I don't know he will here somewhere 'looking around the room
Su: what u mean by here somewhere, where is my son ragini 'ragini got really scared as suji was damn angry, in between voices laksh sleep also got disturbed
La; what is going on here, it's still early morning chachi, y r u shouting u disturb my sleep 'suji was burning now, she grab raglak hands and drag them to living room
Su: jiji bhaisa 'she yelled, everyone gather when they heard suji screaming' jiji bhaisa
Ram; aray sujatha what happened y r u shouting
Su; don't ask me ask ur bahu 'she said making face at ragini' and jiji bhaisa u ask ur son what was he doing in my son's room '
La: what was I doing I was sleeping thr 'everyone wide eyes
Ap: u were what
La: array but y r u all shock this isn't the first time I slept in bhai room, I have slept so many times thr 'everyone was shock and they understand suji anger, ap came to laksh and slapped him shocking everyone
Ap: laksh how can u be so idiot han 'she again slapped him again and again ragini tried to stop her as laksh was literally crying now but suji was holding her and she can't go against her
WHAT IS GOING ON HERE 'they all turn to see the owner of voice, he was sanskar
Su; sanskar my son where were u 'sujatha left ragini and cup sanskar face,
Sa; mom I was in guest room 'everyone again got shock
Su: but y beta, yesterday was ur wedding night how can u leave ur wife alone, that to with your younger brother
Sa: mom plz stop talking like this, u know na how laksh is, what done is done, forget about all this
Su; okay laksh is the kid but what about u ragini, I brought u here to take of sanskar not laksh
Ra: mom I'm sorry I didn't know what else to do
Ap; sujatha I'm sorry about laksh
La cried: mom plz I don't know what went wrong but plz forgive me I won't do it again
Su: ya say whatever u feel like but I know this should have been my son's day which u ruin 'sujatha left leaving laksh hurt, ragsan also feel sorry for him, they tried to console him but ap and dp took him with them, so they left to thr room
Sa: u alright 'she nod no
Ra: sanskar I'm really guilty I don't when I dozed off, and this much happened, poor laksh he don't even know what he did that everyone upsets
Sa sigh: u r still thinking about him
Ra nod no: no sanskar I'm also worried about u 'she cups his face' don't u know my feeling for u
Sa smile: ya I know 'he kissed her hands 'that's y I arrange these' he showed her some tickets
Ra shock: manali tickets
Sa : ya 2 weeks in manali we r leaving tomorrow morning so u better pack ur things 'she nod happily'
ra; but what about family, do they know
sa; 'yes they know and they are happy now be a good wife and start packing things' he said giving her a peck, she get ready and went to kitchen sujatha was still upset with her but complete all rituals with her, they all sit for breakfast, ragini got upset as everyone was quite she thought everyone will praise her as she the new bride tease her or talk to her but all member were sitting quietly eating thr bf, when sanskar broke the ice
Sa: mom dad me n ragini are going tomorrow to manali
Su: I know that
Sa: can u plz help ragini in packing u know how to pack my bag 'she nod finally smiling
Dp: I want to say something' everr1 turn thr gazes to him' whatever happened wasn't good we are sorry for that, I think we have pamper laksh way too much 'laksh look down as he was hurt' so
Ap: so we decided to send him to america for further studies 'everyone got shock cuz they were also attached to him exceptlaksh cuz ap already informed him
Ram; bhabi plz there is no need, laksh is a kid, he did a mistake just forgive him
Suji; han jiji u know na I have a short temper plz don't send him away u know na I can't live without my sons sanskar and laksh r same to me, plz bhabi don't send him 'laksh all the time was quiet
Dp; it's already decided, he's leaving next week 'everyone got upset cuz they knew dp decision is the final one, ragini was the most effective one she think laksh as her own kid she knows how much this family pamper laksh but he's leaving somewhere she felt herself responsible for this after bf Sanskar went to office to wind up the work, where ragini decide to talk to laksh
R: can I come in
L; u don't need permission
R: laksh u okay' laksh eyes got teary ragini got worried to see him' laksh plz don't cry
L: bhabi plz don't send me away, I promise I will not come to ur room ever again, I will stay from u both 'ragini nod no
R; no laksh thr is no need look I will try to talk to bade papa, I will to make him change his decision
L innocently: promise me u won't let me go
R sigh; I promise 'laksh hugged her crying
L; plz bhabi I don't want to leave from here, how can I live without u guys 'ragini console him and went to talk to suji and ap, they told it was dp decision so they can't do anything about this, evening when men return from office she tried to convince them but dp told her that it was for his own betterment, even Sanskar and ram agreed with this, ragini sigh as dp told that he won't change his decision so she left to her room, she was packing when Sanskar came thr
S: ragini what is it problem, bade papa told na it was for his betterment so y r u objecting it, laksh need to grow up
R: ya so he can grow up here Sanskar, he's kid he really scared he never been away from his mom, from u, did u know how much he cried today
Sa sigh: ragini it will going to be fine, look we just got married u should first think about me, and u also know what laksh meant to me, bade papa is right when he took this decision, laksh never goes out don't have any friends always just hang with us, it's time we should let him see the world
Ra sigh: maybe ur right, sorry I overreacted, u r right I should also take care of u first
Sa smile: hmm so now u agreed with me, so let me do the privilege 'he took ragini in bridal style and laid her in bed, ragini blush when he started to undress himself b4 he could do that some1 again knock, Sanskar again sigh frustrate and said' all the world is after my romance, WHO IS THR 'he yelled, ragini laugh at him
Su: sanskar it's me dinner is ready come down '
Sa: ya just coming 5 min mom 'she left and he turn to ragini' u think its funny isn't it 'she nod, he smirk' enjoy ur last day here cuz from tomorrow 'he bend to her level' I'm not gonna let u live peacefully 'he whisper huskily making her shiver, during dinner dp told that laksh got accepted in American university and he will leave soon, laksh got very upset with this and without eating or saying something he left to his room, everyone felt bad but kept quiet, ragini decided to take dinner to his room, she saw his room was messed up so she started to clean thr when laksh came
La angry; what r u doing here
Ra shock; laksh I brought u a dinner
La ignore her; I don't want to eat anything just leave and don't ever come to my room again
Ra sigh; laksh y r u upset with me, what did I do 'he angry turn towards her and pushed her out of room and said
La: it was all cuz of u 'he yelled and shut the door on her face, ragini was so shock with this treatment she didn't expected that a sweet and innocent laksh can do this to her, she got really hurt with this and went to tell Sanskar, as she enter she saw the room was again decorative like it was yesterday fresh flowers same aroma candles and light music, she was watching this carefully when someone hugged her from behind
Ra: Sanskar
Sa: shhh ragini I can't control anymore
Ra: but I need to tell u some' b4 she complete Sanskar shut her by kissing her, ragini really wanted to tell him but felt sanskar will get upset as he really wanted to love her so she let him do that, Sanskar pushed her in bed and undress himself , he laid on top of ragini kissing her, he bite her lips for entrance exploring each part inside her mouth then he unpin her saree and started to kiss on her neck then shoulder moving down to her cleavage, he leave his love bites thr get undressed her, ragini was moaning his name which make him more wilder, ragini clutches the bedsheet when Sanskar take her blouse and skirt leaving her in undergarments, he get back to see her naked body infront of him he was admiring it but for ragini it was getting to much
Ra shiver; sanskar plzz
Sa smirk; plz what ragini
Ra desperately; love me plzz
Sa: love u where jaan
Ra get tears as she was getting pain in her lower abdomen: plzzzzzzzz Sanskar it's paining plz take my pain away' sanskar without wasting any time take of her panties and went inside her, she cried as it was paining her but she wanted to show his husband that she can go any pain for him, at first Sanskar stop as she was tight he wanted her to adjust to his size she tried not scream but fail tears made her way, Sanskar can't see her like this so he kissed her to soothe her pain after sometime when he see she had adjusted he started to thrusting her deeper, she was continuously moaning his name, he took off her bra while thrusting and started to suck her bosom while ragini dig her hands in his hair pushing him more onto her, after 15 min of their love both reach the climax together, sanskar fall on top of naked ragini panting heavily, both were sweating even in ac room sanskar laid back to bed pulling ragini over him
Sa whisper: thanku for tonight, I love u, kissed her temple, soon both dozed off in the same situation
They waked up next day in same position, ragini was still naked she was feeling shy she wanted to run away to washroom but sanskar held her captive in his arms
Sa: where do u think ur going
Ra; sanskar plz let me go we have to flight to take remember 'ragini saw his naughty expressions she knew he was thinking something to tease her
Sa; u will only go on 1 conditions
Ra; and what would be that
Sa; u have to walk to washroom like ur right now
Ra wide her eyes hesitant: sa-sanskar I never have ...
Sa: I know ragini u never have walk naked even when ur alone in the house 'ragini cheeks were all red' But I'm ur husband and I wanted to see u like this 'he whisper intensely' I have all rights to see u like this 'she was shivering more like tense, her husband was demanding from her and she should fulfil his wishes, she hesitantly stand with bedsheet covering her, saw sanskar was gazing her waiting for his wish to fulfil, she breath heavy in and out and let go off the sheet she closed her eyes as she can't take sanskar lusty eyes anymore, she gasp feeling herself in air she open eyes to see sanskar was taking her in bridal way in washroom,
Ra; sanskar no plz not again
Sa; sorry ragini too late 'he make her stand under shower with him and let the water fall on them' where were u all my life 'he whisper under shower it was enough for ragini she felt overwhelm by the love he was showering at her, she hugged him tightly got teary eyes
Ra sobbed; I love u sanskar plz don't ever leave me
Sa; never ragini even I will be with u till my dea' b4 he complete ragini kissed him hard shocking sanskar he started respond back when she bite his lower lip' ahhh what r u doing
Ra angrily; never ever talk about death I will kill u b4 u leave me understand
Sa laugh at her antique; yes boss, well now that we already here give me the permission to seeded inside u, again
Ra gasp; sanskar have some shame and I'm warning u, watch ur dirty mouth
Sa smirk; don't tell me u don't enjoy my dirty talks 'ragini blush it was true she always enjoy when sanskar dominates her like this when he teased her, it's like dirty little secrets which turns her on' look at u ur blushing
Ra: stop it sanskar, did u forget we still under shower and we have flight to catch
Sa ; oh shit I forgot, god ragini how much naughty u have became
Ra shock; what me n naughty what did I do
Sa; or nai tu kia see cuz of u we r late all the time romance romance,
Ra: sanskar u, I hate u 'she smirk
Sa kissed her; but I love u ' they again made love under the shower after getting ready ragsan met thr parents, sujatha was very happy cus she saw the glow on ragsan faces, but they were not happy as laksh didn't came to meet them, they went to his room but he's simply say bye and hug his brother without any feeling ignoring ragini, she was hurt to see laksh ignorance but sanskar console her saying
Sa: he will be fine as time pass 'she nodded and leave with his husband, she forgot all her worries thr, she went shopping with sanskar buy the gift for all family members and sanskar too, every night they showered eo with love surprising eo supporting eo, they came back from honeymoon, ragini was so happy to see her family thr, she provide everyone with presents, even buy for laksh too
Ra; sanskar I have buy some gift for laksh will u courier him
Sa; ya sure 'sanskar courier it next day but didn't get any response from thr, ragini saw ap talking to laksh in phone she also wanted to talk to him but he cut the call after listening her voice, she got teary eyes but control herself for her family
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