Anirudh gets an Idea
Bondita is worried about her damaged mangalsutra. Anirudh tries to console her.
~In Anmol's house~
Devu comes to guest room with tea and biscuit.
Devu: Saab, sarpanch ji is calling you.
Anirudh: Hn, I am coming. Bondita you eat this. I will come soon, stop worrying for stupid things.
He said and walked out. Bondita worries.
~In Hall~
Anirudh: Sarpanch ji, you called me.
Anmol: Anirudh, what happened to your exam? You wrote it well?
Anirudh: Hn, I did it well but...
Anmol: But what? Any problem, tell to me I will resolve it.
Anirudh: I think no one can resolve it.
Anmol looks at him. Anirudh explains him everything.
Anmol: What?! Now how will you get admission?
Anirudh: I don't know, I am really confused sarpanch ji. Barrister degree is my dream. It was my mom's dream too. I have to fulfill it anyhow.
Anmol: Then what about your wife?
Anirudh glares.
Anmol: Whatever you do but never think of something that will hurt your wife.
Anirudh: I am really confused, sarpanch ji. I cannot give up this opportunity. This exam comes only in 4 years. What will I do now? How will I handle Kaka? What will I tell to Bondita? Oh Durga maa...
Anmol: Anirudh, calm down. Calm down! I know you are confused now but you should not take any decisions now. It may go wrong. You have given your exams only now. You have time until results.
Anirudh: Sarpanch ji, results will be declared day after tomorrow. I got only one day, within that I must do something. I am sure I will pass this test.
Anmol: How you are so sure?
Anirudh: I have worked lot for this. From the day I completed my 12th std, I am studying for this exam. I know, I will pass in this.
Anmol looks on.
Anirudh: Why Durga ma is giving troubles to me alone?
Anmol: Don't speak like this, Anirudh. You cannot blame god for your disabilities. You chose this path, so you only have to face everything. Think well and take decision.
Anirudh nodded.
Anmol: Now go take rest.
Anirudh: Ji!
He said and walks away from there.
~In pinky's room~
Pinky is reading her books. Bondita comes there.
Pinky: Bondita, come here. I have to show you something.
Bondita smiled and went to her.
Pinky: Look, my books. Will you please tell me stories from this?
Pinky gives the book to Bondita.
Bondita: Book?
She gets it with a passionate eyes. She draws her finger upon the page with an emotinal smile.
Pinky: Please, tell me story from this book.
Bondita: You know to read and write?
Pinky: Han, somewhat. I go to school rarely. Most of the time my baba only will teach me.
Bondita looks at the book curiously.
Pinky: In which school you study?
Bondita: I... I don't go to school.
Pinky: Why?
Bondita: Can girls go to school?
Pinky: Why not?
Anirudh comes there but stopped outside itself.
Bondita: Going to school will give happiness?
Anirudh looks on.
Pinky: Hn, but for me not.
Bondita: Why?
Pinky: If i go there then the bad ones will come to burn me. But you can go to school because the bad ones do not know you.
Bondita glares at the book. Pinky notices Anirudh out.
Pinky: Bondita, look he came again. They came to burn me. No, don't burn me. Bondita save me from him.
She hides behind Bondita.
Bondita turned towards him. Anirudh came inside.
Pinky: No, don't come. Baba.... Bondita... Save me.
Bondita: Pinky Sssh! Sssh! He is not here to burn you. He is my pati babu, he never hurts kids.
Pinky: Really?
Anirudh: You want candy?
Pinky looks on with fear.
Anirudh: I have only one candy, if you don't want then it's fine. I'll eat it.
Pinky: Giv.. Give it.. To.. Bondita. I...i will get it... From her.
Anirudh: Nahi, bondita hates chocolate. So she won't get it.
Bondita looks at Anirudh in a shock, he winked his eye. She understood.
Anirudh: Okay, leave. I will eat it.
He opens the wrapper.
Pinky: I...i want it.
Anirudh: Really? Then come to me and get it.
Pinky nods no.
Anirudh: Okay, I will eat it.
He acts like eating it. Pinky went near him slowly. He grins.
Pinky got the chocolate from him. He gives hifi to her. Pinky smiled.
Bondita: Pati babu, your tea became chill. Wait, let me ask devu babu to heat it again. Nahi, I will go and heat it for you.
She was about to keep the book down but Anirudh holds her.
Anirudh: When book is in your hand why you want to go to kitchen?
Bondita: What to do with this book, pati babu? I don't know to read and write. I know only kitchen hold.
Pinky: Why you are not sending Bondita to school?
Anirudh looks on.
Bondita: Pati babu, pinky is saying that girls can also go to school. I think school will be very jolly. I will get new friends too.
Anirudh: You want to go to school?
Bondita nods no and yes at the same time. Anirudh looks on.
Bondita: I don't want to go school but atleast teach me to read and write. Look how colorful this book is! But I could only look at the colors not the context.
Anirudh thinks: Idea!!!
Bondita: Ask Kaka sasurji to teach me as like he taught me mantras.
Anirudh: Bondita, you... You can go to school!!
Bondita gets excited.
Anirudh: Hn, this is the only way. Bondita, you go to school.
Bondita: Really, pati babu?
Anirudh thinks: Hn, you go to school, I will go to college. This way will work.
Bondita: Speak up, pati babu. Are you going to send me to school?
Anirudh: Han, Han Bondita.
He smiles like he achieved something. Bondita is so excited.
Anirudh: You play here, I am going to room.
He smiled and went to the room.
~In Room~
Anirudh: Knowingly or unknowingly, Pinky gave me a good idea. I was worried on what to do. If bondita goes to school then I can go to college. Hn, I will join her in hostel. This way will work.
He smiled at Durga's idol.
Anirudh: Now I need not worry about Bondita's security. If I join her in hostel she will be safe there. Once I complete my college, I will take her back from hostel. Yeah, this is the only way. Because Kaka can't handle Bondita and family for 3 years alone, at the same time I can't send Bondita back to her home.
His heart jumps in joy on thinking about this idea.
What will happen next?
Will his idea work or destiny has something else for them?
Just stay tuned to know about it!❤️
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