Mr. Tully's biology class arrived at Oscorp at around midday. The bus parked in the back, where there were already two tour guides waiting for the class. They stood rigidly still, watching them intently as the students got out of the bus, fixing their blazers and backpacks. Some had camera's or phones in their hands, some were chatting excitedly while others looked plain bored. The older of the two tour guides, a middle aged women with greying platinum blonde hair, stepped forward. "Welcome, everyone! We here at Oscorp are glad to take you on this tour today. I'm Cathy, I'm head of Social department so if you have any questions, feel free to ask me anything."
Their biology teacher emerged from the group, addressing his students. "Alright, everyone pair up with the person you sat beside on the bus. That's who you'll be touring the facility with." a few people groaned, obviously annoyed they had to share long hours with someone they didn't know. Nora smirked at Cindy who just nudged her shoulder with a grin. Behind them, Peter gave Ned a small fist bump, Ned grinning at the prospect. They had had the right idea. "The class will be divided into two groups. One group will come with me and Cathy to visit the animal exhibit while the other will go with Jennifer over here." the other tour guide nodded at them politely, a short girl with black hair slicked back in a bun.
And so the class was divided into the subsequent groups. Nora and Cindy were to go with Mr. Tully's group. Nora played with the phone in her hands, pulling up the camera as they walked into the building. Rafe had hounded her to take good enough pictures so he could see the exhibit. She wasn't sure if they would be great photos, unlike Cindy who had brought her professional grade camera for the occasion. J. Jonah Jameson, the man in charge of the Daily Bugle had tasked her to take photos for the newspaper. Her camera was the envy of everyone there. Yes, iPhone's may be good, but nothing could be compared to a Nikon.
They entered the facility, already full of scientists huddled around experiments and demonstrations. Animals walked around in small enclosures, stark white walls stopping them from escaping. They were placed on metal columns, which were protected by cylindrical glass casing. Little podiums stood at the side, an electronic interface placed on it with the information about each experiment. Nora, along with her phone, had a notepad in hand, ready to take notes on anything she felt was important.
"Okay, so here we are. You are one of the first people outside of Oscorp employees to see our new genetics lab." Cathy said, leading the excited group of teens further into the lab. "Now, can anyone guess what we might be doing here in this lab."
Someone's hand shot up, Nora knew them as one of Flash's friends. "Splicing the DNA of animals into others. Creating hybrids."
Cathy thought about it for a few moments. "Not exactly, but the concept is more or less the same." They deflated and Nora couldn't help but smirk. Despite her kind nature, sometimes it was nice to see people with big egos take a hit. "Anyone?"
Another hand must have gone up because Cathy's eyes lifted a bit in acknowledgement of their contribution. "Using the DNA of certain animals to benefit others. Like using starfish DNA to help a mouse with three legs to grow a fourth."
Nora, who had been focused on her shoes, perked up at the voice. It sounded familiar, but not so familiar that she immediately recognised it. Listening to this person was like hearing a song that you couldn't remember the name of, or meeting a family member whose name you couldn't think of. Nora tried to get a look at the person, but with so many students, it was hard to distinguish any faces that struck her. Cindy nudged her with an elbow, to get her to pay attention again, so she could stare at Cathy's too wide for her face glasses again.
"Yes, you're on the right track!" exclaimed Cathy. "What we do here in this lab is too create serums and supplements to help further the lifespan of a creature, human or otherwise." She pressed a button on one of the exhibits and it displayed a hologram of the body. "Years ago, a scientist by the name of Dr. Erskine created a serum that allowed the body to work at top physical peak. As we can see now by the now famous hero Captain Rogers, or Captain America, that he was successful in doing so." Nora cocked her head a little in interest. Cindy beside her snapping photos of the presentation. "Unfortunately, samples of the serum were destroyed, however, that hasn't stopped us from trying to replicate the contents."
She clicked another button, and a small lizard like creature displaying the same translucent features came up on the hologram. "Using the regenerative or survival techniques of some animals. For instance, this chameleon." Some of the holographic chameleon's DNA swapped into the humans, causing it to blend into the background. "We can create a formula that can match what was done to Captain Rogers, or perhaps excel it." The human returned and the presentation ended. Cathy emerged from her spot from the buttons. "Now, obviously it's in the very early stages, but we believe that by 2020 we will have the super serum perfected and shipped out to every pharmacy in the US."
Nora raised a brow, that was four years away. Erskine could've taken years and years longer than that to develop his serum. She doubted he had any plan to sell it commercially. This didn't seem right. She shot a look to Cindy, who was too busy being captivated by the many photo opportunities before her. Rolling her eyes, she realised she wouldn't be available to talk about suspicious activity for awhile.
"So, while I check in with the next exhibit, feel free to look around, take pictures, everything. Just make sure not to disturb any of the animals." Cathy told the class and then went to chat to someone in her earpiece. Cindy looked just about ready to burst from excitement and Nora had to admit, she was happy to be there, but she couldn't stop the seed of apprehension plant itself in her chest. After a strict warning from Mr. Tully not to touch a single thing without permission, the class dispersed. Cindy immediately walked off in one direction, prompting Nora to scurry after her.
Cindy pressed her camera to her eye, snapping a few photos of scientists in some lab cornered off from the rest of the floor. "This is so cool!"
Nora agreed with a nod, pirouetting in her spot to take everything in. "It is pretty impressive. Don't think you think it's a little ambitious?"
Her friend stood there a moment, looking up from her camera to think about it. "I mean, I guess." she shrugged. "But isn't it time? Dr. Erskine's formula was decades before it's time, and that was what, like seventy or so years ago? We need to catch up."
"People have tried, Cin, and have failed miserably." Nora walked beside her friend as she continued her journey. "Look at Dr. Banner."
"You mean the incredibly famous Avenger who helped save the world. Twice. That Dr. Banner?" Nora elbowed her in the ribs, causing her to yelp a little. Cindy hated when she did that, the way her elbow made contact with her ribs, it was like getting pricked by thorn. As the ebony haired girl rubbed her side, Nora continued.
"This is just show. That hologram was just what they hoped to happen, for all they know, people could turn into lizards!"
Cindy sighed, taking a step out in front to face her. "Nora, calm down. These people are professionals, they know what they are doing." she put her hands on her shoulders. "If something goes wrong they are trained to handle it. Yeah, it's a little ambitious, but what scientific breakthrough wasn't. You gotta take risks."
"Why do I feel like I'm getting lectured by my sister?"
"Because I am your sister. You know, your non related, slightly younger sister."
Nora rolled her eyes, linking arms with the smaller girl as conversation ensue about her photos. Going around the exhibit was actually pretty informative, if a little out there. People in lab coats directed them to the stuff they wanted them to see, making Nora a little curious, but pushing it aside for the flashy holograms and new technology. The two freshmen were nearly done in visiting every exhibit before Nora's eyes landed on one in particular. She tugged on Cindy's sleeve, making the girl follow her train of vision. "Spider DNA?" Cindy parroted the name of the experiment. "No, I'm out."
"You said you gotta take risk. Besides, you love spiders."
"No, Aliya loves spiders. I personally think they are demonic creatures from hell."
Nora just ignored her, continuing her path towards the spiders. Cindy called after her, a whine that made her chuckle. Suddenly, she appeared at her side. "If you get bitten, don't come crying to me."
"They are encased in glass walls, the most they could do is crawl closer." noting her uneasiness, she smirked. "You were the one who said take risks."
"Yeah, but those risk don't involve eight legged harbingers of death."
"And you tell me I'm dramatic."
The doors opened with a swish, Nora groaning at Cindy squeezing her arm in fear. There was already two from their class in the lab, so Cindy relaxed a bit. "See, there will be witnesses."
The other two didn't register them, so Cindy pulled out her camera, zooming in on the small, palm sized arachnids in the glass casing. She shivered. "I feel like they are looking at me."
The Mendes girl just scoffed, folding her arms and reading the little blurb giving a little insight on what the spiders would be used for. "Radioactive blood?" she breathed, frowning deeply.
Cindy whipped her head to her. "Ew, ew no, I'm out. I'm going to the bathroom. Take some photos, I'll be back." Nora was handed the Nikon before she even noticed that her friend had gone. Now, with this foreign object in her hand, Nora wasn't sure what she should take a photo of next. She opened the menu and flicked through the photos to see Cindy's work. Nora didn't notice that around her, where there was originally only two scientist, there was now six scientists, looking quite frantic. She only noticed someone walking up to her and asking softly.
"Did you take those?"
Nora jumped, barely keeping a hold of the camera in her hands. "What?" when she finally focused who was in front of her, it was Peter smiling lightly, blushing slightly. "Oh, sorry, no I didn't."
"Damn, I thought we both had the right idea." he held up his own camera, an older version of Cindy's cherished Nikon.
"No, this is my friends. She's around here somewhere. She's terrified of spiders."
"Yeah, I'm not great with them either." Peter confessed. "I'm only in here because Ned dragged me in." Ned, a few steps away, waved fondly. Nora waved back.
"What's so bad about them? I think they are cute." Nora giggled, stepping closer to the exhibit. Three spiders were on the table, walking around slowly, obviously bored with their surroundings. One of the now eight employees ran towards her.
"No, miss, please don't!" Nora stepped back immediately, holding her hands up to show them she hadn't touched it. "This is very sensitive material."
"Oh, god, sorry." Nora said genuinely, although she couldn't help but catch the fact that some of the glass on her end was broken.
Peter, who had come over to her, narrowed his eyes in concentration. His mouth moved slightly, his finger noting all the spiders in the case. "Uh, weren't there four spiders?"
The scientist paled, while Nora backed away. "No, I can assure you, there was only three spiders in here."
Peter shot Nora a look, who couldn't hide the fear now setting in. "I have a picture here, there was—"
Cathy burst in, making Ned scream. "There you three are. We are moving on, your class is waiting for you."
"But, miss—" Nora began.
A little abruptly, a quite snappy, Cathy replied with a sickly smile that made Nora uneasy. "Come on, let's go."
Ned shrugged at the two of them. Peter sighed, pocketing his camera in his bag and meeting up with Ned. "Coming, Nora?" he asked when she wasn't at his side.
She stood frozen for a moment, not really wanting to move in case she stepped on the poor spider. But Cindy would want her camera back, wherever she was. So, she nodded, knowing also that if she didn't move it would get her into trouble. They were out on the floor again, where Cathy was swiftly trying to lead them into another room. Peter, beside her, began flipping through his photographs again. Nora was glancing all round her, in case she noticed the loose spider.
They followed the group out into the hall, Nora still looking for her friend, when beside her, Peter hissed. Instincts kicking in, she was at his aid in seconds. "What is it? What's wrong?"
Peter's hand went to his neck, swearing under his breath. "This damn blazer keeps irritating me."
She checked where his hand was, brushing it away. "Let me see."
"It's fine."
"Shut up," she chastised. "And let me see."
He did as he was told, sighing loudly. "It's nothing."
"I'll be the judge of that." looking covertly around her, she let her fingers glow their white gold colour. She trailed her finger across the skin that was beginning redden. The hair on the back of his head stood up at the light contact. Nora expected the skin to return to normal but nothing happened. It didn't heal, at all. That never happened.
In fact, it got worse. That never happened either.
"Well, now it really stings." Peter said, rubbing it again.
"Yeah, maybe you're allergic to something in the blazer." Nora shrugged, a little shaken that her abilities didn't work. She took another look around, to see if anyone saw her and to her relief, she thought no one did.
Peter didn't seem too distracted by it. "It's okay, I'll live."
Something in her heart sank at his voice. "Sorry."
"You didn't do anything."
That was the thing, she didn't do anything at all.
"I'm here!" a voice cried as they ran for the group. "I"m here, sorry, bathroom was blocked on this floor, and I had to tie my shoelace!"
Nora breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of her friend bolting it for the group. "Hey, here's your camera back."
"Take any more photos?"
"No, they threw us out a few minutes after."
Cindy nodded, gesturing back to the first room they were in. "Yeah, it's swamped with people now, something about a lost animal."
Nora's eyes widened slightly. "What?"
The group was already leaving, so Cindy couldn't elaborate, she went up to the front. Nora hung back, ringing her hands together. Something wasn't right at all. Clutching the notebook in her hand, she took a breath, looking for Peter again. He wasn't there.
For a few minutes, she threw herself into what Cathy was saying, but someone interrupted her, a man with greying hair and round glasses walked toward her, whispering in her ear. She nodded. "Could Nora Mendes please step forward?" every eye in the group turned to her, her face dropping and her heart rate increasing.
The man who had talked to Cathy was smiling at her, before he said. "It's rather important." by the look in his eyes she could tell. She could tell that he had seen her trying to heal Peter.
This wasn't good.
not edited
A/N: And now, Nora's origin story is kicking into gear as well as Peter's. I am beyond excited for this story, and I hope you are too! I hope to get the first half of this story done before Homecoming is released, that will delve more into the Peter/Nora ship.
dedicated to @spiderlad bc they are super rad and are nearly at 1k so follow follow follow! (EDIT: they are at 1k, but the sentiment still stands lmao)
Comment, vote, follow & stay awesome Gotham - Emma
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