My heart races, threatening to beat out of my chest. Are we asking to be slaughtered?
We walk silently, for the sake of our lives.
I have a feeling Roman is purposely walking on sticks and loose branches. In response, I playfully tug on his jacket, pulling him back.
"Don't get us caught, you doofus." I smile.
"Whatever you say kid."
He regains his balance and hops over branches and obstacles.
We are all confused on how to kill time as we wander aimlessly looking for the careers.
But we manage to keep each other occupied by playing a game.
"Never have I ever slipped on a banana peel."
Talisa starts.
"I have." says Kolton, which earns a laugh.
"Never have I ever been in the hunger games."
"You idiot." I laugh, as we all put our fingers down.
"Never have I ever accidentally pooped your pants." I say.
"Does it count if it was purposely?" Roman jokes.
We laugh, and continue.
"Never have I ever eaten a bug!"
"Nerve have I ever broken a bone."
"Never have I ever been mauled by a mutt." Says Roman, smirking at me.
I guiltily put a finger down.
"Never have I ever cussed at an adult."
"Do Katniss and Peeta count?" Kolton says regretfully.
"No." I say.
We laugh at the fact we've never cussed at an adult.
"Never have I ever killed someone."
We all look at each other nervously, and awkwardly put a finger down.
"Well, enough of that game." Says Kolton.
I look ahead and gasp, stopping in my tracks.
"Okay. Back up for a second." I whisper.
There it is, the stupid tree house. Far to the side sits the cave we were informed about.
We all follow Talisa's lead, not making a sound as we dart toward what will be our new camp.
A branch snaps behind me and I panic, taking off running into the cave as fast as my limp legs can carry me. The rest catch up.
"What was that?" I hear a familiar voice. A career.
I hear talking and bickering between the tributes, as we wait for our heart rates to resemble normalcy. I take old stones and immediately close our entrance so that it doesn't look open.
Looking at the treehouse makes me wonder how the hell they pulled that off. Sponsor gifts, certainly.
Why couldn't they just work off of this cave? Use your brains, careers.
Talisa spots them standing in front of a ladder leading to their luxurious home. Arguing.
She slowly takes an arrow from her sheath and places it in position with her bow. She squints her eyes, and arches her shoulders back. Right away I know this is a huge risk because if she hits someone (or even misses) then our cover will be blown. We'll be demolished.
No one objects to her unspoken plan anyway. If the careers want a fight, a fight is what they'll get.
I almost didn't catch sight of her letting the arrow go.
But I see it pierce a boy's heart.
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