After being put in clothing that we wont be recognized in, we attempt to sneak across the street.
We come to the elevator of the training center.
I stop in my tracks and bite my lip.
"What could go wrong?" she tells me.
"Katniss. You know damn well a lot can go wrong."
"I'm just trying to ease your nerves."
"And if people find out we have been in the gamemaker's building? You see-"
"Shh." she grabs my hand and she presses the button on the elevator.
The sudden gesture instantly calms me. Every single time she touches me she manages to cause butterflies to spew in my stomach.
I close my eyes, and take both of her hands in mine.
I open them again a few seconds later to see her looking at me.
"Are you okay?" she asks me softly.
I nod my head, forcing a smile.
Her hand moves up to my face, and she rubs her thumb across my cheek.
"I don't know how these next few months will be for us, but we'll get through it together. Alright?"
"Together?" I repeat her words.
She places a kiss on my lips.
We exit the building not being seen. The sidewalk is a different story.
Crossing the street will the the staff of nightmares.
People crowd the roads, walking all different directions.
Some are dressed in "costume."
I squint at people passing by, and I notice some are dressed as tributes. Us.
I freeze up, my eyes growing wide.
"How could they-"
She places her hand on the small of my back and leads me to the crosswalk.
We walk with our heads down, and successfully enter the building.
"Now what?" I say, seeing as it's just as crowded inside the lobby.
There are racks on wheels that carry suitcases being rolled around everywhere. They look like miniature carriages.
She gives me a devious smirk.
"I know exactly what you're thinking. Absolutely nooooot.. Ahh!"
She grabs my wrist and we sneak around the flow of insane Capitol people.
A man stopped rolling their cart to be given directions to go up to the gamemaker's floor and I watch in horror as Katniss climbs into it being perfectly hidden.
"Come on!" she whispers waving her arm.
I reluctantly climb in after her and sit cross legged. There are briefcases surrounding us.
"Sit back and enjoy the ride." she giggles.
I rest my head in my hand, not interested.
I watch as she peaks out the cart as it starts to move. She frowns to herself, understanding the realization that I'm being a complete downer.
I feel instant guilt power over me. She's trying to make this uplifting for us and I'm not letting her.
I lace her fingers with mine, and leave a short kiss on her lips. A smile is replaced on her face again, and we watch as we are pulled from hallway to hallway until we reach an elevator. We make a mental map in our head to know how to get back. We silently throw around game plans to find Plutarch.
The doorman pulling us knocks on a large brown door, and the one and only Plutarch opens it. What a fortune coincidence.
"Delivery for Heavensbee." The man smiles, rolling us right into his room.
"Thank you sir."
Little does he know he's in for a surprise.
Once the door is closed, Katniss peeks her head out, signaling where we are.
His eyes widen, and he gestures us back into the cart. It seems like he has other company in his room.
"There are gamemakers in here, with Snow." Katniss whispers to me.
I take my remote out of my pocket and turn my ear piece on, ready to communicate with our tributes. Not only will we talk to Plutarch, but we'll spy on the gamemakers and find out what they're planning.
"What has been delivered to you Mr. Heavensbee?" President Snow's unfaithful voice radiates throughout the room.
"New suits for conference meetings, of course."
"Why, I would love to see one of them."
My heart drops to my stomach.
"Most certainly."
I quickly take my disguise suit off as he walks over to the cart which is on the other side of the room where he is standing. Katniss helps me take everything off as quickly as possible. People can't hear me struggling because of the commotion of voices discussing the hunger games.
We manage to give it all to him when he comes to get it.
That damn man is so lucky we were here or he'd be dead. Literally.
He shows the suit and even shows Snow the pair of shoes I kicked off my feet.
I sit in the cart wearing only my underwear.
The draft in here gets chillier, so Katniss takes her jacket and wraps it around me.
We listen in to the gamemakers talk soon after.
They plan to set a windstorm that targets our tributes.
"What would be the only safe place for them?" asks Plutarch.
"Near the careers, of course. That way, there is no guaranteed safety." he responds.
We listen in for another ten minutes and find out that the careers are camped out in a treehouse they built, and are staying stationary until provoked.
"Why don't I take this cart out of harms way? It's very crowded in here."
"Don't let us overstay our welcome, Mr. Heavensbee. We have a hunger games to tend to. Tomorrow will be the windstorm."
He waits until they've all left for us to come out of the cart.
I'm handed my disguise clothing back and I quickly put it back on.
"You two don't understand how thankful I am."
"We came here for a reason, Plutarch." says Katniss.
I get distracted by all the desserts on the table.
"I saved your ass, I'll be helping myself over here."
I tell him once I'm already at the table stuffing my face with cheesecake, chocolate cupcakes, cheese buns, cookies, a chocolate fountain, red velvet pastries, and a marshmallow thing I can't even put a name to. This is every child's dream. Sometimes I forget we are still children ourselves.
Katniss looks over at me confused until she sees exactly what I'm doing.
Her mouth drops open.
"My important reason can defiantly wait a moment." she says, running after the desserts.
We help ourselves and sit at his table. He sits across from us.
"With the sweets aside, please tell me your reasoning of coming."
"Whensthaaaarebelliongunnastart?" I ask, with my mouth full.
"I beg your pardon?"
"He means, when is this rebellion going to launch? We want our tributes out of that arena before they're killed." says Katniss, I nod.
"I'm one step ahead of you. Make sure you know that they have to hunt down the careers. The rebellion has sparked in district 8. What we need, is more fire. Someone to give a reason to fight, and what would that reason be?"
"A tragedy." said Katniss, placing her cheesebun down.
"Talisa's already pregnant. There's already a fourteen year old slowly going lunatic in the arena. What else is there to open the eyes of Panem?"
Plutarch just laughs.
I bet I don't look too serious with chocolate all over my face.
Katniss wipes it off with her fingers before I get to it.
"I've got the perfect plan."
Plutarch shut off all the security cameras with the push of a button. He dismissed everyone for the day, and dressed us up as gamemakers to go inside the game room.
"So this is what caused our torture." I mumble.
"To an extent." Plutarch puts a hand on my shoulder. He presses a button and the games are on.
"We need to spark a rebellion, and you two will help me. You see, if I record your voices, it will project through jabberjays so that it appears as if they are seeking help."
"So we're going to make them think we're in danger? No way!" Katniss says.
"Do we want the power of President Snow to be stopped or not? This will make the audience regret they ever rooted for a hunger game." Plutarch responds.
After some arguing, we both finally agree.
With another button pushed, he tells us to scream their names emotionally.
Raina. Kolton. I'm sorry.
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