Drum roll please......
I'm making a short film based on this wattpad story!
Let me explain:
So I bought a nice video camera to film, and I'm halfway done with the script.
I'm holding open auditions at my school, and will have a cast!
Now Katniss and Peeta won't be in it, it'll be a normal hunger games short film, but Raina, Talisa, Roman and Kolton will be!
The film will not play out the same as my story but will be like these characters brought to life!
In my film, it will be the 43rd hunger games.
I'm excited and look forward to making it. I hope you are too!
Now here's chapter 31
We finally sent out medicine for the tributes this morning, and they retrieved it shortly after, as Finnick informed me.
I have not been watching the games, only receiving details from him.
Although I'm being self centered about this, I need time to get my shit back together.
I've been laying in bed for a countless amount of hours, wishing Peeta were here.
Where is he, anyway? Is he still watching the games?
I crawl out of my comforters and lazily walk into the living quarters, and there he is, eyes glued to the television.
"Afternoon princess." says Peeta, not breaking eye contact with what appears to be happening on the screen.
"Did I miss anything?"
"Nothing important, come lay with me."
He pats the spot next to him on the sofa.
I wrap my robe around me tighter and entangle myself within his arms and we watch the players in the arena take on challenges. It then cuts to our alliance group.
Nothing in my life ever goes smooth sailing, so why is it now?
The past few hours have been a relief to me, whereas Finnick sent me medicine and I can fully function again.
Talisa has been throwing up, and Kolton recently had a terrible cold.
We managed to cure him, and now we're walking through the path underground scoping out our surroundings.
Ever since the games have begun, we haven't known what time of day it is. Not that it matters anyway. It never dawned upon me to ask Katniss.
Kolton carries my backpack from the cornucopia.
"Due to my back," he tells me.
I could have carried it fine but he insisted.
He walks with two packs attached to him.
Suddenly, I hear a familiar voice ring in my ears, knowing its Katniss.
"Hey," I whisper directed to Katniss, as I press the button on the remote.
Talisa turns over her shoulder and freezes.
"Do you guys hear that?" she panics.
My eyes widen as I hear a growling sound. I hope it's someone's stomach.
"Run!" I hear Katniss's voice in my ears.
"Get above ground! Quick! Go!" Katniss screeches.
She probably sees something we don't.
Everyone takes off running in the direction where we first had dug the hole.
The message must have been said to all of our ear pieces.
We arrive to the dreaded hole where I was almost killed. Now, it can save my life.
Everyone helps each other boost themselves up, with me last. As soon as my head pops above ground, I'm pulled back by the ankle, and a sharp pain takes over me.
I plummet back to the ground, and it hovers over me. It's pitch black so I can't see. Where are my glasses? I have no hands free to attack the tribute after me.
I feel drool splash on my face. I hear more grunts as nails are drawn into me. This can't be a tribute. There's only one possible thing it could be.
A mutt.
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