Chapter Six
John Pov
"..And then she said, 'You're the sane version of Alex.' How crazy is that? I mean honestly though?" I said, on the phone with Laf.
I paced through my office.
"You said, that he got your bosses kill herself? Like a suicide?"
Laf asked.
"Yup." I said.
And Laf is going to freak out in
"I told you! He's messed up! Like, in the fucking head!" Laf exclaimed.
"Alright, alright. He's going to be in my office in three minutes so I gotta go." I said.
"Just be careful, okay?" Laf asked.
"When am I not?" I asked playfully.
I heard Laf scoff.
"Goodbye my dearest and most very beautiful Laurens!" Laf said.
I snorted.
"Goodbye to you too Laf." I said, starting to hang up my phone.
"Hey! It's Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motie-"
And I hung up on him.
His name is so fucking long it shouldn't be allowed.
Hell, I can barely remember all of my siblings middle names, so there ain't no way in hell I'm remembering that giant ass name any time soon.
I sat down at my desk and fiddled with my hands until they brought Alex in. The guard stood at the door.
"I'd like it better if you left." I said to Burr.
"Mr.Laurens, it's mandatory that I'm in th-"
"Get out." I ordered.
He did as he was told.
Alex smirked and sat down in his chair.
"You could've asked him to uncuff me first." Alex said, a small smile on his face.
I scoffed.
"Nah..anyway, returning topics of earlier," I said.
I took note of Alex's black eye.
Jesus those guards are ruthless.
"You still want me to tell you more about myself don't you? And if I do you won't make me go to that stupid group therapy. I'd be the only sociopath
- Well smart sociopath mind you-
in that group so I would learn nothing. Hell, I'm barely learning anything now except..."
He trailed off.
"Except?" I persisted.
He shook his head.
I sighed.
He's not going to tell me about what he was going to say.
"I was in jail when I was sixteen. Theft." He said.
I perked up.
He's talking about himself.
Really talking about himself.
This is a first.
"Theft?" I asked.
"Yeah it was pretty stupid..kind of reckless work. It was around that time I was planning for that big murder mystery thing.
Anyway, I only was in jail for around six months. The second I got out I was back to planning.
Then I commenced my plan it was amazing.
I sat back and watched the world burn. I lead the tracks back to me and was caught.
Whoopies!" He exclaimed, shrugging.
"You wanted to be caught." I said. "Yeah, you alright know I wanted to." He muttered.
"Anywho, I got locked up in jail.
Life sentence.
Tried as an adult.
I killed so many people, and
It was fun.
I loved watching the cops run around frantically and then hiring the private investigators."
He told me.
I didn't know how to respond.
He kept talking.
He's good at that.
"And Guess What I did next! Guess what was the finishing touch of my big ass plan!" He exclaimed excitedly.
"..what?" I asked.
"I killed so many people from inside the jail. Then they did tests on me and turns out, and
I'm a sociopath!
I have no regret for what I did, and I never will.
It was great.
I loved it.
But it wasn't hard enough.
I was still bored.
I seek bloodshed, but no one ever gives it to me anymore.
Not even a pen.
Because with a pen,
you have a paper,
and with paper,
you have writing,
then a plan,
plus me?
There's death.
And lots of it.
That's why everyone's so scared of me. I don't personally hurt people...
I don't like to get my hands dirty.
But I know just how it gets done for me."
He said, leaning forward and staring me in the eyes.
We were silent.
For just a moment.
"Thank you, my dear sir, for listening to my story of rubbish."
He said, leaning back.
"Thank you for telling me." I said.
"The pleasure is mine Mr.Laurens."
He replied.
How is he so damn polite?
He's not even trying!
He's a sociopath for Christ's sake!
"Alright?" He asked.
"Hmm? Oh I'm fine. How about yourself?" I asked.
"Eh. The best I can be while living in an insane asylum."
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