Crystal looked out the window into the dark, night sky. Everything was quiet in the house and outside was simmilar. There hadn't been many mobs around either, usually there was at least a hoard of zombies waiting for one of them to step out. But tonight there wasn't even a spider in sight. Just what she had hoped.
The window in her room was open just enough to let in a cool breeze. A latch prevented anything from opening it more from the outside. Luckily it was locked from the inside. As quietly as she could, Crystal unlatched the small hook holding the window down and pushed it up higher.
She glanced over her shoulder once, grabbed a small bag she had placed next to the window and carefully climbed out. Next to the window grew tendrils of creeping ivy thick enough to hold her as she made her way to the ground.
Landing in the bushes below, Crystal peaked out and looked around just to make sure Steve hadn't been woken up by her 'escape'. If you could really call it that. After all, she was planning on coming back before the sun came up and the cows came home.
But until then, she had the whole night to get out and actually see the town.
So she got going, carefully going down the path to keep a watchful eye out for anything that might sneak up on her.
Seems she hadn't been careful enough. Herobrine watched her go down the path, a scowl on his face, before trudging back through the trees and to the house. He didn't bother to knock when he came to the door, instead he kicked it in and walked through the kitchen to the staircase outside the doorway, smoldering in thought.
He walked upstairs quietly, out of habbit, and walked up to Steve's bedroom door. Being one of the doors nearest the stairs it was pretty easy to find. And since there wasn't a lock on it either it was pretty easy to open.
Herobrine slammed the door open with a bang. Steve jumped up startled and stared at herobrine with a mixture of confusion and terror. He only glared back, his eyes shining brighter the more his heart pulsed in anger. It only took a few moments for Steve to get out of his initial shock and glare back.
"What the helll are you doing? You're going to wake her up!" Steve hissed. Herobrine only snorted and walked into the room.
"Hard to do if she's already awake AND gone" He stated, his arms crossed over his chest "You know, I never gave you enough credit, you really were a great father to her" His voice dripped with sarcasm.
"Thanks I-" steve stopped and glared even more. Even if his glare would never match that of his brother when he wasn't even trying "What do you mean she's gone? I would've heard her door open and her walking downstairs. And I was a much better father than you could've been"
In a puff of white smoke Herobrine appeard next to the bed and grabbed Steve by the throat. His eyes were blaring and almost blinding.
"You never gave me a chance to try" He spat in Steve's face "You took her before I had a chance. If not for me letting you, You woulnd't have even gotten her this second time. Using MY potions and MY plan I felt generous to let you explain to her yourself why and how you took her" He let go and steve fell back to the bed gasping.
"And to answer how she got out" Herobrine said walking back to the door "She left through the window in her room and climbed down the ivy growing next to it. She's heading into town right now to do who knows what"
Steve slowly swung his legs over the side of the bed, staring at Herobrine the whole time.
"she couldn't have. Crystal never snuck out before" He said deep in thought "She was always good about following curfue"
Herobrine smirked "apparently you've never caught her out then. She seemed pretty familliar about it"
Steve froze "What if her memories are coming back?" he stared at the ground in horror at the thought.
"She hasn't" Herobrine replied unbothered "Unless something sparks them, they'll be gone for a while"
"What's to say something in town won't be enough to spark one?" Steve asked sternly "There could be anything there"
"Then you'd better go get her before she gets there" Herobrine smirked "Other wise, I'll be watching the whole train wreck and be there to cause more chaos"
Steve rolled his eyes "Cause that's exatly what the world needs. More of your messes for Notch to clean up"
Herobrine froze "Him clean up my messes?" His face turned to rage. "He has never done a thing related to me besides locking me in the nether, making me public enemy number one, and sending people to try and kill me" His voice gradually got softer as he spoke until it was a hoarse whisper.
Steve opened his mouth in an attempt to respond but nothing came out. Instead he sighed and stood up, pulled a jacket on and pushed past Herobrine before walking down the stairs and to the front door. He stopped to look back.
"He's tried to do more for you than anyone else has in a long time, you're just too blind to see it" Steve said with a hint of regret in his voice before making his way into the forest.
Herobrine watched in blistering anger. If he hadn't been worried for Diamond's safety he would have filled the forest with mobs ready to attack him. But he didn't. Instead, in another puff of white smoke, he disappeared.
Crystal looked around as she reached the edge of the town. Everything was so big and lit up with so many lights, it was amazing. She snaked her way throuugh the people milling around on the side walks. There were a lot more people staggering around and laughing to themselves outside bars than she would have expected but still, she was glad to be out and walking around without constently being shadowed by Steve.
"Hey~" She stopped. Looking over her shoulder she tried to spot who had called out. She smiled sadly to herself when she saw a group of obvious friends walking down the street across from her. They cheered as one of their other friends walked up and joined them.
She sighed and put her hands into her pockets as she kept walking. Hopefully tonight she'd finally be able to find some friends. Steve had said they'd be staying for a long time.
Budder couldn't help but smile as he looked out at the town from his window. He was finally here, and in the morning he could start looking. A sigh escaped sigh escaped him full of relief.
"Hey, you got any soap?" Fluffy asked opening the door joining his, budder and Stack's (Munchingbrotatoes son) rooms.
"Yea, there's another in the bathroom" Budder replied pointing behind him. "Feel free to help yourself" He smirked.
Fluffy nodded and headed in "You still brooding?" He called from the bathroom. Budder laughed and walked back to the bed.
"I'm surprised you even know what that means furball" Budder replied. Fluffy stuck his head out of the bathroom and looked at him unimpressed.
"I thought you had more faith in my vocabulary" he said before laughing and walking out of the bathroom with an armful of soaps.
Budder chuckled "Never said I didn't, just the par where you knew that fancy big word"
"It's not that big" Fluffy rolled his eyes as he walked back to the door. He stopped to smirk "Not as big as the words in your diary"
In a split second Budder was up and chasing Fluffy through the three conjoined rooms yelling his head off and throwing every pillow he could find at the furball laughing his head off.
"Dad! Dad!" Phil groaned and rolled over in the makeshift tent. He pulled the blanket up further.
"Go back to sleep Colin" he muttered.
There was silence. Phil sighed and started to drift off again.
"wake up!" Colin yelled suddenly, jumping onto Phil.
He grunted and looked up at the squid boy. Colin smiled back sweetly and crawled up the blanket until they were face to face.
"You awake?" He tilted his head to the side. Phil chuckle.
"I am now it seems" He smirked and sat up. Colin tumbled to the side with a yelp. Phil smirked again and looked down at him.
"Now what was so important that you needed to wake me?" He asked raising an eyebrow. Colin smiled up lying on his back. He shrugged. Phil rolled his eyes again.
"So there was no reason? You just wake up early and get board?" he smiled.
Colin nodded. "Yea, I went for a walk while you were asleep too" Colin smiled and ran to the edge of the tent. When he came back he held up a string of four fish proudly. "I found a pond and got breakfast" Phil couldn't help but smile back. He ruffled Colin's hair affectionatly.
Phil smiled and followed him out of the tent. It took a couple minutes until Phil was able to make a fire but when he was able to get it up and going the smell of cooking fish wafted over the campsite. Colin was playing near the forest as Phil watched the fire to make sure the fish didn't burn.
There was a squeaky yelp from the direction of the forest. Phil looked up quick with a worried look. It only turned into shock as he stood up to face them.
At the edge, holding Colin, who had leaves stuck in his hair, by the back of his shirt, stood a man dressed in a dark, black hoodie. His hood was flipped up and the shadow covered his face completely. There was only a faint reflection from two, green eyes to give away who they were.
Colin hung from the hand stunned and he could only manage a small whimper. The person carefully set him down and immediately he ran back over and behind Phil. Phil only smirked and crossed his arms as he stared the man down.
"I thought you weren't going to talk to me anymore" Phil teased "something about me being horrible or something along those lines, correct?" He smirked. The man muttered something and flipped the hood down.
"I'm sorry okay?" Jonas replied and looked at the ground "I just- I need some help" he sighed, there was a quiver in his voice "I got into some big trouble. I need somewhere to stay low for a bit" he pleaded.
Phil rolled his eyes. Oh how much he was turning out to be like him. It kinda made him proud but at the same time made him sad. He used to be so much like his mother before she- no, he wasn't going there now.
"You're in luck then" Phil nodded "we were just heading to a hideout ourselves. You can join us if you'd like"
Colin peaked out from behind and gave a small, Sky smile. Jonas forced a smile back but looked away quickly. Instead, he looked back at Phil and nodded.
"I'd appreciate it" he said relieved. Phil smirked even more and nodded towards the camp fire.
"We were just going to eat before we left. Might as well join us for that too" he shrugged trying to act carefree.
Jonas smile, and this time he didn't have to force it. He followed them back to the campfire and they chatted for a while. Colin eased up to him pretty quick and before he knew it he was running around again and climbing trees all over the place.
A/N "well I hope you foxes enjoyed the update. It was long in the making and very thoughtful. We enjoyed making it a-"
Oh stop making it sound like the end of the book Phil! It's only the third chapter in!
"You can never be to careful with the time it takes for you to update"
And what's that supposed to mean? *crosses arms£
*grins* "nothing"
Why you-
Colin- *pops up* thank you for reading! Join us in the next chapter when it's up and remember the first two books! Bye Foxes!
Colin wait!
See YA foxes!!!
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