Phil sighed, finally getting a rest as the two guards walked out of the room again. sweat was already pouring down his face. New scars were already healing on him, but what hurt the worst was the old ones they had reopened. An old scar on the side of his face was bleeding down his neck, some blood slowly dripping onto the ground. There was already a small pool of blood below him. The light from the small slits in the door reflected off it, giving a redish tint to his reflection. He glared at it as if that could take away his guilt.
"Any new information?" Kye asked, staring at the two guards without a hint of emotion.
The guards squirmed. This wasn't normal of her. After every interrogation, she was usually showing some level of remorse, not- nothing.
"Yes ma'am" The lead guard replied, "We have a lead as to where Miss may be"
Kye smirked, showing the first sign of any emotion she had in a long time.
"good, get a squad ready" She said as she started to walk off "We're leaving soon, let our guests know as well. We'll need their help. And make sure the enderman doesn't escape when you unchain it!"
The guards nodded, both very displeased.
Crystal sighed and stared at the dirt ground in front of her, another tear sliding down her cheek into the dirt underneath. It was all rushing back to her, every agonizing moment. Her head felt like it was about to blow up as all her memories of the last five years came rushing back. Emotions were flooding over her like a typhoon but the biggest one that stuck out to her was betrayal.
"Everyone" she muttered to herself "everyone eventually betrays me. Or each other" another tear hit the dirt.
"Hey! Max! Get over here!" a voice rang out through the tunnels.
Crystal sniffed and looked up. A pair of shadows was making their way down the corridor, illuminated by the torch light behind them. Crystal had taken down the ones near her, wanting to try and go unnoticed. She didn't want to be bothered by whoever might be looking for her.
"I'm coming, I'm coming" an annoyed sounding Max replied. "why'd you drag me along anyways? We were supposed to split up"
"I know, but this better" The shadows were getting closer. Crystal watched silently.
"This is better? No way man. This tunnel isn't even supported. It could collapse on us at any moment!" Max yelled "Barney, I knew you were crazy but I didn't think you were this insane"
"we has to find her. Its too dangerous fors her to be out on her own" Barney replied "Besides, Ross said it was important to check everywhere, and it's dangerous to go alone"
Crystal listened quietly. When they came into view, she was surprised to see one actually looked normal... and the other was a dinosaur. That didn't come as a surprise to her. After seeing a narwhal, and knowing so many other odd people, it was a relief to actually see someone who wasn't part animal.
"Oh, you totally did not just say that" Max said, stopping in the middle of the tunnel.
"Say what?" Barney stopped and looked back confused. They started talking in low voices.
Crystal leaned forward curious. They glanced around every once in a while as they talked, and Crystal carefully crept closer. Maybe if she found a way to distract them, she could-
She her heart jumped into her throat as she accidentally kicked a bucket. It clattered down the tunnel towards the torch light. Max and Barney stopped talking and looked over surprised.
"I can't believe that worked" Max said surprised.
Barney pulled out a torch and the sudden light hurt Crystal's eyes. She put her arm up to try and lessen the blindness, but it didn't stop the other two from coming forward.
"leave me alone" Crystal said, in the most threatening tone she could produce. It wasn't much more than a wobble in her voice.
"Comes now" Barney replied. "we means no harm. We only want to help. Now, let us go back" he carefully grabbed her arm. She relented and let them guide her back. It wasn't any use trying to fight anyways. She could tell what would happen if she did.
Crying echoed through the hall as Alesa climbed out of bed, sleep still in her eyes. It was silent in the house, save for the snoring coming from Sky's room. She smiled slightly as she walked into the nursery, but stopped surprised.
It was silent.
Mason cooed quietly at the figure standing over the crib. It slowly reached down and picked him out gently. Alesa's heart had stopped, watching this. She was frozen to the spot where she stood.
A low, dark chuckle came from the figure, emminating a feeling of dread and evil to come. He looked up, his eyes glowing bright.
"This is payback" he grinned before disappearing with baby Mason in a burst of fire.
The crib, carpet, and all surrounding areas burst into flames. Sky came running down the hall as fast as he could.
"Alesa!" He shouted.
He grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the way of the flames. She was shaking, but grabbed his hand before he leaped into the inferno. She didn't pause to speak before pulling him down the hall, away from the growing flames. They stumbled outside, a crowd had gathered to watch in awe and shock. She collapsed into Sky's arms, sobbing.
"He took mason" Alesa managed to get out "he was in the room and- he took him"
Sky looked up and stared into the fire, rage blooming in his heart as thoughts of revenge swirled through his mind.
"We'll get him back" Sky replied. "We will get him back"
A/N hello! So it seemed a lot of you were wondering where Herobrine went, here you go! ^-^ as you can see, he was kinda busy.
Hope everything's going well foxes! I will try to update more if I can, but until then
See ya foxes!!
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