Chapter 87: Anger management.
It smelled weird. Like smoke. It made me cough a little which caused a small chuckle to be heard. It was Hailin. Her eyes looked so deadly tired. I jumped a little, still being scared of her presence. She rolled her eyes. "Nothing to be scared of, Bambi. That douchebag already broke the whole computer system so I guess its no more messing up with your little mind and no more fun for Hailin." She said in an angry tone. I was relieved but did not dare show it. She scoffed and dug her hands in her pocket in a rush, trying to find something. She drew out a packet of cigarettes and with her trembling hands took one stick out. Proceeding to light it up, she then placed it in in between her two sets of teeth.
Breathing in the smoke, I immediately felt my lungs itching and coughed. "Hmph, haven't you ever smoked or what?" I hesitated to reply. Why would she even be talking to me. Why couldn't she just switch to physical torture if virtual was no more an option? She snapped her fingers and looked at me with wide eyes. I guess she was expecting an answer. "I-I'm only 17. Besides I'm not planning to." She scoffed again. "Sissy."
I looked down, feeling overwhelmed by her presence. The feeling of her staring at me, piercing into my soul, did not arrange things at all. I slowly looked at her, hoping she would get the message that I was feeling uncomfortable. Instead she asked me a question that left me in limbo. "How do you even know you are seventeen?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "I mean, do you even have a birthday?" I stayed quiet, not knowing what to reply to this. Strangely, my eyes started battering quickly. I felt so teared apart, so controlled in some way. I hated that feeling.
"You don't even know it, do you?" She leaned on the chair she was sitting on. "How much do you even know about yourself, huh?" I gulped. "Do you know the name of your mother?" My blood started boiling. How dared she mention my mother. "What about your brother. Have you had any memories of him? Any diseases he might have experience? Allergies?" "Shut up." I whispered. She did not listen. "Damn it, you even thought that a paralyzed woman was your mother for 16 years. " "Shut up." I said with more authority. She still disobeyed. "In fact, I think I know your dad better that yourself and I am a not even close to him." "I SAID SHUT UP!" "Alright, Miss Y/n does not want to talk about family, that's okay. What about your own lover. What is his real real name? Huh?" She said in a offensive tone, raising her voice.
I screamed. There was a big blast. There was a great chance that it was all my doing. It must have been my powers.
(A/n: Jesus! Finally finished writing that part. I hope that you are to not angry at me for the extremely long wait. I had been real busy lately and that's only now that I get time to sit down and write. Thanks as Always for the constant support coming from each of my readers.
Just finished playing The Last Of Us. Just amazing.
OH AND 57k?!! WOW! THAT IS AMAZING! Now I'm gonna use the rest of this precious time to reply to your comments. Bye! )
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