Chapter 83: Torture
(Your p.o.v)
"Now that I've told you everything you need to know, let's come to the fun part, personally my favourite." She said. I felt her pushing the chair at a faster pace. For all I knew, maybe she was going to kill me. Maybe she would end my suffering without even knowing? But... Why would she do this? Why am I of particular interest to anyone? Why was I even... How to say this... Created?
As questions kept rushing in my mind at 80 miles per hour, the bitch had already tied me up into another immobile chair before I knew it. Did she think I would struggle and try to break free? She is wrong then. I have no desire to live anymore.
I closed my eyes and waited for whatever weapon or other pain producing machine to kill me. "I'm ready to die." I whispered. My fake emotions which desperately needed to escape my fake heart started to express themselves through fake tears. The only regret I had was that together with all the others, my relationship with L too was not real. It was programmed. It meant that not only did he not feel anything at all for me but I too felt not a single shit for him.
My train of thoughts were suddenly interrupted when I felt a sharp pain shoot through my body, its source being my wrist. I screamed in agony, my throat becoming soar from it. As I looked to the side to find out how I was hurt, I met up with the sadistic smiling face of the bitch. She was holding a now bloody little knife of which the sharp end was implanted into my flesh.
"What? You still haven't gotten used to it by now?" I shot her a confused look which was mixed with pain. She continued. "Its not the first time you've been hurt. Look, here is the proof." She said before quickly lifting up the long sleeves was wearing. How did I even end up in those clothes. There were scars filled on my arms. Each of different shape and size. Some looked recent while others looked old. "I never remembered doing anything like this to me..." I said out loud.
She laughed manniacly. "That's right. You've never done any such thing to you. I DID THIS TO YOU!!" She shouted, piercing my ears. 'Huh!? How could she have done this to me without my acknowledgment?'
It was as if she was reading my mind. "You don't remember because I brainwashed you over again and again." Her voice was back to normal. It was a rather quick change in my opinion. "Its been the fifth time now." She continued. "But you are starting to look different from before. And I'm not meaning physically. Seems like the Hackers are getting better and better."
By now, she had already left my side and her back was facing me. She was standing in front of what seemed to be a table. I was not sure though. My eyes had become too blurry from the tears I had shed.
"But you don't have any idea of what I'm talking about when I say hackers, do you?" She said, facing me again. Her hand was holding a pair of sharp looking scissors. I started to tense. What was she gonna do with this. She continued her explanation... Or so I thought.
"They are... You know what? Figure it out yourself. I'm sick of having to explain everything's to you over again and again. Just take it as some bonus brain torture." She said slightly giggling, approaching me as I started to struggle to get out of this damn chair. The situation did not become any better when she started to make cutting sounds with the scissors.
When she finally came back to my side, she surprisingly untied me. I struggled to look at her who was behind me. "W-why are you untying me?" I asked, confused as hell. "Well, you are free to go, now" she said in a sweet voice.
I was too happy to hear those words that I did not even care to think if they were even true. As soon as all the ties were loose, I got out of the chair and started running for my life.
However, I soon felt myself being pulled back by my arm and a metal being implanted harshly in my back. I screamed as loud as I could. There were giggles coming from the bitch in the background.
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