Chapter 68: Mouth zipped.
(Your p.o.v)
Slowly, I regained my senses. I grunted and lifted my body, sitting criss-cross. I did a little prayer before opening my eyes, hoping for me to be in my house, and by that I meant the mansion L and I live in. I had no idea what would happen if I killed myself in a dream, but it seemed that I was not dead in reality. Let's just hope that its better than just not dying and that it makes me wake up. I took a deep breath.
I opened my eyes...
I was back home. I closed my eyes and sighed in relief. However, I quickly reopened them, thinking about the others. 'Where were they? We're they still in the dream?' After all, I created this dream meaning I controlled it. So, if I decided to stop it, the others were forced to too...right? I stood up. 'Maybe they are in another room?' I wondered around the house in their search. 'Ugh' I thought,'This mansion is so big and I was completely new to it. It's so easy for one to lose himself in this maze.'
I kept opening and closing doors for nearly one hour until I finally gave up. 'Maybe they are still in the dream. Anyways, I needed not to worry. Beyond did tell us that no one could be harmed physically or mentally in a dream, so nothing really bad could happen to them.
Concerning me, I had to plan my next move. I was such a coward, running away and leaving my friends behind like that. I needed, somehow, to
re-enter the dream. And this time, I had to forget everything else. Murderer or not , psychopath or not, whatever my dad would tell or show me, I had to ignore him and just had to defeat him already.
Okay, so maybe if I just did what Beyond told me to think of once again, I would be able to start again. I closed my eyes and thought of the place again. I waited long enough and opened my eyes with hopes of being in the interrogation room again.
But no. I was still in the mansion. Think, think, think! I need to come back in. I rested my head on the wall behind me. As I kept trying to figure out how to get back inside my own dream, I heard a low but rather fierce roar. I was confused at first but then realized it was Thunder and Percy. I quickly got up and searched for them, using the sounds they made as repaire.
When I finally reached the destination, I was horrified by what was in front of me. My-my little monsters, they were eating someone. I backed away in fear. I couldn't get my eyes off their bloody mouths as they ripped off the guts and ate them with satisfaction.
When my eyes were finally able to leave this horrible sight, they trailed up to the face of the poor one. I started even more taken aback when I recognized the person as my best friend, Neha. Tears left my wide eyes and I covered my mouth.
I took two more steps backwards and the wooden floor creaked under my foot. Thunder lifted his head up and tried to find where the source of this sound was. When he finally spotted me, his fierce-looking eyes glared at me as he slowly approached. Completely frozen to the spot, I could only watch as he took slow steps towards me, not even once taking his eyes off my terrified face.
When he was only centimeters away from me, he bent his two legs at the back down and jumped on me, causing me to fall down. I closed my eyes as the hard and cold floor touched my body. When I opened my eyes again, the animal was face to face with me.
(A/n: Hello. 666 words. That's all. Goodbye.)
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