Chapter 42: First touch.
(A/n: Happy Birthday to the Sakamaki triplets!!! In their honour, I'm gonna post three chapters.)
(Mello's p.o.v)
"Ok, so it's settled. Y/n and Mello are going to the Yagami's and Matt is going to Misa's photo session. Near will go at Misa's if ever the death note is not with her. I will stay there and supervise Beyond. I'll also take the opportunity to get as much information on the death note from Beyond." L said.
We all nodded and at once went. I jumped on my bike and off we went to Imagay's house. 'It's over,Light. We've won, bastard.'
(Matt's p.o.v)
I got my car keys out of my pocket and turned on the machine. Suddenly, my phone began to ring. At first, I thought it was L but then I found the name 'lovely bitch' and knew it was Neha. (XD Sorry for the awfull name. That's actually Neha who told me to put that name.)
I smirked and answered.
"Hey." "You were not actually thinking of going to that models photo session without me, right?" My smirk widened. "How did you find out?" "Oh please, Matt. You know me better than this." "Haha, okay where are you?" "At the arcade, of course. I expect you to be here in less than 5 mins." "Oh please, Neha. You know me better than this." I hung up to the sound of Neha laughing and rushed to the arcade.
In less than 1 min, I was in front of the building. Neha was playing on her gameboy and closed it when she saw me. She sat on the passsenger seat and pecked me on the cheek. "Aren't you gonna fasten your seat belt?" I teased. She rolled her eyes playfully and I drived to Misa. 'It's nearly over...'
(Near's p.o.v)
I sat on the backseat of the limousine and started solving my cubix game. "You can start the engine, Watari." I said. He did as told and we went to Amane's house. 'Just a few more hours and it's the end of Kira.'
(L's p.o.v)
As I checked if each and every one of us were doing as planned, I heard a sigh. I turned around and looked at Beyond who was tied to the chair in front of me. "Its so fun here." "I thought poeple sighed when they were bored." I replied. He rolled his eyes. "I thought you knew what sarcasm was." "Anyways, now that we are alone, tell me more about the death note."
He raised his eyebrow. "And why should I. Didn't Y/n tell you?" "She did but I know there is much more you know about." He smirked. "And what will I get in return?" I raised my hand which was holding the pot. "Jam."
(Time skip to end of the explanation.)
"So that's the real power of the death note." I mummered. "Yeah." Beyond said lazily while licking his fingers clean. I was obliged to untie his hands so that he could eat.
"I have two more questions." I said after some time." "Go on." "How do you know all that and why didn't you tell Y/n about it?" He froze.
We stayed in silent for sometime until he finally started. "I wa-"
He was cut off by someone entering the room. It was Mello. My eyes widened when I saw what was in his arms. It was Y/n. Her eyes were closed and her arms were hanging low. I concluded she was uncousious. I rushed to Mello's side and took Y/n from her.
"What happened?" I asked panicked. "I don't know. As soon as she touched the death note, she fell uncounsious." He said, clearly frustrated.
I looked at Beyond. He had a worried expression. Yet, he seemed to have known this would happen. When he finally noticed me staring at him, he looked at me helplessly.
"We'll talk about this later on." I said and left the room.
(A/n: Shit.)
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