Chapter 41: Clue.
(Your p.o.v)
"A death note? What's a death note? And anyways, that can't be true. I don't have any power. If I did, I would have already known." I said. "How would you have known, Y/n. You didn't use it for so long." Beyond tried to convince me. I shook my head no. "Y/n, please. Do you think I would be lying to my sister?" he said bending down. I thought about it for a moment.
Could it be true. Did I really get a power? No. It doesn't exist. But then, how can Beyond see names of poeple or even their life-spans? What should I believe?!!
"Give me proofs. I need proofs." I said running my hand through my hair. He sighed and looked at me. "Then, you'll have to uncuff me." I looked at him for a second and then gave in, taking the key out of my pocket and uncuffed him.
He shook his hands in the air. Clearly, those handcuffs have been hurting him. For precaution, I took out the gun L gave me. He noticed what I did and gave me a questioning look. "Really?" "I'll make you remember that you are a serial killer." I justified myself.
He rolled his eyes and leaned back. "How can I make you recall? I need something to trigger your memory. Like, like, like... A death note! That's right! How could I forget about this. You are working on the kira case, afterall." His eyes glittered as he found an idea to make me recall. In the other hand, I was dumbfounded. "Wait, hold on. You still haven't told me what's that death note. And anyways, how could a death note make recall me recall?"
"A death note is a killing device. I don't the rules precisely but I know that if you write someone's name on that, that person will die. The death note is owned by a Shinigami which you now know is a god of death. Initially, the shinigami posses shinigami eyes but a they can make a trade between a human and give away their eyes. I also know that you can control someone before killing him using the death note. That's your power. And just like me, you don't need to have an actual death note to use these powers. You also don't need to kill someone to use them." he explained.
"But what about me seeing those shinigamis?" "That one is a little bit different. So far, our powers always required some use of the death note from an owner. To see people's name and life-spans, or even to control someone, he must be willing to do so. However for this one power, the owner has it without even using a death note. As soon as he touches the death note, willingly or not, he sees the shinigami. Sadly, I can't explain why you got that power. Maybe its just a coincidence but still... its kinda weird." He seemed to be in deep reflection.
Meanwhile, I replayed everything he just said. "Wait, killing someone using people's name, shinigamis... its all related with Kira! Does that mean Kira is an actual user of the death note?" Beyond smirked and nodded. "That's the only possibility but to be sure, we need to find his death note. By the way, did L at least find a suspect?" he asked. "Yeah. So it means we simply have to see that death note if we want to prove Imagay guilty. That's amazing. I must inform L about it right away. Forget about my past for now. Kira is more important."
As I walked out of the room, Beyond fme I gave Light. I don't even care if L gets angry at me for uncuffing Beyond. This is too important. I rushed to L's room and quickly opend the door. "L, I have something extremely important to tell you." "Alri- Wait, what is Beyond doing here? Y/n, I told you not to uncuff him at any cost. What if you get hurt?!" "Forget about that for now, L, I know how to prove that Imagay is Kira!" He instantly shoot up. "How."
(Time skip to end of the explanation.)
"So that means that if we find the death note among Light's belongings, the case is over?" L said. For the first time, I heard his voice full of hope. The Wammy boys and Neha were also here and Beyond was eating a whole jam. Do all the intelligent people have weird likings? "Yes. If we find the death note at his place, then this case will be finally closed." Near replied. Matt looked up from his gameboy."Then we know what we have to do next."
(A/n: Yaaaay! This is nearly the end of this horrible case! Imagay will be in punished and hopefully, to death. But don't worry, this is NOT the end of this story. There's waaaay much more to come. Oh and also, if you didn't please go and listen to the song I added. Its by 21 pilots and its awesome! Anyways, see you next week!)
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