Chapter 29: Little monsters.
(Your p.o.v)
There was a little baby wolf and baby lion in a box on my couch! The wolf had black edges on the ears and tail and everything else was white. He had big blue eye. His tongue was sticking out and his tail was wiggling in all directions. The lion had a dark yellow thick fur and yellow eyes. He was scratching the box. Well, at least he tried. His paws were not developed enough yet.
I smiled at this adorable sight. "Awh, what are you doing here my little cute monsters?" I said going to them and lifting them carefully from the little boxes they were in and holding them like babies.
I scanned the box carefully and found a piece of paper. I put the little animals back down and read the note.
'Both of the animals are male. The name will, of course, be of your choice. As both of my gifts are predators, they can only consume meat when they grow up. For now, only milk is essential for their survival. I hope you like your welcome back presents!
Yours sincerely, Ryuga.
P.S: Can you bring some cake tommorow at work, please?'
I smiled as I finished reading the note. L will always stay the sugar-addicted detective no matter what. I sighed as I looked at the little monsters playing together. I'll have to give them a name but it can wait. For now, I need to feed them.
I took milk out of the refrigerator and boiled it. I then poured it in two bowls and placed them in front of my two 'presents'. I sat criss-cross on the ground, watching as the little creatures carefully approached the bowl before drinkind it at a fast pace. "Wow! You guys must have been really hungry!" my eyes widened.
I looked at the wolf. His eyes were piercing. Percy! His name will be Percy. I then turned to the little lion. His fur was "Yeah, Thunder and Percy." I said as I hugged them tighly. They came up to my face and started licking it. I chuckled quietly and put them down, letting them finish their meals. I got up and went to the kitchen to start preparing L's cake.
I turned around to see Percy and Thunder looking at me intently. I picked them up and put them on the couch. As I left them again, they jumped off the couch and went back to me. I sighed and picked them again and put them in my hoodie pocket. Their heads stuck out of the pocket and I quickly patted them.
I started preparing the cakes with their little eyes watching intently.
(Time skip to finishing the cakes.)
I had finished preparing 27 cakes at all. 6 strawberry, 7 coffee, 8 chocolate and the rest were (f/f). The little monsters had already fallen asleep. I checked the time and it was already 06:00 AM! I had to go to work. I hurried into the bathroom, Percy and Thunder still in my pocket. I stripped myself from my clothes and took a quick shower. I wore some random jeans and put my hoodie back on.
I got out of the house, locked the door and turned around to see an unusual red car in front of the gate. I walked to it, both of my hands occupied by the bags full of cake. As I approached the vehicle, a smile made its way on my face. It was Matt!
"Hey! What's up, Matt? I didn't know you had a car". he smirked. "I'm full of surprises." I rolled my eyes and he helped me get into the car. As soon as he saw the two little heads sticking out of my pocket, his eyes widened. "What are those?" he said pointing at my monsters. I chuckled and replied. "Those little monsters are Percy and Thunder." I lifted them up to his face and they licked it.
Matt quickly pulled away. "Eww! That's gross." he said as he got in the car and started driving to the hotel. I only chuckled and after some time, he did too.
(A/n: hope you guys like this cute little chapter! And thanks for 1.3+K reads!!)
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