Chapter 23: Donation.
(Your p.o.v)
We went to the Wammy Orphanage for donation. L told me he grew up there and asked me to find some guys for help.
L actually needs help. This case is harder than expected. He told me to look for a boy with white hair and white clothes probably holding a toy. Near.Near is his name. Another one called Mello. Blond hair and blue eyes. Looking like a girl but never tell him so if you don't want your head to be chopped off. And finally, Matt. Red head and green eyes. Craving for games. Wearing white shirt with black strips. Hmm, he strangely reminds of something Neha said to me but I can't exactly remember what.
I'm gonna donate some of my old books and cakes. Neha is gonna donate some video games and her collection of toys. We put both of our boxes filled with our stuff to donate on the table, awaiting for anyone to come. After 4 hours 26 mins and 31 sec of awaitness, I gave up and joined Neha in dreamland.
"Hey! Wake up!" I heard a voice shout at me. I quickly shot my eyes open and looked at my surrounding to see two boys and a girl. One red-head, a half albino since he had white hair but no red eyes and a blonde girl. She seemed to be the one to have gently awaken me up. All of them seemed to be of my age. I kept my calm and smiled at her warmly.
"Sorry. What do you need?" I said as sweetly as possible trying to keep my anger inside. "I want to know what is its flavour." she said pointing at the mini cupcake I made. I looked at it and replied. "Chocolate." She instantly grabbed the cupcake and stuffed it in his mouth. "Wow. Calm down, Mello."
Wait, Mello? HE'S A BOY!! AND HE IS MELLO! Oh thank god I did not say anything stupid. Now that I think of it, the redhead who was currently fanboying on the video games of Neha, saying it was a rare edition, kinda fit in the description for Matt and the half albino fitted for Near.
"Are you Near?" I asked him. His eyes were kept one the toys I braught as he nodded. "Yes. And who are you to know my identity?" "I'm Y/n. L's employee." "Did I just hear L?!" Mello said his eyes wide open, looking at me with a shocked expression. I simply nodded and explained to him. "L needs your help to solve the Kira case." His eyes were filled with excitment as he quickly snapped Matt out of his trance and told him the news.
The latter started screaming in joy which made Neha finally wake up. This girl is a heavy sleeper. Matt quickly looked at her started to fanboy about the video games again. "I can't believe you have the limited edition of Grand theft auto!" " They are my precious." Neha hissed. Matt furrowed his eyes and glared at her. "Yet, you did put them here to donate." " I would never do that. I braught them so that I could play. Matt pouted "Oh, come on. Let me play. For at least once!" It was Neha's turn to furrow her eyes. She intently thaught and nodded, making the boy fist pump in the air. They then left, absolutely forgetting that they didn't even know eachothers name.
I swear to god, this girl is gonna be kidnapped one day. Near took my entire box of donation which contained books and toys as Mello stuffed more chocolate cupcakes in his mouth before yelling at Near for being so childlish. L was right. Mello doesn't like Near. L... I already miss him.
(A/n: Yes, Matt, Mello and Near are in this fanfic and they are older and No, this story will not follow the manga nor the anime. I'm sorry for those who don't like it like that but I just can't even think of Matt, Mello and L dying. Sorry.)
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