Chapter 18: Neha.
(A/n: Already halfway to 1K... Daaaamn. Also, this chapter is dedicated to my sister! (her name is pronounced "Neiha") Check her out if you want to. Her username is TheRickgrimesxx. )
(Your p.o.v)
I woke up at five and checked my computer to see if L gave me some information about Kira. Nothing. I checked my phone to see if he replied to my message. Still nothing.
I sighed and went to the bathroom and took a bath. I wore my f/b (favourite band) hoodie and f/c jeans and my converse of the same colour. I tied my hair into a high ponytail and took my bag and went out.
(time skip to school, in english class)
"Alright so I'm going to tell you with whom you are paired with." I impatiently waited for the teacher to tell me who I was paired with.
'Oh god, please I don't wanna be paired with a jerk. Unfortunately, L is not in that class. If he was, nothing would have happened yesterday but in the other side, I would have never known what he really felt for me. Also he did not come today. Was it because he felt sorry for what he said yesterday?! No. It can't be that. If he really felt sorry, he would have apologised by now. But maybe he is just too guilty and shy...'
As I kept arguing with myself, I heard my name being called. I quickly snapped back to reality. "Y/n l/n is paired with... Neuha?" "It is Neha." A voice politely said. I looked at its owner and saw her sitting in the row to my left.
She had long wavy brown hair braided into some kind of a messy waterfall braid. She wore a gray shirt with something I could barely read written on it and black ripped jeans. She had black combat boots that looked so cool and a knotted chocker with an amethyst stone on it.
She smiled gently at me to which I surprisingly smiled back. After that, class went on normally.
(time skip to lunch.)
I went out of the math class and was going to go to the rooftop but a hand stopped me to do so. I turned around to be met with pale brown orbs. It was Neha.
"Hey. As you already know, my name is Neha and I'm paired with you so I think we should get to know each other. How about we hang out together." she said smiling at me. I blinked twice and then pointed at myself. "Me?" She wanted to hang out with me? Normally, poeple would just look at me and be like 'never mind'.
"Yup!" "Well, okay. My name is Y/n and ,uhh- oh my god! I love your t-shirt!" Now that I was more close, I could see what was written on her t-shirt and it was written 'don't open dead inside'. It was clearly a reference of the walking dead which was, in my opinion, the best tv show ever.
She quickly glanced at it and started to fangirl. "Oh my god! Do you watch the walking dead?" I felt excitement build inside of me as I actually squealed of joy. I squealed! "Hell yes, I do! It's the best tv show ever!" "I know, right? It is awesome!"
We kept talking for what seemed like hours to us but in fact, it was only 15 mins and 25 sec. Neha is a pretty nice girl. It seems that she is obsessed with games and loves metal music.
I offered her a piece of my vanilla cake but she smiled at me and said "ehhh really don't wanna sound rude but umm oh well I've been trying to keep up eating healthy soo..." she trailed off. "Oh, okay" I replied and stuffed a mouthfull of cake in my mouth.
She looked at me with wide eyes. "What?" "How can you eat so much sweets and not have diabetes type 2?" I just shrugged it off.
(time skip to school ending.)
Since there was no school tommorow for I don't know what reason, Neha and I decided that we should go to the mall and hang out a little bit. After that we would make a sleepover at my place. She is the first one to come at my place and I'm kinda nervous about that.
I did not ask L if it was okay to take a day off because I don't think it mattered. 'It's not like he cares about you anyways...'
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