Chapter 21
Somehow I got some free time so as a late Christmas present, I give to you... Chapter 21 :D (But this book is still technically on hold so I won't post any more chapters till after Christmas break)
Warnings: None
~3rd P.O.V. (As seen from ?????????)~
Lachlan, hardly able to contain his excitement, bounces readily on the log. Preston is acting likewise, shuffling impatiently as he waits for Vikk to return. Rob is trying to keep everything in order, since literally every person in the village is gathered in the small village central. Mitch is leaning against a tall oak tree, playing with his treasured necklace... The one he's had for as long as he can remember. Jerome just seems to be excited for the very thing that Vikk is brining, to fully complete the special occasion.
The excited murmurs of everyone increases to cheering within and instant as Vikk round the corner, a proud smile upon his face. He quickly steps up onto the podium, constructed just for this event.
"Attention everyone!" He calls, but his voice only fizzles out through the noisy conversations. Vikk frowns and clears his throat, cupping his hands around his mouth. "ATTENTION."
This time a few eyes are brought to Vikk, but certainly not everyone. Vikk huffs impatiently, glancing at Seto who stands nearby. Seto, getting the memo, quickly forms a ball of magic in his hands which upon entering the air explodes with a loud bang. Everyone falls silent and turns to face Vikk as an echo rings out from the mighty blast.
"Thank you Seto. Alright so, I'm not going to spend to much time talking since you all already know that tonight... Is our one year anniversary of the village!" He announces, everyone exploding into cheer. Vikk waits a few seconds for the noise to die down before speaking again. "So before I set out the cake so carefully prepared for tonight..." Vikk continues, a couple happy whoops sounding at the mention of 'cake', "I have a little announcement to make. Well actually... That Preston has to make. Preston?"
Preston nods and springs up, hastily jumping to the platform and clearing his throat. The rest of the pack joins Vikk and Preston on stage just before Preston begins.
"To celebrate our epic achievement, not only will we have a huge cake... But Rob, Mitch, Jerome, Lachlan, Vikk, and I have come to an agreement... That starting in seven days time..." He pauses for suspense, "The six of us will be heading out to look for an End portal!"
With that the night is filled with an explosion of cheer, every single voice sounding it's approval by shouting and clapping. This time Lachlan holds up one hand, silently asking for attention. Once again everyone quiets down to hear what he has to say.
"Once we locate and activate the portal-which we no doubt will- we will return here and then anyone who wants to come will join us in the mission to defeat the Ender Dragon!" Again, claps and shouts ring out. "So now, with that out of the way... Mitch, Jerome, would you like to do the honours?"
Mitch and Jerome nod, and Vikk hands them a ginormous cake, topped with multiple candles and with a purple colour scheme. They carefully lift the heavy treat onto table, situated in the middle of the stage. Jerome pulls out a short sword, aka a knife, and holds it to the soft layer of icing.
The very moment that the knife enters the spongy cake Rob signals to Dan, Jordan, Sky, and Pat, who at predetermined spots set off the fireworks. As fireworks light up the sky, varying in shapes and colours, everyone bursts into one final cheer before all crowding around the cake.
~Mitch's P.O.V.~
"Is Mitch up already?"
"Nah Preston, that's why he's groaning and sitting up."
"Well so-rry Mr. Sarcastic-tall-guy."
"Oi! At least I can-"
"Would you two stop it? Mitch is up, and I want to hear what he has to say."
"Sorry Rob."
"Preston started it tho." Lachlan mumbles under his breath.
"Lachlan..." Vikk and Jerome start, causing him to stay silent after a quick 'sorry.'
I watch in a daze as everyone gathers around me, kicking away bones in their path... Which there seems to many of all scattered around me. I feel a cold object in my clutched fist and open it to witness my amulet still in my grasp. I carefully tie it back on, and when I look up everyone has already gathered around me.
"So then... You good to tell us?" Rob questions gently.
I nod, "Yep... It's kinda short but... It has one pretty key point in there that could help us out. Basically *insert Mitch's memory here*."
"So on our one year anniversary... We were planning on going to the End." Jerome repeats, scratching his chin.
"Now the question is... Did we actually make it to the stronghold and or the End." Vikk inquires.
Preston nods thoughtfully, "I see seven times when we could have lost our memories. We could have A. Lost them on the way to the stronghold, B. Lost them in the stronghold, C. Lost them on the way back from the stronghold, D. Lost them on the way back to the stronghold, E. Lost them in the End, F. Lost them on the way back from the End, or finally G. Lost them sometime after that... Although I'm assuming that's not the case."
"Or H. This could be a super messed up dream and you guys are all figures of my imagination..." Lachlan adds in, all of us staring at him blankly.
"Seriously Lachlan...?" I chuckle, believing it to be a joke.
"Yeah seriously!" He replies, completely trusting his judgement.
"Guys I think that mutants attack may have, um... Unscrewed his head a bit..." Jerome chuckles lowly.
"HEY. Rude." Lachlan pouts crossing his arms.
Jerome leans over to my side and whispers in my ear, 'Yep, he's lost it.'
"Lachlan I think once we get back you should take a nice long rest..." Vikk suggests, although seemingly implying something else.
"Oh yeah? Prove to me you're real Vikk... Or should I say dream Vikk." He challenges.
Vikk rolls his eyes and pinches Lachlan's arm to which he yelps sharply.
"Okay, definitely not a dream." He corrects himself, rubbing where Vikk pinched him.
And to that, we all burst out laughing.
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