Chapter 12
Warnings: Tiny bit of blood in beginning.
~ 3rd P.O.V (As seen from ?????????)~
"Hey guys, I think we're gonna be having a new resident in our little village here... Look." Lachlan states, all of us turning to glance out across the field.
"Oh gosh, he needs help!" Rob exclaims, a few other people gathering at the noise.
Preston quickly glances around and his eyes land on a guy with a blue spacesuit and orange helmet, accompanied by another guy with a suit of varying greys, a golden amulet when a purple gemstone, and black sunglasses. "Sky! Jason! Go help him!"
Sky and Jason, two of first people to join our village, rush off across the field to the heavily limping, and bleeding person. Mitch turns and points at a short male with a white t-shirt, grey pants, headphones, and caramel brown hair that covers his left eye.
"Ty! Go get Seto and tell him to bring some potions of healing!" He commands, Ty nodding and running off.
Not a minute later and Sky and Jason are dragging the male back, which his features are now defined. He has grey pants, a black t-shirt with a golden ingot on it and golden stripes near his hands, spiky blonde hair which seems to defy gravity, and two piercing blue eyes. He has a black eye, his hand is covered in blood and bent into an odd angle, and blood soaks his pant leg right near his left knee.
"Oh my gosh, Brice!"
Suddenly a figure, again male, is bursting through the crowd with two potions of healing clutched into his hands. As he passes his features are briefly distinguishable under the purple cloak over his body. Shades of grey clothing, light brown hair, hazel eyes, a white bandana of crown of sorts in which his hairs protrudes from, and flaps around his waist with dark red in the middle.
"Seto knows him?" Vikk questions, watching as Seto rushes towards Brice and instantly shatters the potions of healing across him.
"Well then I guess Brice here is officially apart of our village." Jerome states, pinning up a picture of Brice on the bulletin board with his name printed neatly at the bottom.
Jerome steps away and his eyes graze over every single picture of the current residents.
If you don't care about who's in the village skip the next long part cuz I'm basically just describing every single person and stating their name... I'll put a '~' at the end and beginning so you know where it ends.
A man with a suit of varying greys, a golden amulet with a purple gemstone in the middle, chocolate brown hair, and pitch black sunglasses. Adam, or as he likes to be called, Sky.
A guy with a blue spacesuit, the face of it orange with two jet packs strapped to the back. Jason.
A male with grey pants, a white t-shirt with black edges, headphones with green centres, caramel hair that swoops down over his left eye, and blood red irises. His name is Ty.
Literally a mudkip with a tuxedo. Quentin.
A male with black pants, a dark blue top, a black sweater, dark brown hair, a beard, and black sunglasses. Ian.
A male with a long purple cape, clothing with different shades of grey, a belt with flaps attached to it with white on the outsides and red in the middle, each flap hanging down last his knees, hazel eyes, light brown hair, and a white crown thingy. Seto.
A male with place pants, a black sweatshirt with a white 'X' through the middle, an amulet just like Adam's, a small beard, and spiky coal black hair. Taylor.
A male with black pants, a white shirt, a black sweater, red and black sunglasses which his half of his sky blue eyes, and a black hair and beard. His name is Jordan.
A guy in a batman suit. Ryan.
A Chocobo, human hybrid, covered completely in yellow feathers with soft blue eyes, his name is Choco. (Is that even his real name? Idk..,)
A male with grey pants, a light and dark grey striped hoodie, dirty blond hair, and sea blue eyes. Kenny.
A slime, human hybrid, with a maroon beanie, and something similar to a tuxedo, Brandon.
Kinda like a cyborg, but not a robot with human parts, a human with robot parts, (so he has a brain and feelings and stuff), Matt.
A guy wth a black suit, white shirt, and yellow/orange checkered tie with sunglasses. Martin
And finally the newest member, which you already know what he looks like, Brice.
"Hm. The population here seems to be growing fast. We'll have to continue on with building houses, but a bit quicker this time." Jerome mumbles to himself, strolling away to occupy his time somewhere else.
~Preston's P.O.V.~
"Hey guys! Preston's getting up!"
The moment I crack open my eyes, a blinding light is shining into them, and I jump back, turning my face away from the brightness. Groaning I crack open an eye and see three figures running towards me, and two more following a bit slower. I rub at my eyes, trying to send away the blurring. Then next time my eyes are open, the faces of Lachlan, Jerome, and Mitch are all surrounding me, each of them bearing a curious-yet worried-face. The two figures that had been following more slowly are now almost here, and I can only assume they must be Vikk and Rob. Is Rob okay then?
"How are you feeling?" Jerome questions gently, helping me sit up.
I shake my head, scratching the back of my neck.
"Fine actually..." I croak.
"Did you get some memories back?" Mitch asks excitedly.
I'm about to answer when I lock eyes with Rob. Without breaking eyes contact I change my words.
"Alright first and foremost... Rob. You are an idiot." I state, finding my voice.
"But Preston I-"
"No. Shh. You could have died and I refuse any kind of apology. I should be the one apologizing. But that doesn't change the fact that risking yourself for me was a poor life decision."
Rob frowns, seemingly because he wanted to say something different, but stays silent.
"Oh but Mitch, to answer your question... Yes. Yes I did get some memories."
"Alright everyone, gather around, let's hear what Preston has for us." Lachlan announces, everyone moving to form a semi-circle around me.
Drawing back on my memory as best I can, I prepare my words carefully. "Alright so... Hm where should I start? Y'know what, never mind, I'll just wing it. *Insert Preston's memory here*. And ah, that's should be it."
"Alright so... These people that have come to live with us... You said Adam, Jason, Ty, Quentin, Ian, Seto, Taylor, Jordan, Ryan, Choco, Kenny, Brandon, Matt, Martin and Brice?" Vikk relays, myself nodding to confirm.
"But remember, we very well could have met more people seeing as we don't actually know how far back this event takes place." Jerome points out, everyone mumbling.
"I wonder... Could they be out there somewhere waiting for us...?" Rob ponders, gazing off into the distance.
We all stay silent for a minute, processing this new information. Then finally Mitch stands up, dusts off his pants, and clears his throat.
"We should get going while the day is still bright. Plus we don't want our horses to wander off, and the longer we dilly dally out here the more likely they'll be gone when we get out of this place."
"Are you okay to travel by horseback Rob?" I inquire cautiously.
"Yeah I should be fine now... Lets just take it slow."
And so with that we turn around and start trekking back across the desert to go find our horses and return home. But only a few minutes later and Lachlan is piping up.
"Judging by Rob's story, it seems that items we've had a strong connection to in the past will be the ones that give us our memories. Like Rob and his first ever flower... So Preston..."
"Why a cactus?"
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