training! and clothes! | Chapter 7
Fluffys P.O.V
I wake up and jump out of my bed, I put a new dress on with star leggings, I grab glasses shoes and some gloves, I put them on and grab my heart necklaces, I put my hair into a pony tail and move my hair back to cover my eye.
I walk down to the guild hail to see David walking my way.
"David!! heheheh!" I yell.
"oh your awake! good good come on training time!" he says.
we walk while I skip to the decks.
"ok so im gonna make the water very cold and then you jump into it and lets see how long you can stay in it" David says.
"ok I get this" I say.
"if you stay in there without passing out for 1 hour ill give you a gift" he says.
I smile and nod, when he get the water cold I jumped in, it was really cold but I could deal with it.
after awhile I get bored and just started to talk to David.
I learned more about ice magic and others like fire and water, I started to feel real tired but I stayed awake cause I want this gift.
after I think was 30 minutes in the water I yawned and my eyes were half closed.
after 47 minutes I think, I was fighting to keep my eyes open but I really want the gift.
after I would say 57 minutes I couldn't keep my eyes open so I just tried to keep talking so I could say awake.
right at 59 minutes I couldn't stay awake anymore and I passed out.
I soon woke up in a nice warm bed I open my eyes to see im in my bed, I look to my side to see David in a chair next to my bed asleep, I laugh and sit up hugging the blanket, I poke David and he slowly opens his eyes.
"hello there" I say.
"oh your awake!" he says.
"and your awake to" I say.
"will you almost made it so ill give you the gift anyways" he says.
my eyes had stars in my eyes as he handed me a box, I opened it and found a snow flake hair clip, I looked at it, it looked soo nice.
I grabbed it and put it in my hair and then hugged David.
"thank you David" I say.
"will you are my little snow flake" he says, I blushed a little and tried to hide my face but he still saw it.
"will we still need to train come on" I say as I jumped out of my bed and ran back to the training area.
soon we get to the training area and we worked on me being able to make ice appear, when I could attack with my ice we had a fight and of-cause David win but I had fun.
I looked at David and then looked away very fast.
"DAVID PUT YOUR CLOTHES BACK ON!!!!" I yell blushing soo much.
"oh they will come back to be soon" he said.
"welp call me when you have them but now im leaving" I say as I walk away.
"its not that bad!" he yells I just run away.
I ran into someone and I looked up to see Richie and Brandon there.
"oh s-sorry" I say as I back up a bit.
"why are you running?" Richie asked.
"oh me and David were training until he had no more clothes on so I just ran away" I say.
"soo thats why your blushing" Brandon says.
"n-no!" I say.
"then why are you blushing" Richie asked with a smirk.
"j-just uhh nothing!" I say, they both laughed.
"stop laughing!" I say.
"oh wait whats that in your hair?" Richie asked.
"oh its a snow flake hair clap, David gave it to me" I say as I smile.
"so you like him?" Richie asked.
"N-no!" ( i hate my self 0-0 ) I say.
"ohh you do like him" Richie says.
"im out of here!" I say as I walk away holding my face.
I end up in my room and just fall on my bed, I slowly closed my eyes and fall into asleep felled with David (im soo gonna regret this )
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