The party! | Chapter 5
Fluffys P.O.V
so it turns out 1 game of cards turns into 2 and 2 turns into 5 and 5 turns into 10, so uhh we played for a long time.
"and~ I win again hehehe!" I say.
"how are you winning! you've never played before!" Mario says.
"Guess im just good hahahaha!" I say.
"come on guys I think we should start heading to the party" Richie says.
"oh! wait let me change first! I wanna look cute if im meeting new people!" I say.
"fine but be fast" Richie says.
as he says that I ran to my room, I get to my room in a minute, I grab a new dress and put it on and then a heart necklaces, I grab new shoes and socks and some cool looking glasses, I tie my hair into a new pony tail and it turns wavy, I move my hair back to my eye so I don't scare someone it gets all wavy to, I tie a big bow on my back, I put the socks on and then the shoes, I put the glasses on and then walk out.
I walk up to everyone at the boat, Mario, Richie, Brandon, Inmo, Brun, and a girl I havent seen before, while David was blushing trying to hide behide Brun, I walk onto the boat and the girl walks up next to me.
"Hi! im kit its nice to meet you" she says.
"im fluffy! hehe its nice to meet you to" I say.
"oh oh oh! I have something that will go while in your hair" she says as she pulls a flower and a clap with a diamond shape on it.
"here let me put it in" she says, she claps the clap on and pushes the fake flower into my hair, its weird of how its the same color as my outfit tho,
"thanks I wanted to look nice meeting new people and all hehehe!" I say, after that we talked he while time going to the party, with David looking at me a few times blushing more every time he looks at me.
we were all sitting around a table after the Grandmaster gave a speech. we talked until David said something about Inmo, we kept trying to make him take it off, it wasnt working so we just left it be.
a little later we started to talk about it again.
"I will not take off my mask" Inmo said.
"wheres brun" richie asked as Brandon said "you'll have to at one point".
"oh oh! I-I know where he is usually during our training um while I was doing the training he was drinking and then he disappeared" Inmo said.
"excuses us sorry" we heard and I saw someone with purple hair and then someone with dark blue, as soon as I saw them I run behind Brandon.
"oh hi Richie hi Brandon" Michael said, they said hi back.
"oh Fluffy look he has cool tattoos" kit says trying to pull me out from behind Brandon, I didn't move at all.
"oh wheres Fluffy" Michael asked.
"she is behind me" Brandon said and I hissed at him for giving away my hiding spot.
"shes shy" Richie said.
"Fluffy come here so you can meet my guild members" Michael said, I slowly came out from behind Brandon and slowly walked over to Michael.
"I love your outfit Fluffy" Michael said.
"t-thanks! hehehe" I say. will the other people look at me, and I slowly walk behind Michael trying to hide but he is super short.
"oh so these are the other members" Richie said, everyone said some things that I didnt hear but then Brun came falling down off the roof!
I jumps and tried to hide more behind Michael.
"oh brun!" Michael said.
"oh hello" brun said.
"how are you doing" Michael asked.
"Im doing fine" Brun said.
"isnt that the guy I told you about" The blue haired guy said.
"yes this is brun, he is possibly one of the people we will be fighting in the grand magic games" Michael said.
"pfft have fun with that one" the purple haired one said.
"whos the squrt Michael" Brun asked.
"this is my S class-" he get cut off from the blue haired guy.
"squrt huh!" he said.
"oh no" kit said.
they started to talk I didn't hear it cause I carved my ears, ( also known as to lazy to write everything they say XD )
"he goes by the code name Viper" Michael said.
"lets not try and fight here guys" Kit said.
"so you have your little buddy with the freaky mask to protect you huh" Viper said.
"freaky mask" Inmo said.
"yeah dont worry about the child" Brun said
"Richie Richie" whispered to him.
"ya" Richie whispered back.
at this point I walked away, they were being to loud, so I went over to the stairs and went up them and just looked down at everyone, after awhile I saw Michael and I guess hes guild with him at a table playing cards, ( I know this is out of order but i dont care XD ) I slowly walked over to them.
"oh Fluffy come here" Michael said, I ran behind him not liking everyone looking at me, I fix my glasses and my hair on my eye making sure it stays there.
after he told me everyone's name a cat and a person came up with the grandmaster to, I tried to hide behind Michael again it still doesn't work.
"hi" Michael said.
"oh hi ha...ha" the guy with the cat said, I looked at how cute the cat looked and ran over to him.
"ohhhhh! you look so cute! ehehehehe!" I say.
"I AM NOT CUTE! I am lo'pho " the cat said.
"Im Fluffy nice to meet you" I say.
"im Bryan" the guy said.
I fix my dress and walk back over to Michael they started to talk but I was just staring at Lo'pho seeing how cute he was until.
"we were just about to play a game of 4 cards up" Michael said.
"oh 4 cards up im in" silver said as he jumps over to us, I yelped and hid behind Michael more.
to be continued
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