The games! | Chapter 10
Fluffys P.O.V
I wake up and sigh today was the first round of the games and im not that great with my magic yet, I get up and went to the outfit Richie get me so it was easier to move around then a dress.
I put the jeans on and rolled them up a bit, I grabbed my shoes and a jacket, I put my shoes on and warped the jacket around my waist, I put a dress like shirt on and put my hair in a pony tail, I moved my hair to cover my eye, I put my Heart necklace on to for good luck.
I walked outside and sighed I looked at the sky and smiled, I walked to the boat, I walked on and looked around I saw mario kit and Richie and Brandon, I walked over to kit and hugged her.
"hi kit!" I say as I hug her.
"hi fluffy! hope your ready to fight!" she says.
"I hope I am, I mean Im still having trouble with my powers but I think ill do fine" I say as I look go of her.
"you'll do fine! trust me" she says, we talked until everyone came onto the boat, Richie and Brandon gave a speech and then we went to the mine inland, me kit and Inmo talked until we get to the inland.
we went and sat down, there was this dude saying how the points would work.
round one was a 1 V 1 fight and if you win your guild gets 10 points and if you lose you get 0, and if you tied you both get 5 points.
the fights were
Divinus Magia
Richie V Stu
Mario V Bran
Brandon V Colin
Kit V Pat
Inmo V Bryan
David V Michael
The Protectors
Lo'pho V Josh
Bryan V Inmo
Kay V Silver
Seek V Dream
Colin V Brandon
Pat V kit
Michael V David
Mitch V Marshie
The Wandering Coins
Silver V Kay
Stu V Richie
Josh V Lo'pho
Dream V Seek
Marshie V Mitch
( soo I didnt want to mass with any of the fights sooo Im just gonna put some random char for me to fight o-o )
and me V someone called Kinen.
I was the last fight so I was happy about that, Before Every fight I went to the people fighting and told them good luck even if I didnt know them like the Wandering Coins people but I still did, Dream seems like I knew her before I just let it be.
soon it was my turn and I went to the arena but before I went in a lot of people came to me to say good luck, all of Divinus Magia (who were awake) some of GrimShade and Silver and Dream, I thanked them and walked into the arena.
I wished Kinen the best of luck and prepared to fight, she had air Magic I think.
I inhaled and then exhaled, I looked at kinen and as soon as the person said fight I throw ice shards at Kinen, she Dodged and sent a gist of wend my way, I rolled out of the way and made a cage of ice around Kinen, she escaped it.
the fight went on after a while I started to get tired but I went on, I moved my eye out of my eye so I could see better, I heard a few gasps but I just went on, I made the floor under Kinen ice and she started to fall, I walked over to Kinen and looked at her, I make a ice shard and put it to her throat.
the ice went away and I helped her up.
"n-nice fight!" I say as we walk out.
"ya you d-did good" Kinen said, she walked off to her guild and I went back to the boat.
the wins
Richie V Stu, Richie won
Mario V Bran, Mario won
Brandon V Colin, Brandon won
Kit V pat, Pat won
Inmo V Bryan, It was a tie
David V Michael, Michael won
Lo'pho V josh, Lo'pho won
Kay V Silver, Silver won
Seek V Dream, Dream won
Mitch V Marshie, Mitch won.
and The points
Divinus Magia
35 points
30 Points
The Wandering Coins
20 Points
The Protectors
15 Points
I dont know what else to put o-o sorry if this was a weird Chapter I didnt know what to do 0-0
-Your Mom Fluffy
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