Rocks | Chapter 4
David's P.O.V
When we get to the Island I went to get Fluffy but she just liked to cute sleeping in the bed, so I just picked her up bridal style, I walked into the guildhall and I saw Mario Richie and Brandon there, they all stared at me I just walked to Fluffys room and I put her on her bed.
I sighed and pulled the blanket over her, I walked back to the main guild area to found Richie Brandon and Mario all staring at me.
"What?" I ask.
"whats up with you and her?" Mario asked.
"she fall asleep on the way here, she was sleeping and I heard she didn't sleep so I just carried her here" I say.
"did anything happen while on the mission?" Richie asked.
" will yes on the way there and dearing it" I say.
"will what happened?" Brandon asked.
"will on the mission, these things were about to attack this guy when she put her hand up and ice shards came out so im guess shes a ice mage like me" I say.
"and on the way there?" Mario asked.
"she told me not to tell anyone until she tells you guys" I say.
"is it about her past?" Richie asked.
"you ask her but now im gonna go to my garden" I say as I leave to my garden.
Fluffys P.O.V
I wake up in my bed in the guild and wonder how I get here, I get up and walked downstairs to the main guildhall, I see Mario Brandon and Richie there, I smile and sit next to Mario.
"oh Fluffy, David said something about something happening on your way to the mission, care to explain?" Richie asked, I sighed I knew I shouldn't have trusted him.
"nothing happened I dont know what your talking about" I say as I put my hand on my left eye again feeling it bleeding it again, I just leave my hand on my eye not wanting them to see my bloody hand.
"is it something to do with your eye?cause i'm pretty sure I small blood" Mario asked/said. Richies and Brandons eyes went wide after hearing blood and I just stare at them trying to think of what to say.
"Fluffy is your eye bleeding?" Richie asked.
"mayyybeeeee~" I say trying so to make sure they don't see my eye.
"what happened to your eye!" Richie asked.
"I don't know! probably whoever Wolfy is!" I yell, I sigh and stand up.
"ill be sitting near the water calming down, come get me when you wanna talk" I say as I walk out, I sit down near the edge staring at the water until I hear someone come up behind me.
"what do you want" I say still staring at the water.
"I just thought you wanted to talk" Mario says.
"sorry about earlier I just get mad" I say.
"its fine everyone gets mad and I bet its hard not remembering who you are" he says.
"its the worse thing that can happen, I.... remembered something after I saw my left eye, I wanted to find out what it meant before I told anyone but I just need to tell someone" I say.
"you can tell me anything ill always listen" he says.
"I was in this cell thing, this girl Wolfy she had red and black hair with weird things coming out of her head, I think they were ears, I dont know but we were talking and then she get mad and claws came out of her hand, she came at me and clawed at my eye making 3 big cuts, thats why my eye was bleeding I think it stopped now tho" I say.
"can I see your eye?" he says.
"sure!" I move my hair and look at him, he just stares at it not saying anything.
"I think it looks cool, maybe if it wasn't bleeding anymore" he says.
"hahaha ya, hey lets do something fun, get our minds off things" I say.
"hmm lets play cards" he says.
after a few hours we heard someone start to walk over to us, we look up to see Richie and Brandon looking at us, my hair is still out of my eyes way so they can see my scar but who cares!
"what are you two doing?" Richie asked.
"were playing cards! its super fun! I don't think I've played before but I also don't have my memories hahahaha!" I say, Richie and Brandon were shocked to see my eye and how happy I was after what happened.
"ok?" Brandon says.
"oh oh oh! come play with us! Mario said we had time before we left to go to a party? I think! come on! it will be sooo much fun! hehehehe" I say.
"ok but only one game" Richie says.
my eyes have stars in them as he says that, we all sat down and started playing a card game
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