Chapter 5
"I am so sorry for your loss mrs. Davis", i said trying to comfort the mother of the former victim even though it doesn't make it any better for her. Losing someone who was everything to you is one of they worst things that can happen and no matter who on earth or even if God him self will try to console for the loss, it's not going to help or improve what you feel.
"Jacob was a good man, then why him", the mother said looking at me with these eyes filled with sorrow. "I can only imagine your pain but I do know what happened can't change and that time heals." I replied . "Why him", she asked again this time bursting into tears. "Well we don't know and we will never know why but he is now in a better place". I said looking at mrs.Davis and gave her a napkin which I took from the cafe to wipe, her tears. "I assure you that my team and I is and will try our best to find out what happened". She just simply replied with a nod and walked away and sat at a bench near by. i din't follow her, maybe what is best for her is to be left alone for while.
After awhile, after doing the usual routine of mine on a crime scene like asking people around, taking a look at the body and connecting the dots, I finally decided I was done here and that thought I should return to the motel freshen up and get ready for then fun and bloody part of the hunt, the actual hunt, something what needs to be done Quick. Killing the vamps behind all this chaos and death.
I started to walk my way back near the cafe where My mustang was parked when I heard, "hey agent Charlie". Instantly recognizing the voice I turn only to see the sheriff walking my way. "You done here?" He asked looking blindly at me. "Umm yeah I guess I am done", i replied with a tight smile.
"Ok so before you leave, here this", the sheriff said before taking a breath and continuing. "There is an update. This case has been investigated enough according to people but we are still going to give it another try, if not then we shut the case close."
"Oh, I-I don't know what to say, what a tragedy", i say trying to sound shocked. "Hope this stops", i said giving a sympathetic smile. "Hope so too, this town has been through enough now" sheriff replied.
"Well i should leave", i said while pointing to wards the directions of my car, i actually got some work to get done so".
"Oh of course ", he said placing his hand in-front of him in a gesture of him letting me leave.
I give him a smile and start walking towards the cafe where i parked my car when I I I am stoped Again. Oh come on.
The sheriff came and followed up with me, "hey can you do me a favor" the sheriff asked with a un sure look. "Yup, what is it", I replied with a sigh. "Do me a favor by telling the agents all about the case and what I just told you, they did tell me to inform them so"
"Yeah sure I will, well if I see them". I said with a smile that quickly faded. "Oh thanks",the sheriff said before making his way back.
I then continued to make my way to my car. God if he stoped me again I'm seriously going to punch him in the face.
Sat in the car and started to drive back to the motel.
Dean parked the impala half a mile away from the abandoned property which turned out to be a warehouse. Classic enough?. It took the boys about 10 minutes to walk to the entrance in silence to make sure they did not alert any vampires around. It was surprising to see the coast clear of vampires.
"Dean, what if its a trap." Sam seemed worried by the fact that there is no signs of the monsters yet.
"If it is then we will deal with it", Dean assured. "We always do".
Sam released a sigh and followed his brother.
The brothers cocked their pistol and walked into the abandoned warehouse, well almost abandoned.
SAM's PO/v
Dean pushed the door which made a small creak open. We walked in making sure we made no sound. Surprisingly there was no one there, no sign of anyone being here in years, vampire or not.
We walked through the looming emptiness of the warehouse which made me very suspicious, we should be ready for attacks from behind. The vile odor of damp and rot clogged my nose, something is definitely not right. Dean and I were alert and made sure we were quite looking around for any signs.
There where flickering lights just enough to see the pathway. water dripping somewhere crafting a hollow tapping noice was very disturbing as I was trying to concentrate, though it was all we could hear aside the wind howling in our ears.
Suddenly foot steps were heard which meant we had company. Dean signaled me to slow down and pointed towards our right stating thats where the sounds came from. I pointed my gun ready to shoot at sight. More foot steps where being heard along side glowing eyes in the dark.
The sight was now clear, I could see 1,2,3,4,5,6 more of the vamps increasing coming out of the dark, We were definitely out numbered. They all surrounded us. With their sharp fangs and long claws, all of them where looking at us with fury.
they all started to whisper. Some of them even seemed concerned. Maybe they know who we are and are scared. Good.
One of them came in front, started to walk close to us, our guns were pointing at him ready to shoot silver bullets at any moment.
"Hmmm the winchesters", The one standing in-front of us said. "Well what did we do to have you presence". He said sarcastically.
"Killing many innocent people is what you did jackass", Dean said with anger in his voice.
"Oh well you know we need blood, and we will do anything to get it." The monster said. "And We always get away with it".
"Not this time",dean replied before shooting bullets at him.
The vampire trembled in the pain for a minute or two. "Oh its going to take more than just silver bullets to kill me." He said before motioning some of his men to come at us. He stud there with a smirk spreading on his face and watched us fight the vampires.
The vampires came at us with all what they had. Dean and I started to shoot silver bullets killing many of the monsters in-front of us in seconds. We could see the horror on their face, but seems like their leader was fine with them being killed.
We kept shooting till we where almost out of bullets, but one of them jumped at Dean strangling him. As I walked towards Dean to help him, I feel a strong punch thrown on my face making me drop to the ground.
I tried to get on my feet and fight back but the monsters had me. I was then showerd with punches and kicks. At this point I didn't even know how many of them where attacking me. I then see Dean from the corner of eyes, he is up and fist fighting with the monsters knocking them down.
I get up and use all the force i had left to punch the guy standing in-front of me. Curling my fist, i throw a powerful punch on to this face. As my hand came in contact with his skin, blood splashed on my fist and he trembled in pain. The force caused him to break a few teeth. I then threw my elbow onto his gut which was followed by a kick, causing him to gush out blood.
"Sammy", dean shouted. "Take this", he said throwing a knife at me.
I quickly took hold of the weapon and slashed across the vampires neck causing him to fall to the ground. What followed was his head detached from his body.
The fight continued for a while. I was hurt multiple times, so was Dean but he continued fighting. Once again I griped the knife with my hands and gutted the monsters against me. One of them who seemed very powerful, threw a punch in my guts making me fall to his feet. The punch was so hard that I could taste blood.
I was too weak to fight back, but I tried.
As I tried to get up, the man kicked me hard making me vomit out blood as i was thrown across the room over some old wooden boxes. This was hard, i feel agonizing pain all over my body. I was done, I could not fight back, not for a while. I just laid there in pain trying my best to get up.
"Sam", Dean said furiously looking at me knocked down. As he walked towards me, he was stoped. He tried to fight but he failed. Dean was badly bruised and was bleeding. I just got my brother back, things just begun to get better between us, he can't die. This can't be the end for us.
Dean was not able to walk so they dragged him towards the vampire who was unaffected by the silver bullets. He was their Alpha.
"Well well, what your fate Mr Winchester", the alpha said. "With your brother down too, who is going to save you".
"If you freakin touch him, I will butcher you my self you son of a Bitch". Dean screamed at the Alpha making him angry.
"Well we will see about that", Alpha said holding Dean's chin with force. "You see I could kill you but you being alive and brought to our father will really please him."
"Oh yeah that crazy Russian guy, what does he want with us" Dean asked.
"Oh you are the winchesters who would not be pleased to hold you captive and murder you in-front of all the monsters in the world" The Alpha said before punching dean making him vomit out blood.
"You won't get away with this", Dean said staring straight into the alphas red glowing eyes. "Oh we will see about that", The monster said before hitting Dean in the head knocking him out.
The alpha was laughing as he came over to me. He grabbed me by my collar and gave me a punch. "Say goodbye to your life Sam winchester".
I felt a hit on the head and immense pain. My vision become blurry and i could not hear anything the Alpha was saying. I felt numb from all the pain, everything then went silent and black.
————-The alpha left Sam unconscious on the ground. He walked close towards his men. Take of the winchesters, The alpha said to his men incharge. "Remember we need them alive and well." The alpha left to go around with his business. He left few of the vampires at the warehouse to keep alook on the winchesters. "Make sure you stay silent and if anyone comes to save them, i would like their their head on a plate."
What will happen to the Winchester brothers, will they survive, of course they will because they are the freaking Winchesters but how is the question.
Been a long time, its always going to be a long time, I have actually had a big plan for this chapter but then I realized it is way to big so I made 2 chapters out if it. So how do you think is the story. I know its not good enough so I apologize for that. If you read this, thank you soooo much. Please comment literally anything :)
- Fathma.
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