chapter 4
I woke up by my alarm ringing, Looking down at the floor I see dean fast a sleep. I thought to my self how cute dean looked while sleeping. My thoughts were disturbed by sam's snore from the other side of the room. I quickly get up from my bed making sure I didn't make a sound and disturbed the boys. Taking a pair of jeans and a high neck blue shirt I make my way into they bathroom. Kept my cloths aside, I jumped into the shower enjoying and admiring how it makes me feel. If this motel has on damn good thing, it's definitely gotta be the shower.
After a pleasant shower, I dry my body with the towel provided. Not wasting time I get dressed and brush my hair leaving them down to air dry. I quickly do my make up and make my way out. Surprisingly the agents are still a sleep, not wanting to wake them up I silently pick my bag up and head out the room.
I stopped by a cafe down the street a few blocks way. Ordered coffee and eggs. While billing I hear police sirens passing by the cafe. Sensing trouble I make my way out of the cafe and followed the police car which was followed by an ambulance. The vehicles stopped just 3 blocks way, I walked my way there only to be welcomed to another horrifying scene. another victim of the vampires. This needs to end and must be figured out. I have to hurry up, luckily I found my fake FBI batch in my bag from the previous day. Not thinking twice I make my way in to the crime scene. I just started to analyze things when a voice from behind me called my name.
"Agent Charlie", the voice said. I turned around only to see the sheriff heading my way. "Oh, morning sheriff ", I said with a decent smile and a nod.
"Well there is again another kill and a new body found just about 20min ago." The sheriff informed with a slight Frown.
"I see, are there any updates on this case", I asked.
"Well not yet, the investigation is still going but It's probably just a psycho killer." The sheriff replied with a assuring nod.
"Oh, I just hope the case gets solved soon", I said with a tender smile.
"Where are your partners agent Ackles and pada-lek- something?" The sheriff asked.
Without a thought I knew he was asking about agent Sam and dean. "Well their no-not actually my partners and I don't know where they are", I replied with a a fake smile. "I'm just here doing my job".
"Right, you keep doing your thing"' the sheriff replied with a straight face. "I"ll be around if you need anything".
"Thank you", I say with smile. The sheriff replied with a nod making his way back to his business.
I then go around the scene and try to figure things out.
"Dean! Dean get up" Sam screamed at my face while I was sleeping.
I finally came to sense and realized sam is waking me up. "what is it", I grunt.
"Get up dean, I just got a call there is another body found.", Sam replied.
"A body,when...where?", I asked rubbing my eyes.
"A body was found again this morning". Sam said making his way to the fridge and removed a bottle of water which he chugged on later.
I quickly got up, looked around but din't find Charlie. "Where's Charlie", I asked Sam.
"Oh I din't see her since I got up". Sam replied. "Maybe she made her way out early".
I make my way to the window to check her mustang but the spot her car was parked is taken my someone else.
Where did she go, she didn't even inform me. Thoughts starting filling my mind but then I thought, why would she tell me before she goes any where I mean it's not like she has to but she could, Without realizing I started mumbling.
"Dean, dean common dude we gotta go check this", Sam said looking at me with a worried face. "Many people are getting killed in this town, we need to stop this quick". I replied with a nod and head for the showers.
While in the shower I thought to my self of what a pleasant sleep I had last night, I haven't had rest in a long time know I still don't understand how. Maybe I am just starting to heal, maybe I have a chance of becoming normal again. Suddenly my eyes fall on a silver ring kept beside the sink. It was not here before so how did it get here. It is obviously not mine or Sam's. Then it hit me, it must be Charlie's. I quickly get out of the shower and get dressed and took the ring and kept it safely in my pocket. When I see Charlie again I will give it back to her, she must be worried looking for her ring. Sam and I got ready and drove to the crime scene, we reach to the scene in 10 min. I park my car in the lot and got out. Sam and I head in to the crime scene.
We showed our fake FBI batch to the police and they let us in. After a few minutes I found my self looking around scanning to find Charlie, I mean she might be around. There she is standing and talking with some officers. She is wearing these jeans that
Fit her body just perfectly nod she let her beautiful dark hair down which are blowing in the air.
"Sam there she is", I said pulling sam's hand. "Common she must know something about This case, "lets go ask".
Sam replied with a sigh and followed me towards Charlie.
"Charlie", I said tapping on her shoulders. She turned around with this surprising face, it's almost like she din't expect it to be me calling her.
She cleared her throat, "Agents, morning". She said with a tender smile.
"Morning", Sam and I replied.
I looked at her with a wide smile which then faded away before asking, "so what's going on here?".
"Oh umm there is another body found this morning couple hours ago." She replied."The same, marks around the body and the body drained of blood".
Sam and I replied with a nod, with in few seconds the sheriff joined in our conversation.
"Agents", the sheriff said with a nod. He turned towards Charlie. "You were asking for me agent".
"Yes I was, umm are there any updates about the investigation of this case." Charlie asked the sheriff giving him a sharp look.
"No not yet", the sheriff replied. There are no suspects found and the case leads to no conclusions. "This case has been going on for a week now with no updates."
"Thank you sheriff", Charlie said to the sheriff with a look of worry.
"No prob agents", the agent said before making his was back to one of the officer.
After a moment of silence I turn toward Charlie. "When did you get here."
"Well umm...I got here a few hours ago." She replied looking into my eyes then looking away.
"Oh and why didn't you wake us up", I said with a slight smirk spreading on my face.
"Umm...I-I um din't want to disturb you guys", she replied with a tensed look. "I actually went to the cafe a few blocks away and when I heard I came here.
"Ok", I replied with a hesitant smile not knowing what to say next. Suddenly Sam pulled me away. "Hey look at there", he sad pointing at a homeless man staring at us.
"Ok wait", I replied whispering angrily before making my way to Charlie. "Umm my partner and I have some work to do". I said with a straight face. "We'll see you around agent."
"Ok see you around" she replied before making her way to the victims family.
I turn back to Sam, "what is it?" I asked.
"This man happens to be here for a long time staring and apparently he sleeps on the opposite street." Sam replied. "He must know something."
"Ok le-lets check this guy out", I said walking towards the homeless man.
Sam and I showed him our FBI batches. "FBI agents", I said looking at the man dressed in rags and looks like he hasn't eaten in days. "We would like to ask you a few questions."
"I'm I in trouble officers", the man asked with almost tears in his eyes.
"No no we just have some questions about the body found this morning". Sam said with a sympathetic look.
" I don't know anything about what happened", the man replied. He almost looked like he is scared and Is definitely hiding something.
"Look you can trust us, if there is anything you know tell us now, it's what we need to know to stop the killing", I said looking straight into the man's eyes. "Help us now to do something good. I now you know something, no matter how stupid it sounds we are going to believe you."
The man kept looking everywhere but not us. It was like he is scared but why? After a few minutes he finally spoke.
"Umm...I-l know what happened to that man but it sounds stupid and unbelievable", he hesitantly said.
"Try me", I replied.
"I was sleeping when I heard footsteps, it was very late and usually no one walks here around that time. But when I saw Jacob i woke up. He was he nice guy, I sat quietly in dark and watched him walk by." The man said before he stopped. He then stopped talking.
"Then what, what happened to Jacob? answer", I scolded the man.
"It's not safe here", he said as two men pass by us.
"Alright we should take this somewhere else", Sam said clearing his throat.
The man, Sam and I sat in the impala and drove to the nearby cafe.
"So what happened next", Sam asked. It's ok you are safe here.
"I told you it's unbelievable, the police thinks that I am crazy and was probably drunk." The man said with sadness in his voice.
Sam released a sigh before opening his mouth to talk. "Look we get what you are going through, we understand and we can help."
The guy held his head down again trying to avoid eye contact again. "Ok come on what your name." I asked while raising my eyebrows in frustration.
"M-my name is Dan." The guy replied almost surprised by my question. Dan you have to tell us what happened that night completely. I said looking at Dan firmly. "Please cooperate with us or we will have to take this to the police and-" I was cut off by Dan finally speaking.
"Two men slowly came out of no where and grabbed Jacob the-they hit him and started biting him." He replied with tears in his eyes. "They had these sharp teeth like fangs coming out their gums, they then took him away outside the town to a abandoned property. I followed them but then I saw them kill Jacob and I ran back as fast as I could. After a few hours they brought Jacob back and dumped him where they found him."
"Didn't you inform the police?", I asked.
"No I didn't because I was scared", he hesitantly.
Sam and I share a look. " know you told us what we needed to know, you can leave". I said while removing a 300$ bill from my pocket and positioned it on the table in front of Dan. "Keep this a try to say of the street for a while, stay in a motel for a day or two and be safe."
We were cut of by the waitress bring eggs and bacon with extra grease for Dan. I quickly paid for his food and stood upfront the chair. "We have to leave know Dan so Make sure you take care of your self, and we believe everything you said". I said while slightly tapping on Dan's back.
"Here take this", Sam said while handing Dan a card. "This is our number,I you want to tell us anything else just give us a call." Dan nodded and continued eating his meal. He seemed happy to get the food and so cheerful.
We all share a nod, Sam and I make our way back to the impala.
I open the door and slid into the car seat, Sam then sat into the car and slammed the door shut. Before I started the engine, Sam spoke up, "this is a very messed up case."
"Yeah it is and it's a dangerous one." I replied. But we have to get done with this or more people will die.
After a seconds Sam asked, "do you think we need backup".
"Of course not ", making a disgust face. "We can deal with this Sam, after all it's just a complicated hunt of vampires."
"But what if things go down fall" Sam asked while raising his eyebrows on me.
"They won't", I replied firmly. "It's going to be fine Sam just calm down and let's just get done with this one."
Sam looked at me with surprise and he let out a chuckle, "yeah right, you know what's going to happen."
"No I don't Sam", I said while hitting the steering wheel. "I am just sure that we can handle this, haven't we been through worst".
"I get you Dean but it's just that I have a bad feeling about this"
"Well then if so you can just back off and I will get done with this my self".replied with a sassy tone.
Sam released a sigh, "come on Dean we have gone through this many times now", Sam said crossing his hands against his chest. "You know that we will always deal with things together, Because we are into this together Dean and if one of us dies, we will do that together too."
I replied with a chuckle, "oh come on Sam we don't have to start this again."
"And you don't get to decide to do something alone. I don't mind that your pushing me away from yourself but you are my brother and I need you and no matter what Dean, no matter how deep of a hole you have fallen into, I will get you out. And you will never be alone.
Sam you don't need to make a fuzz about this stop acting like a 5 year old",I replied staring out the window. "am just trying to protect you Sammy".
Then You stop acting like a jerk and stop trying to protect me, I am no your cubby 6 years old Sammy, I am Sam, a grown up who can take care of him self and his brother. So guess what no matter what you do you are not going to get rid of me".
I became speechless, there were no words to say. I just want to make sure that Sam doesn't end up dead. as for the hunt, it needs to be done with or without Sam. Sam and I stare each other before looking away, I start the engine and started to drive back to the motel. Hope we get done with this soon so I can go back to keep things to my self and don't have to face Sam.
We reach the motel in a few minutes, made our way to our room and a lunch. The entire time there was silence between us, it felt like words were missing between us. We both have things to say but can't. This distance between Sam and I is growing day by day and things our getting worst. he needs to understand that I can't tell him how I feel and what's wrong with me and that he has to stop pressuring me to talk.
After a few moments of silence and unsaid times, Sam finally spoke. "Ok so what do we know",he Said opening his laptop probably for research.
" this is definitely a vampire nest and that place out of town is definitely connected to them" I replied.
"O-okay the place.. it's registered on the name Dimitri valadon", Sam read from the laptop. "And the place is currently non resident and definitely out of sale. So what do you think", Sam asked looking at me.
"Will pops here definitely sounds like our guy, and as for the place..we will have to check it out.", I replied and sat on the chair opposite to Sam.
Sam replied with a nod and continued tapping on the keyboard and reading in his mind. "Hear this, Dimitri here owns a lot of such places around the state with almost all of them out near the end of towns and cities." Sam said while raising his eyebrows. "And guess what..all of them are non resident."
"Son of a bitch" I said running my hands through my hair. "This is big, sounds like a leader helping out to feed his pets."
"And turns out where ever there are Dimitri's properties, dead bodies found similar to this case and people believe It to be some wild animal attacks." Sam added.
"Well we gotta Check this place out of town first and kill the vamps out of the place", I told Sam and made my way to the fridge and removed a beer bottle on which I chugged on.
"Alright we will move in an hour", Sam said after taking a sip from his beer.
Sam stayed in the motel room doing some more research about the case, I came down to the impala and prepared for the hunt. I hope we get done with this as soon as possible. I load all the guns with silver bullets and sharpened the silver blade, kept all the things ready in the truck. With my work done I go to our room in the motel to check on sam.
"Hey sammy you ready!", I said opening and entering our room. "We don't want to take to much time on this". There was sam making his way out the toilet.
"Hmmm yeah I am ready.", sam said taking his gun and keeping it in the pocket.
"Yeah yeah...we don't want to get late Rupuzel." I said walking out the room and towards the stairs
Sam replied with a sigh while locking the door. And out of no where sam said, "last to reach the impala is a jerk" hearing those words I don't know what went off in side me but I felt like we were young again. Without thinking twice i ran down the stairs and pass the reception where the crazy lady who mistaken us for couple was sitting and giving me a shocked look by the mess we were making. I ran not caring about and finally touched the hood of the impala but realized sam was there first.damn.
"Woah you are fast", i said panting and breathing heavily. "Well all the jogging came to work" sam said teasing hit me on my shoulder. I shrug and enter the impala starting the engine. "Well you started it and I gonna keep doing it". I then started driving off to the abandoned place, the source of all evil and death in this town.
Hey guys...god it feels like a long time since the last chapter. I just had a short writers block and a lot of stuff on my mind and things have not been that good in my personal life. I was also working on my new book WOULD YOU RATHER SUPERNATURAL EDITION🔔 so make sure you do check that out because it's fun and kind of stressing too 😄 and ya maybe you are not that satisfied by this chapter, it fine I am going to make sure you like the next one! And what to you think of that cute moment between sam and dean in the end....if you liked it please tell me how it was and do share ideas like that which you would like to see in my story. Do comment and communicate with me. There is a lot to come in this story so tighten up your seat belts...
-Xoxo author
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