"Harrison get your hands out of there!" Carrie yelled smacking his hand that was busy trying to grab a chicken leg.
Tonight the whole family was going to Steven Spielberg's house for his annual picnic that he had since he met Harrison. And of course Carrie was freaking out about what she was taking.
"Can you go check on Kathleen please?" She asked him while getting barbecue sauce out of the fridge and setting it on the table.
"Sure hon." He said as he walked to his daughters room finding her asleep on the floor with her olive green dress on and one shoe while the other foot just had a sock.
He slowly walked to the middle of the floor where she laid before he was interrupted by his son, Justin, yelling from the door frame, "Mom said we need to hurry or we'll be late like last year."
As soon as his last word slipped from his mouth Kathleen grunted and slowly began to wake up.
"Justin..." Harrison growled while Justin ran out of the room before his dad could finish so he wouldn't see the wrath of Harrison.
"Hey, princess." Harrison said as he went and got some of Kathleen's hair that wasn't in her ballerina bun that Carrie made out of her face.
"I'm tired." She said rubbing her eyes as Harrison bent down and lifted her into his arms bringing her to the small desk so Carrie could fix her hair.
"I know, baby but you got to go to this party. You wouldn't want to disappoint Mommy would you?" He asked her as she shook her head.
"Outta girl." He said with his lopsided grin as he sat her on the small chair while he undid the perfect bun that had turned into a messy one.
"Your moms going to kill me." He murmured before he called Carrie's name.
"God, Harrison!" She whispered running to Kathleen's side and taking the rubber band out of her hair and grabbing the brush on her desk and trying as gently as she could to get the knots out.
It had been four minutes for Carrie to do Kathleen's hair. Before she rushed her family into Harrison's classic Cadillac where the trouble began when they forgot the chicken on the table having to make them turn around.
- - -
"Late again, Harrison?" Steven asked as he opened the door finding the Ford family standing there lightly covered in snow.
"You know us.." Harrison told him with a playful smirk before Steven reached in and gave his friend a hug.
"Everything's set in the backyard we'll just set up your?..." he said looking at the picnic basket in Carrie's right hand.
"Chicken and fruit." She told him giving him a gentle smile before giving him a hug while her kids entered and ran to find Steven's kids.
"Kids." He smiled as he brought his guest into his house where they found George and his wife in the kitchen.
"Hey George." He said patting his shoulder while Carrie and George's wife hugged.
"Whys it so cold here?" Carrie asked earning laughs by the other two couples.
"I don't know? That's why I like shooting in hot places." Steven said while Harrison nodded his head knowing how Steven picked the weirdest but most brilliant places to shoot the Indiana Jones movies.
"Yeah good luck finding a place hotter then Sri Lanka!" Harrison told him laughing at one of the most hottest places in the world.
- - -
It had been an our since they had arrived and now all the couples and their children were in the backyard laying on blankets eating chicken, salads, and fruits. And not to add Brownies with ice cream.
"You warm enough, babe?" Harrison asked his wife who was wrapped in three blankets with Kathleen in her lap.
"Oh shut up Ford!" She told him while he gave her a small peck on the lips before Steven announced that the fireworks would soon start.
"Let's just hope he doesn't try and kill him self this year.." Carrie whispered in Harrison's ear while he laughed at the memory of Steven doing his own small fireworks that were very hard to start.
"Let's hope not." Harrison mourned while Steven started to light fireworks that were surprisingly very successful.
"I love you, Carrie." Harrison told her while Carrie took a chance to look away from the fireworks and into Harrison's sweet brown eyes.
"I know." He told him using her Star Wars quote that she had used in "The Return of the Jedi" before she started a slow kiss.
"Let's keep this g rated, guys." The couple heard George say from behind them while they both laughed.
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