Chapter 17
Chapter 17: Research in the Library
Author's POV
It was already their last subject for the day, which was an individual study time or much more known as library period. Ryujin's group decided to use this time, for their group project in history, as it was more appropriate for them to. After all it was a subject where they have to study alone about a certain subject or do other stuff related to other subjects in their class.
But since Ryujin's group was lacking in so many aspects of their group project, they all agreed that they should use this time for them to have some sort of clue or what not about it. On the way there, Beomgyu and Ryujin kept on fighting one another, about who can find more information about their group project. In the end, those were stopped by Chaeryeong, as she finds it super annoying.
After a couple of minutes walking Ryujin's group finally reached the Library, which was at the back part of the school, it was very secluded from the rest of the school. But in comparison to the other facilities of the school, the Library was much bigger than an average one would be. From the outside it kind of looked like a greenhouse, but from the inside it looks like a botanical garden with books.
Chaeryeong then knocked on the door before going inside the Library, soon after followed by her group mates. In the group, Chaeryeong loves to read books, so she spends a lot of time in the Library, especially during free time and individual study time. Chaeryeong can always be found in this part of school, if not then the dance room would be much likely, as she is a essential part of that troupe, alongside with Yeji and Ryujin.
Taehyun can also be seen here sometimes, he doesn't usually like to be in a noisy environment so he always goes to the Library for some peace and quiet. But sometimes he just goes there to read books and do some assignments.
Ryujin was occasionally in the Library, it was often for her projects and assignments. But sometimes it would be because of their teacher's request of her going to the Library to borrow a certain book and to name it under their name. Which was most of the time was very helpful in a way.
Beomgyu on the other hand was rarely in the Library, he only goes in the Library just to sleep. Because it was cool and quiet that you could fall asleep almost immediately, but something tells him that this time it won't be easy, as somebody will keep him awake.
Minju just got to the school and was just getting familiarizing herself with all the rooms and stuff here. So this was the first time Minju has ever gone to their school Library. And well let's just say that she was blown away by the beauty of the sight before her eyes.
Once all five of them got in the Library, Ryujin, Chaeryeong, and Taehyun quickly approached the Librarian. Which Beomgyu quickly followed the other three, not wanting to be anywhere near Minju. Well alone that is, although he may seem to be somewhat near to his "usual" self, he still was not.
Once Beomgyu had reached the Librarian's desk they all started to talk to her, negotiating about stuff. The group then started to scan their Library cards, on the scanners, for it to record, that they went to the Library during that time.
After talking to the Librarian and scanning their Library cards, they were finally allowed to have a look around the Library. To look for books that might be useful for their project in history, but to such luck, there was still nothing that they can do about it.
They still haven't found anything about their topic, and just went through the books that they were reading as if they were picture books and stuff. While three of their members were reading, one was placing back the books and the other one was taking more books and giving it to the ones reading them. It was a group work so everybody got to do something really helpful, right now that is.
After a couple of barely turning the pages of the book that Ryujin was reading, she finally found something about their topic in their group project in history, she then called out every single member of their group. Once everybody was there Ryujin started explaining everything to them.
"So we basically found a bit of information about the topic, and thank heavens for it." Ryujin said to the others as she released a sigh.
"Well what is it about?" Taehyun said to Ryujin asking her, while having an eyebrow raised at her.
"Well, it just says that the previous King of Clarines apparently died, and when I mean 'previous' I mean the one that were researching about." Ryujin said to Taehyun to answer his earlier question.
"And what are we supposed to do with that?" Beomgyu said to Ryujin, both asking and mocking her.
Ryujin then smirked and glared at Beomgyu, before answering his question. "Why don't you use your head just for once, Choi Beomgyu?" Ryujin said to Beomgyu while still glaring at him.
"Yeah, I can think of scenarios but what do we actually use it for again?" Beomgyu said to Ryujin, as he looked at her with his eyebrow raised at her.
Ryujin then released a sigh, before answering his question. "Don't you think, that's already a step up for us, you know?" Ryujin said to Beomgyu, obviously annoyed by him.
All of the members of the group then nodded their heads in agreement with Ryujin. As they couldn't find anything else in the Library than this one, so the group will just take what they can get.
"Well at least it kind of helps us, in a way, I guess?" Minju said to the others, while looking at them. The others then agreed with her.
"So tell us about it, well about him, to be precise." Taehyun said to Ryujin, asking her to read it aloud for them to know what they're dealing with now.
"Well not much is said here in this book, since some of the wordings are now blurry and gone... I guess? But here's what it says," Ryujin said to the others while looking at book.
"The death of... or the previous King of Clarines or... the previous ruler of Clarines... He died while sleeping... He didn't... As the previous King of Clarines died... Some things changed for either the better or the worst... The throne was passed back to the first born of the family... He ruled with his wife that came from the kingdom of Asterin..." Ryujin said to the others, while looking at the book obviously very displeased at the book's condition.
"Is that all Ryujin?" Chaeryeong said to Ryujin, asking her, whispering it into her ear. Ryujin then slowly nodded her head, before taking out her phone and took a picture of the book itself and its contents.
The others then released a sigh, as they still couldn't find any major clues about their topic.
"We don't even know the name of the previous King of Clarines. Why do I suddenly feel like instead of getting close to finding out about our topic it's the opposite way around?" Minju said to the others as she looked at them sadly.
"Well I guess to be honest at least we now know something right? That's better than nothing, right?" Beomgyu said to the others, which the others just sighed at.
Everybody was returning all the books back to their original places, but then Chaeryeong suddenly noticed that Taehyun has been very quiet and it seemed like he was deep in thought.
"Taehyun? Are you okay?" Chaeryeong said to Taehyun, as she looked at him worriedly. Taehyun then snapped out of his trance in his thoughts and then looked at Chaeryeong's spot.
"It's just that... I think something is wrong, when Ryujin said that the previous King of Clarines died because of sleeping... Wouldn't that mean that he died in a peaceful way?" Taehyun said to Chaeryeong, as he looked at her direction. Chaeryeong then slowly realized where this was going.
Chaeryeong was just about to speak, when somebody spoke up first. "I thought I was the only one who noticed it..." Ryujin said to both Chaeryeong and Taehyun, as she collected more books to return to their respectful shelves.
"So you also noticed? But why didn't you say anything to us earlier?" Chaeryeong said to Ryujin asking her.
Ryujin then released a sigh, before answering Chaeryeong's question. "Because I thought it was just a big coincidence. I mean the girl that we are also researching for also looks like me... So maybe I thought it was just another big coincidence..." Ryujin said to Chaeryeong, while shrugging her shoulder.
"You're right..." Taehyun said to Ryujin, agreeing to what she said earlier.
"But what if he actually died in a peaceful way?" Taehyun said to both Ryujin and Chaeryeong.
"Then there are only some explanations of deaths that are to hold accountable... Right Ryujin?" Chaeryeong said to Ryujin, while looking at her.
Ryujin then set down the books that she was carrying back on the table. "Well there would only be a few more reasons, to list a few that would probably make sense at best. One it would be sickness, two it would be he just never woke up from sleeping, three it would be more he ate too much and he didn't woke up, and four a sudden heart attack." Ryujin said to Chaeryeong as she looked at the books on the table.
"But if we consider that the previous King of Clarines is young, we should probably cross out number four..." Taehyun said to both Ryujin and Chaeryeong, while looking at them both.
Soon after Minju returned and tapped Ryujin's back and gestured for her to give the books to her and she'll return it. Ryujin then gave the books to Minju and as she left to return more books back to their respective bookshelves.
"So it might be either the first three? But after reading articles of how slim he is, should we cross out the third one as well?" Chaeryeong said to both Ryujin and Taehyun, suggesting the idea. To which both Ryujin and Taehyun quickly agreed to.
"So it might just be the first of the second one then?" Taehyun said to both Ryujin and Chaeryeong, as he placed his hand below his chin.
"Hmm... I guess one of those two reasons of his sudden death?" Chaeryeong said to Taehyun as she looked at him.
"So what do you think, Ryujin?" Chaeryeong said to Ryujin, who seemed to be deep in thought, as she looked at her.
"No, that might not be the case..." Ryujin said to Chaeryeong, while still deep in thought.
"I can actually see it happening though." Taehyun said to Ryujin and then looked at Chaeryeong.
"Yeah, me too..." Chaeryeong said to Taehyun, agreeing with him.
Soon after Chaeryeong said that both Minju and Beomgyu had returned after returning all the books that they got for their research project in history. Both Minju and Beomgyu were stretching their arms and necks, but mostly their arms.
"But what if... What if the previous King of Clarines suffered from something or sort of disease, during that time? Wouldn't that mean that the first reason is very much applicable to it? What if the previous King of Clarines was just too sleepy and forgot to wake up? Wouldn't that make the second reason applicable as well?" Ryujin said to both Chaeryeong and Taehyun, proving her point.
"You're not wrong, but you're not right either... Well there's no plausible way that we could possible know..." Taehyun said to Ryujin, as he released a sigh.
"We don't know for sure..." Ryujin said as she looked down on the ground, with a frown on her face suddenly Beomgyu had an urge to comfort her, but he contained it as it was not the best decision right now.
Suddenly Ryujin's face brightened up. "But what if it was both? The previous King of Clarines could've suffered from a disease or he was sick. What do you guys usually do when you're sick?" Ryujin said to the others, asking them.
"Umm... I guess we just stay at home just rest until we feel better?" Minju said to Ryujin answering her question.
"That's right!" Ryujin said a bit too loudly that she got scolded by the Librarian. Ryujin then sheepishly said sorry to the Librarian.
"So does the previous King of Clarines, if you think about it. Anybody who's sick would just want to get some rest, even the previous King of Clarines, himself. So if you think about it, maybe he was sick and he just slept the whole day or night and while resting he just never woke up?" Ryujin said to the others, which made the others realize her point.
"You're right... That would literally solve that part of the case..." Chaeryeong said to Ryujin, agreeing with her.
"So now the only thing that we have to solve for is that what happened in between them and who's the girl, and maybe possible what happened to the both of them..." Beomgyu said to the others, which they quickly agreed on.
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