Chapter 09
Chapter 09: Late
Author's POV
School was now done for the day everybody already went home. Except some students that had some after school activities that they signed up for or maybe that their teachers told them to do. Which lead them to stay back even after school hours. A lot of them were going back to their dorms and houses after a long day.
One of them was Ryujin she had to stay back since their homeroom teacher asked her for a favor. So naturally Ryujin couldn't say no because it might ruin her record. But as she was doing the favor her other teachers either suddenly said that they had to pass some requirement or talked to her. As much as it pisses Ryujin off. Ryujin still stayed cool after dealing with all their antics.
Ryujin was now left to walk alone back to their dorm. As Chaeryeong and the others already left earlier saying that they had plans and wanted to do some stuff. Ryujin was lifelessly walking towards their dorm with nobody to talk to. Ryujin was just listening to some music while walking towards their dorm and not minding the other people on the street.
Meanwhile Beomgyu was just busy sitting on his own in a café obviously waiting someone to arrive. Beomgyu has been waiting for the person to show itself up in front of him. But instead the person made Beomgyu wait the whole time not even informing him that they can't show up.
Beomgyu sighed as he slid his hand into his right pocket and took out his phone to check the time. Just to see it was already late than usual Beomgyu then stood up from the sit and went in front of his table. Beomgyu then took out his wallet and put a little tip for the waiters.
Ryujin was just a few steps away from reaching their dorm. But then Ryujin felt something as is she was being followed by somebody. So instead of going directly to their dorm Ryujin was taking a short detour from it.
"Dang it! I wanted to go to the dorm immediately since I'm tired but since there's somebody following me. I can't risk it the girls are probably in the dorm now considering it's already late." Ryujin said muttering it underneath her breath.
Beomgyu was already on the streets walking back towards their dorm while using his phone. Beomgyu was busy texting the person he was supposedly meeting earlier but didn't show up. Beomgyu was supposed be back at their dorm by now but sadly he waited for that person to arrive and now he has to face the consequences of it.
A couple of moments later Beomgyu then slid his phone back into his right pocket as he looks up on the street just to see Ryujin walking as well. Beomgyu then smirked and started following Ryujin but as he started following her. Beomgyu noticed that there were people other following Ryujin as well.
"Who are they? Do they know Ryujin or maybe Ryujin knows them?" Beomgyu said to himself as he looked at the people who were following Ryujin.
Beomgyu then once again took out his phone and started scrolling through his contacts to look for Ryujin's phone number. Beomgyu quickly found it since it has the most obvious contact name on he then tapped it and it started to dial. Beomgyu then started chasing them since he was slowly losing them and once he caught up to them he made sure that there was a space between them.
Beomgyu was still trying to contact Ryujin but it was no avail. Beomgyu then started dialing Ryujin's phone once again and started to run towards them as he once again lost track of them while trying to her. Beomgyu then looked up and saw them and his eyes went wide open and started running towards them.
Once Beomgyu reached them he quickly threw a punch on one of the guys who were around Ryujin. The guy suddenly flew towards the other end of the place lying on the ground. Beomgyu was looking at the guy with anger evident on his eyes. Beomgyu then looked at Ryujin who had her eyes wide open his expression suddenly changed from angry to a worried one.
'What the heck? Why did I even do that?' Beomgyu thought as he then threw another punch on one of the remaining guys.
But as Beomgyu was looking at Ryujin one of the guys he was suddenly thrown a punch which landed onto his face which made the side of his lip bleed. Beomgyu then stood up and wiped it off using his sleeve and looked at it. After Beomgyu looked at his sleeve he then looked at the remaining guys while glaring at them and threw multiple punches at the guys.
Ryujin on the other hand was just watching them with her still shock expression plastered onto her face. Ryujin was shocked to see Beomgyu and at the same time seeing him act like this he always shows a friendly expression in school. Ryujin thought that he was the friendly type of student. But now it definitely changed everything that Ryujin thought of him.
Ryujin only got into her senses once again after seeing all of the guys who were following on the ground. Almost all of them were just lying on the ground lifelessly. Ryujin then looked at Beomgyu with her shocked expression. Beomgyu was busy wiping the blood that was on him.
Beomgyu then looked at Ryujin and smirked a little before taking her bag and carrying it for her. "Come on. I'll take you back to your dorm." Beomgyu said to Ryujin as he started walking towards her dorm. Ryujin then hesitated for a bit Beomgyu then sensed it and looked at her.
"Look I'm just looking out for you. If I wasn't there who knows what those guys could've done to you." Beomgyu said to Ryujin as he turned around his body and looked at her with lifeless eyes.
After a couple of moments Beomgyu once again started to walk away and moments afterward Ryujin followed him.
'Why did he do that? His reason earlier makes no sense at all.' Ryujin thought as she was followed Beomgyu.
Both Ryujin and Beomgyu were walking quietly nobody was saying or even peeping a word out of their mouths. The only thing you can hear was their footsteps that aren't really that hard. You can also hear other people talking with each other and their footsteps. But for the two it was as if they don't hear a thing from them. The two of them continued to stay silent for the rest of their walk together.
Beomgyu and Ryujin already reached their destination which is Ryujin's dorm that she also shares with her friends. Beomgyu then looked at the place and then looked at Ryujin before giving her back her school bag.
"Well we're here now. So get in your dorm will you? Before something else happens to you." Beomgyu said to Ryujin as he pushes her near the gate of their dorm's place.
"Yeah I know no need to remind me..." Ryujin said to Beomgyu as she unlocked the gate and opened it for her to enter.
"But I still have to repay you in some sort of way... Since you saved me what happened from earlier... At least let me fix up some of your bruises..." Ryujin said to Beomgyu as she opened the gate some more before gesturing to him to enter.
Beomgyu then sighed before looking at Ryujin who was now looking on the ground. Beomgyu then put his hands inside his pockets and smiled a little bit. Beomgyu then sighed as he looked up at the sunset colored sky.
"I'm sorry Ryujin but I have to decline the really generous offer. You see Taehyun might scold me for going home late since I was supposed to be at the dorm by 7." Beomgyu said to Ryujin as he chuckled.
Ryujin then looked at Beomgyu with a surprised expression on her face. "Oh it's fine then. Send my regards to Taehyun will you? I'm sorry I didn't know that you had a "curfew" in your dorm as well." Ryujin said to Beomgyu as she hid her face in embarrassment.
Beomgyu then took out one of his hands from his pocket and looked at Ryujin helplessly. It was as if Beomgyu was somewhat attracted to Ryujin. Beomgyu then smiled at her and went near her.
"It's okay Ryujin..." Beomgyu said to Ryujin as he ruffled her hair and smiled.
Beomgyu was about to leave the place when the dorm's door suddenly opened revealing a Chaeryeong who was wearing her pajamas while taking out the trash. Chaeryeong then stop on her tracks as she looked at the two standing figures before her. Chaeryeong's eyes were wide open due to shock and so was the other two. Chaeryeong's eyes then traveled down to Beomgyu's fist which was still bleeding. Beomgyu quickly noticed it and tried to hide it from Chaeryeong.
Chaeryeong the dropped the bag of trash onto the lawn of their dorm and ran straight to Beomgyu and took a look at his fist. Beomgyu then reacted minutes later by taking his hand away from Chaeryeong's sight. Ryujin on the other hand went to pick up the trash bag that Chaeryeong threw on the ground earlier and went outside their gate and threw it.
"Beomgyu come on inside we have to fix up all those bruises on you and I won't take no for an answer." Chaeryeong said to Beomgyu as she looked at him straight in the eyes.
Chaeryeong then went inside their dorm as Beomgyu then sighed as he followed her into their dorm. Beomgyu then locked the gate of their dorm as he continued to follow Chaeryeong. Ryujin on the other hand walked in front of their dorm to see nobody. Ryujin then looked around the surroundings looking for Beomgyu but as she saw nobody she just shrugged and then went in their dorm.
But to Ryujin's luck she met eyes with a bored looking Beomgyu who was sitting on the couch of their dorm. Beomgyu was listening to some music through the use of his air pods that's the reason why he didn't hear Ryujin entering the room. Ryujin's mouth was agape at the sight as he looked ever so handsome with his side profile.
Chaeryeong then came in the picture once again while she was holding the first aid kit and saw Ryujin standing near the front door. Chaeryeong then smiled at Ryujin then went near Beomgyu before putting down the first aid kit.
"Hey Ryujin I didn't notice you're already back. Go and wash up first before doing anything else okay?" Chaeryeong said to Ryujin as she opened the first aid kit.
Beomgyu then looked at where Ryujin was standing and just smiled at her sheepishly. Ryujin then smiled at him before taking off her shoes and making her way to her shared bedroom with Chaeryeong.
As Ryujin all those things as she prepare herself. Chaeryeong started tending to some of Beomgyu's bruises that he attained earlier while trying to save Ryujin.
Chaeryeong was almost done tending to Beomgyu's bruises except the one on his lips. Chaeryeong was about to do it when she remembered that Taehyun must've been really worried for Beomgyu. Chaeryeong then stood almost instantly which surprised Beomgyu and made him jump away from her as well.
Ryujin on the hand was in the dining room busy doing all her school works and at the same time cooking their dinner for tonight. Ryujin was busy doing math and was busy solving all the math problems that was assigned to them earlier by their math teacher.
Ryujin was listening to one of her favorite band's songs which were on party mode on her air pods. Ryujin was busy solving a math problem when Chaeryeong suddenly called out her name. But Ryujin didn't hear it because of the volume of the music that was blasting through her air pods.
Ryujin then stood up and went near the stove with her phone and air pods still plugged into her ears. Ryujin lifted the glass lid of the pot and looked for the ladle that she used earlier to mix in the Kimchi Jjigae. As Ryujin was busy mixing the Kimchi Jjigae some more Chaeryeong looked at her and then crossed her arms in front of her chest and went near her.
Once Chaeryeong reached where Ryujin was standing she released a sigh of breathe and poked her shoulder. Ryujin then looked behind her and saw Chaeryeong who was frowning abut then the expression changed into a smile. Ryujin then took out one of her air pods from her ear.
"Oh Chaeryeong I'm sorry I didn't notice you. Don't worry the Kimchi Jjigae is almost done just a couple more minutes." Ryujin said to Chaeryeong as she put back the lid of the pot back on the pot.
"Good then you won't mind finishing of cleaning Beomgyu's bruise I have to call Taehyun and tell him about what happened to Beomgyu." Chaeryeong said to Ryujin as she smiled at her.
"Umm... Yeah but then I still have to look after this." Ryujin said to Chaeryeong as she pointed at the Kimchi Jjigae that she was busy making.
"No worries I'll look after it while you take care of Beomgyu's bruise okay? Okay you agree now go away from here and go to him." Chaeryeong said to Ryujin as she pushed her out of the kitchen.
Ryujin was about to protest back at Chaeryeong when she was locked out of the kitchen. Ryujin then released a sigh and looked at Beomgyu helplessly. Ryujin then began dragging herself to where Beomgyu was currently sitting on the couch. Ryujin then took the first aid kit and sat down next to Beomgyu.
Ryujin then released another sigh as she looked for the things she needs to fix up Beomgyu's bruise. Beomgyu was just looking at Ryujin using his peripheral vision. Ryujin then set all of the things she needs down on the table and quickly held Beomgyu's chin and made him look at her directly at the eyes.
Beomgyu was shocked because of what Ryujin did to him. Ryujin on the other hand she was busy pouring some alcohol on a cotton ball. Beomgyu was just looking at Ryujin with his eyes wide open as he still couldn't process what happened earlier. Ryujin was already done with pouring some of the alcohol on a cotton ball and was about to dab it on Beomgyu's bruise. When Ryujin suddenly stared at Beomgyu's face at the cotton ball with alcohol was on mid-air.
Beomgyu then smirked at Ryujin for a bit. "Are you finally realizing that I'm very handsome? Or are you finally realizing my charms? Or maybe you feel sorry that my handsome face has a bruise now? Or maybe you're finally realizing that I am just too much to handle?" Beomgyu said to Ryujin as he continued on smirking at her.
Beomgyu then gasped loudly as he can with matching actions. RYujin then looked at him as if the screw on his head is too loose. "Or maybe you fell for me already? Ah I'm sorry Ryujin but you have to fall in line for that. Because the line is too long you might have to wait until all of them are gone. Well even if they are gone I don't have any guarantee that I will be dating you anytime soon." Beomgyu said to Ryujin as he teased her for a bit.
After hearing about what Beomgyu had said earlier made Ryujin's blood boil. Ryujin then once again held his jaw and started treating the wound on the side of his lips. But as Ryujin was treating it Beomgyu she kept on putting too much pressure and force on his bruise.
"Ah! Ouch Ryujin that hurts you know?!" Beomgyu said exclaiming it to Ryujin as he glared at her.
"Whoops... Does it really hurt? I'm sorry then maybe if you didn't make such remarks earlier then maybe you wouldn't have to go through this you know?" Ryujin said to Beomgyu as she started to do it once again and smiled a really sarcastic smile at him.
Beomgyu kept on flinching because of what Ryujin is doing to him. Beomgyu then plugged his air pods on his ears as he listens to some music while Ryujin was busy tending his bruises. Ryujin on the other hand as time passes by she became much gentler than earlier since she was feeling a bit at fault as well. Midway to it Ryujin stopped doing it for a while because of Beomgyu's side profile.
Beomgyu still haven't noticed that Ryujin was staring at him since he was into listening to the music. It was a blissful moment for Ryujin as she looks at Beomgyu's side profile. But then Beomgyu suddenly looked to the side which made Ryujin flinch and get some antiseptic and a new batch of cotton balls from the first aid kit.
Ryujin became very flustered because of this. Beomgyu was still smiling because of what he just saw Ryujin do.
A few moments later Ryujin was now done tending to Beomgyu's bruise on his face and was now packing up the first aid kit. Beomgyu on the other hand was just busy staring at Ryujin the whole time that she was packing it. Only Ryujin's side profile could be seen from Beomgyu's perspective of things.
Chaeryeong then came out of the kitchen area that was also connected to the dining room. Chaeryeong was basically poking out her head out of the door frame.
"Oh I see you're done with tending his bruise. I just finished the call with Taehyun and he said he understands the situation and that he'll just wait for Beomgyu at their dorm." Chaeryeong said to the other two as she looked at Beomgyu then Ryujin.
"Oh wow that call with Taehyun took longer than it should've been doesn't it Chaeryeong?" Ryujin said to Chaeryeong as she raised an eyebrow at her.
Chaeryeong then laughed awkwardly for a bit as she started scratching the back of her neck. "Anyways come on let's eat already. I'm already done fixing the dining table. You can join us to dinner Beomgyu it is kind of late now you must be hungry." Chaeryeong said to Beomgyu as she then went inside the kitchen and closed the door.
Beomgyu and Ryujin on the other hand just looked at one another before shrugging and then following Chaeryeong to the kitchen that is also a dining room.
Beomgyu was now out of their dorm with Ryujin following him from behind.
"Hey Beomgyu wait up!" Ryujin said to Beomgyu shouting it.
Beomgyu then turned around to look at Ryujin when he did he saw her smiling. It made Beomgyu's heart skip beats over and over again. It was as if Beomgyu already saw it somewhere. Beomgyu then quickly shook away all those thought away and looked at Ryujin once again.
"Thank you for earlier... I didn't get to thank you properly earlier..." Ryujin said to Beomgyu as she fiddled around with her fingers.
Beomgyu then lightly chuckled at the sight of Ryujin acting shy and cute at the same time. "It's okay Ryujin I'm fine now. I just did the most reasonable thing to do." Beomgyu said to Ryujin while smiling at her.
"Anyway I should probably head back to our dorm now Taehyun might scold me if I return any later. Bye Ryujin see you tomorrow." Beomgyu said to Ryujin while he smiled at her.
Ryujin then returned the gesture by smiling back at Beomgyu.
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