Ok I already told you about Anu, my cousin. so this is a treasured memory of my childhood which is really funny, at least for me.
So as I already told you that Anu and I are both of the same age and during our childhood we were really close. He was my brother, my friend, companion and my partner in crime. like everyone else our childhood was carefree and full of mischief. Our duo was famous for misshapen in the family.we have played many pranks in our childhood but now they are just memories of happy time.
So when we were kids, like any other kid we were naughty and playful, actually if I'm being honest I was the naughty one while he was just a poor fella who was dragged into everything by me, poor kid.
Its an old memory both of us were around 4 or 5 year old. In summers, in the afternoon our mothers would kick us out of the house when it was time for their afternoon nap (can you believe it, our own mothers would kick us out of our home because according to them we were naughty and too loud for them to have their nap peacefully)and we were exiled to go to our shop. Where our poor fathers have to keep us and take care of us. let me tell you we were a pain in the a**.
We can never stay still more than a few seconds and they have to run after us even thou they have customers to attend to. Well for those customers we were 'sho shweet' or ' too cute' but for our fathers we were little monsters who won't let them work, you should ask them about our childhood, I am sure they will have some really funny stories to tell you.
Sometimes when I think about our future partners, if they ever sit with our parents they will have a field day hearing about our younger days. O horror!
O sorry I got side tracked where were we?
Yaah so To go to our shop which was around1.5 km from our house, we have to cross many streets connecting to each other as we were too young to go by the roads. you know the traffic,vehicles etc. etc. See two 4-5 years old kids were old enough to go to their shop alone but not by the road (note the sarcasm) psss psss parents.
first let me explain to you the route we took for going to the shop. it was a web of streets connecting to each other that we have to cross. I myself don't know how to explain so sorry if you can't understand. So here we go;
There was a street close to my home, that was the first street we took then at the end of the street we took a turn to the right then a few paces away we took the turn to left then straight for a few hundred meters and then a turn to right and then again a few metres to our shop.
You must be thinking why am I explaining the route to my shop, don't worry I'm not going to ask you to go to my shop. I am telling you because in that route something happened that was really funny for both me and Anu and it will let you know how naughty we were.
So in our route to our shop at the end of the first street and on the left turn after the right turn, in the first house whose outer wall was painted yellow lived a boy named Baban, he was our classmate in school. we weren't friends, actually we were rivals. we used to hate each other. He used to bully us in school.or may be it was the other way around, I really don't remember, but What I do remember is that we never liked him so we used to made fun of him. In those days there used to be an advertisement aired on television about bubble gum. It had a theme song on bubble gum and was quite a popular song.
So you see, this bubble gum song was really special for us and became our weapon against baban and we started teasing him by calling him 'bubble gum'. So everyday on our way to our shop at the end of the first street on the right turn we would hold each others hand and prepare for a run and start the count: 'one, two, three' at three we started running shouting the name 'bubble gum, bubble gum, bubble gum' all the way to the end of his street. Hearing the name, as we called him that in school, he would come out of his house shouting for us to stop but we would just show him our tongues and shout ' bubble gum' for one last time before we would run on our way to the shop. Everyday we would repeat the same thing, teasing him, shouting his name. I know you are saying ' how mean' but it was really fun to tease a bully, try it yourself you will know.
later it became a routine for us to go to shop and on our way shouting and teasing him. As he understood our routine he started planning his own revenge so later we would find him standing in the street waiting for us with a stick in his hand, which he would hold behind his back as to surprise attack us but he could never surprise us. Later he stopped holding it behind his back instead now he kept it in his hand, slapping it on his palm again and again and looking at our faces as to say, 'come on you idiots shout and run, now I will tell you what it is to tease me', even then we continued our teasing,the only difference was that now we will run faster and as our speed increased our shouts also turned higher, sometimes he even tried to chase us but we were fast, but our ritual still remain unbrocken. We would still turn around showing our tongues and shout 'bubble gum', leaving him fuming.
So many times He tried to beat us with the stick but never succeeded either we would push him or take a different turn but we never stopped shouting ' bubble gum'. Sometime we would find his mother standing there scolding us and asking us to stop shouting, But we were these little monsters who would never listen to her or stop teasing her poor son, who was ready to beat us with a stick, mind you. It continued that way for next 2 or so years until our families seperated and Anu started living on our shop. Then there was no hand holding or running or shouting or going to the shop together.
At last Bubble gum was spared by the evil duo.
So now you know what little monsters we were hope you like it.
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