Okay I got tagged a couple times and I keep putting off doing it but I'm finally gonna do one of them!
Tagged by DashieWritesStuff
Ten Facts About Me!
1. Ballet
When I was younger, I took ballet lessons and was in LOVE with it. I only stopped because they were gonna make us wear those pointed shoes and work on the weekends and I wasn't sure about it. However, even today I tend to sometimes move around a little more gracefully, twisting and jumping up on things instead of sitting on the couch like a regular person, that kinda thing.
2. Sixth Grade
I didn't actually try writing until the sixth grade. I mean I dreamed about it when I was young but I never got past the title. Eventually, I did more in the sixth grade and actually tried writing. It was terrible but hey, everyone starts somewhere.
3. First (Kinda)
Though a lot of my older is gone with the computer I wrote it on, one of the earlier books I developed and wrote was actually saved when I started using Google Drive. The actual writing was still very bad, but the concept wasn't. I'm actually salvaging it currently, bit by bit and I'm tempted to turn it into something in the future? Needs a lot of work so don't expect it. It was called "Balance Between Brothers" and it was a Minecraft story.
4. Youngest
I'm the youngest of my family. I got two older Bros, and it had its perks and restraints. The perks are that A: You're the baby of the family and hardly get in trouble (If you know what you're doing), B: Big Bros do give a little protection if needed, and C: By the time your parents get to you, they know what they're doing and parenting is smoother on both of you. However the major cons are A: No matter how much you plead, the older ones get to do the cooler stuff like staying up 'til 9 and stuff, as well as B: Teasing. So. Much. Teasing. I can't even begin to describe it. Doesn't help when you're a gullible child who believes you when you tell her there's a shark in the lake.
5. S-H-A-R-K-S
I have a huge fear of sharks. Some of it is practical, like the fact that they are killing machines, ruthless and probably have no soul and only have the purpose to destroy the human race, buttt it's also tips into irrational when you watch Shark Week, learn about the Megaladon and how BIG IT IS, and then when you try to go camping by a lake, your friend has trouble getting you to swim in fear of this "Mega Shark". Yeahhhh, bit of a problem.
6. Beat
I can actually keep the beat of a song pretty well and in different times too. I probably should've stayed in band because of this but oh well. While it is a mini talent of mine, it's harder to do under pressure and with distractions do matter how hard you try to keep a beat in rock band, the game just taunts you by showing you drop and not hit the notes and then while everyone else is getting a 90%, you're getting in the 50%'s and when it's time to switch, you walk away in shame because ids clear you can't Man the drums and let some else take over.
7. Rap
It's not my favorite genre but I actually quite like rap. I like the energy and fast talking and the songs they can create, and while there are definitely songs or people I don't care for, there's enough songs that I do that I can count is as one of my favored ones, even if not on top.
8. Doggo
I've never had one, but I've always wanted a dog. I'm a huge fan of big dogs, they're just so fluffy and fun and dang it, big dogs are just so cool! Great Danes, Bernese Mountain Dog, I just Love big dogs, okay? Medium sized ones are cool too, like Huskies and Golden Retrievers and stuff! I just like bigger sized dogs!
9. Frogs
I'm not sure why, but a while ago I was thinking of IRL people I knew and the animal they most reminded me of. One friend is a dolphin, my Mom is a Kangaroo, my Dad is a Panda, and when I thought of myself, I came up with a frog. I don't really know why, but it just kinda felt like the best option at the time. Frog it is.
10. Bookworm
I've always loved books. In sixth grade, I actually got them taken away because I would get distracted by them too much. Even now, I'm getting all these books I want to read and I can't help it. They're whole stories with characters and plots that come to life and I just want to be like that one day. I wanna make a book that someone will pick up and fall in love with the characters and be invested in the plot and hang on every word and see this book for more than just paper, but something that created a whole other world to escape to.
Anyways, that's my ten facts about me!
Call it laziness if you want, but I'm exhausted and I want to go to bed so no tagging. If you wanna do it, do it. I'll be happy to see what y'all come up with.
Anyways, hopefully I made this entertaining. Be sure to comment what you think, and I'll see y'all later.
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