Cadence's band ( a bullet for my Valentine )
Pretend I made up the band name!
××××××××××××××××××××lead singer×××××××××××××
Name: Sorin
Age: same age as Cadence
Gender: male
Sexuality : straight
Species : Vulcan
Personality: he is not like other Vulcans he is very laid back , he makes guesses , he doesn't know , he is the opposite of Spock ,he's mischievous and he loves to play pranks
Fun fact : him and Cadence used to be a couple and they lasted for 3 months , it didn't work out they chose to stay friends and they are best friends, they still kind of have feelings for eachother they haven't really moved on
Speaking Voice:
( white Pegasus)
Singing voice:
The guy
××××××××××××××××××××××××××× Lead guitarist ×××××××××××
Name: Athena
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Species: Arcadian
Sexuality: straight
( yes that's from the original tv show )
Personality: she's very sweet and kind, she's very brash but very meek around people she doesn't know , shes very shy and even she has her limits and when you make her mad take cover
Voice Claim:
××××××××××××××××××××××××××× bassist ××××××××××××××××
Name: Nirik
Age: 23
Gender: male
Species : romulan
Sexuality: straight
(One wearing blue!)
Personality :
He assumes a very theatrical personality but he is more honest and humble than he was, he still maintains his cockyness, him and Sorin get along surprisingly well. He's dramatic and has a affinity for beautiful women , he's kind of a flirt
Voice claim:
Name: Cadence Watson
Age: same age as Sorin
Gender: female
Species: Tronian
Sexuality: straight
Looks :
Personality: she's shy and too herself , she's patient and sweet ,and her demeanour is very meek , she's a little more open now and carries herself better , even with someone as patient as her it's not wise to anger her
Voice claim:
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