Chapter 8
"You told her to reject him?" Jeremy states horrified running a hand through his hair.
"Uh yeah?" I say as I swallow a sip of water.
"What if he wants her?" Jeremy states while looking at me like I'm crazy.
"And what if he doesn't?" I shrug my shoulders as I sit the drink down.
" look Ittzy not everyone is August." Jeremy argues and I just roll my eyes.
"And not everyone wants a mate. " I shoot back rolling my eyes.
"I want a mate." Jeremy states proudly.
I give him a pointed look. "Oh really."
He nods his head with a smirk. "When's the wedding."
His smirk quickly drops at the mention of the engagement. He grumbles as he slumps. "I didn't ask to be in this situation."
I laugh "I didn't ask to be rejected but things happen."
Jeremy looks at me and sighs "Are you going to the ball."
"Didn't think I was invited" I muse as I swirl my drink around.
"Everyone is invited." Jeremy laughs. "You have to go to support Atta and stop her from rejecting her mate."
I stand up and sigh "Whatever."
"I'm serious Ittzy " Jeremy states desperately. I sigh looking at him as I put my glass up.
We hold eye contact for a moment.
A relieved look takes over his face.
I lean on the counter and lean close to his face.
"How long." I ask.
He looks confused at my question as his head tilts slightly to the left.
"How long have you had a crush on her." I whisper as I point a finger at him.
His eyes widen as his cheeks flush red. "What-what? No It's not-It's not like that." I raise a brow at him and shake my head.
"You sure?" I push. "I'm sure if I can't find out August could find out how long his most trusted guard has had a thing for his little baby cousin." I smirk at Jeremy's glare.
"I-I don't know. I've always felt a pull or something . But I've just ignored it. " Jeremy shrugs sheepishly.
"Well you continue to ignore it I'm gonna go get ready for this ball." I sigh standing up. Jeremy stands as well and nods.
"Yeah I still need to shine my armor." He states I roll my eyes as he walks out of the kitchen. I grab a cookie and munch on it as I walk back to my room.
I hum as I walk in and go to my closet. I don't really have anything to wear to a ball.
I start to sing as I ponder what is the most elegant thing I can wear. "Tell me something I want to hear. Something that will keep me here. Tell me your love lies. Something so I won't break these ties."
The door opens and I hear Atta sing with me. "Look at what you do to mee! Look at how breakage is easy!" I turn and look at her a smirk on my face as she continues.
"LIE TO ME." Atta screams as she jumps on my bed. I laugh as she continues the lyrics "BEAT ME! HATE ME. " She falls on her knees as she looks at me dramatically and points "But don't leave me---e."
She then dramatically falls on my bed as I shake my head. "Atta you need to grow up." I giggle.
"That song is my favorite and it's sung by the best band. Oh and Ittzy you need to sing at my birthday with me." I narrow my eyes.
"Absolutely not." I say sternly as Atta casts me a glare.
Atta pouts crossing her arms "But it's my birthday."
I sigh "that reminds me. Don't reject your mate, give him a chance." Atta shoots a glare at me and stands abruptly.
"What? No!" Atta shakes her head.
"Atta come on. You're a pretty girl he is going to accept you." I say running a hand through my hair.
Atta narrows her eyes at me while putting her hands on her hips "No."
I groan and cross my arms and glare at her.
"I'll sing at your birthday ball." I grumble out.
Attas face lights up as she jumps up and down. "Deal!!" She then stops and looks at me serious. "Hurry up and get dressed it's already 3:00 my party starts at 6:00!" Atta thens runs out of my room. I sigh and turn around and go through my closet again.
"Ittzy." I jump at the sound of my mates voice as I turn around. My dark eyes catch his light blue ones. "Follow me." August commands and with out question I follow.
August doesn't say a word as we walk through the halls. We then get to the other side of the castle and start going down stairs. It starts getting darker. Luckily for my dragon vision I can still see perfect.
We get to a door and a pad thing comes up. August pushes some buttons and the door opens. My eyes widen in wonder as we walk in. I look around in wonder at the things I see. Everything looks way after our time. I didn't understand why I was here. Then a man in a lab coat steps out from a bunch of paper work.
"King August." The man bows and August nods his head in approval as we come to a stop. "Is this her your majesty?" The man questions examining me as he comes closer.
"Yes, get started immediately." August commands and with out another word the man rushes over to the left side of the room to a large tube.
August turns to me. "I don't have time to train you. And I need you to be able to protect people at the party. I have had threats made. I am giving you the task to protect Atta." I nod still confused at what he is talking about.
"So you are going to be.. enhanced, you will be almost as good of a fighter as me. And your strength will be multiplied." August takes another look at me. "But there will be side effects. Like you might not live through it. Things can go wrong."
My eyes widen as I shake my head but words are not coming out.
"And since it's a 50% chance you'll die." August states before his mouth meets mine in an overly passionate kiss.
He breaks the kissed before I can utter a word he speaks "But you have a 50% chance of making it, so this does not change anything I still do not want you." He then Looks away from me and to the man "Take care of her." August then turns and walks away and out of the room. I feel a hand on my arm and quickly turn. The man gives me a gentle smile.
"Is it gonna hurt?" I ask as my lip trembles.
"I'm going to inject you with something that will ease the pain. But yes it will hurt. I'm sorry my dear." He then leads me to the tube and helps me up into the tube lying me on my back. The tub closes and I am met with darkness. Suddenly the feeling of needing to get out surges through my body and my eyes water. I want to scream but I am frozen in fear as tears flow down the side of my face into my hair.
I look around trying to find something I can see. It is the first time I've only seen black. Suddenly a light emits in the tube. I then feel a prick in my arm. I turn my attention and see an opening in the tub and see the man holding my arm while injecting something into it.
I faintly hear "I'm sorry," as his hands disappear and the latch closes and I am surrounded with darkness. My body starts to feel heavy and numb, but my mind is unaffected. Now not only do I feel trapped in this tube but also in my body. More tears and a struggle of a sob goes through me as loud noises start to sound around me. A purple haze surrounds me like a light.
I gasp as I am suddenly hit with a shocking pain. I scream out and my body engulfs inflames and for the first time I feel my body burning.
I feel my skin being burned of and being replaced with new skin slowly.
The pain is like something I've never experienced and it seems to go on forever.
Another screams burst from my mouth as I beg for him to stop.
As I beg for death already.
Another wave of pain hits me leaving me speechless.
Then finally it stops.
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