Chapter 4
The guard takes my arm and leads me the opposite way.
I sigh as he takes me through a back door. People run around frantically, fighters are practicing or stretching. Female fighters are getting dressed up.
The guard sits me down and a woman rushes towards me. "You are late." She hisses at the guard.
"Claire I got here as fast as I could." The guard harshly whispers back as he looks around.
I eye the woman as she takes a bag and puts it beside the vanity beside me.
My eyes widen as she pulls out makeup. I swallow harshly and shake my head quickly. She raises an eyebrow "What?" I look at the brush she has and shake my head again.
She looks at the guard and he shrugs his shoulders. She rolls her eyes at me and leans towards me again with the brush. I jump up out of my seat shaking my head. She scoffs.
"I don't have time to deal with you." She takes her makeup bag and struts off.
The guard shakes his head at me. Some guy then comes up to him. "Hey Jeremy where is Roger?"
The man is very tall and skinny. His hair is chestnut brown and his eyes are gray. He has deep laugh lines and dimples beside his eyes.
"He isn't fighting Roger." Jeremy states simply.
The mans eyes widen "What do you mean! I have on here the king is entering the runt competition ."
Jeremy doesn't take his eyes off me as we stare at each other. "He is. But not Roger ." Before the guy can say anything Jeremy continues. "He is fighting her."
The man looks at me and burst out laughing. "She doesn't even look like she can throw a punch." Jeremy simply shrugs.
"He must be trying to kill her, sick bastard." The guy laughs.
"Yes I do suppose I am sick." The man pales as a shiver goes through my body at August's voice. At the same time I feel like I could cry.
"Your-your Majesty I-" August laughs at the boys attempts.
August looks at the two men in black behind him and look back at the boy.
"Take him away." The boy gasp and stutters on apologizes and begs for forgiveness but the two men take him away. Not only does August have blood on his hands, he makes sure everyone working for him does as well.
August looks at me and smirks as he walks to me.
"You look absolutely pathetic." He states picking up a piece of my hair. He rolls his eyes as he tosses it at me.
He bends down to my level and smiles.
"Now normally this is when the trainer or coaches or whatever give a great encouraging speech. I just like to keep it at if you lose and cost me money you will be punished." August sends me a wicked grin.
"Lucky for you I didn't put enough money to matter." He strokes my cheek. "This is just to see if you are worthy."
Looking in his eyes I feel as though there is a double meaning.
He takes a firm grip on my chin as I look in his eyes, like a child does to her father while getting scolded.
"You better be worthy." August stands up straighter and sends me one last smirk and look over as he turns and walks away.
"Come on you are up." Jeremy takes my arm and leads me out. He stands me in front of a gate. Looking out I see a bunch of ruffled dirt. I swallow hard at the puddles of blood, the smell lingering in my nose. It is so strong I feel like I can taste it.
I hear people chanting, yelling, one of the other.
I turn my nose at them. How dare they play with people's life for their own amusement.
"Alright I know you are tired of waiting. You want some blood shed am I right!" The man yells and I hear the crowd roar in excitement.
The gates open and I am pushed into the arena. I spot another girl my size stalking towards me slowly. Her blonde hair sways with the wind. Her eyes watching me cautiously. One eye is cyan blue her other eye is pastel blue.
Meaning a disability in her powers.
Anyone with one eye or both eyes a pastel color means they have a disability.
I study her. Her armor is expensive looking. Gems cover her breast plate.
"Our blonde over her is no other than Cara the drowner!" The man calls and the crowd cheers.
"She is here to work her way back to the top after fracturing both wrist. She is a water creator. But she can only use her right hand, the left side of her body is powerless."
She growls louder making the crowd go wild.
The man then points to me. "This is Ittzy, she is new to the rink, let's show her some love." The announcer shouts.
I get mostly boos and screams of wanting to see me be ripped apart.
"She is a fire creator. Now only rule is no shifting!" He shouts the crowd roars in response.
"First one to be unconscious wins, unless you both make it out then the judges decide." He tells us both. He then nods and walks away.
Cara glares at me and growls snapping her teeth in my direction. I blink not fearing her. My sisters are twice her size.
"You ready to die bitch? I'm going to have you beg for me to stop!" She spits.
I shake my head "I don't want to hurt anyone."
"You poor bitch, you think you got abused at home? You don't know abuse." Cara lunges at me as she finishes her statement.
I side step her shaking my head.
She growls and lunges at me again. I duck again letting her fly over me and roll into the ground.
She throws a punch and I dodge easily. She throws a kick my way and I back up avoiding it.
She is very sloppy with her moves. Another punch is thrown my way I quickly move again. I hear the crowd boo Cara impatiently waiting on blood shed.
"Stop moving." She growls out impatient. Her right hand shoots out and water comes straight for me.
My eyes widen but I quickly jump over it. I gasp as it hits my left foot and I fall on the dirt.
I look up and quickly roll to the right as her foot comes down.
I quickly stand and back up putting some space between us. She growls "I want a real fight! Fight me!"
I shake my head again. She screams as she throws her hand out and more water shoots at me. I dodge it but it turns and head for me again. My eyes widen as I turn and run.
I look behind me and my eyes widen as it catches up to me.
I jump and turn towards the water while facing my hands to it. Fire comes out of my hands and engulfs the water.
I land on my feet gracefully. Looking at my hands I breath out slowly as my body feels alive for the first time in well, forever.
My head snaps to her and I dodge a water ball.
I look at my hand and let the small flame dance in my hand. I have never seen it so vibrant.
I look at Cara glaring at my left hand. I raise my right hand fire balls forming in both.
I pitch one to her and she dodges it but the other hits her in the chest causing her to fall on her butt.
A warmth fills my body.
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