Chapter 16
I groan as I'm awoken by Attas snoring. I sit up my eyes searching the darkness. I stand deciding to get something to drink seeing as sleep wouldn't find me anytime soon. I walk to the door silently walking out. I walk the halls sniffing for the kitchen and going towards it. I freeze as I hear harsh whispers. I see the door and walk to it quietly. I lean my ear against the door listening.
"August why are we even together. We don't do anything together. You haven't even touched me since I got you Ittzy. Is she your mate?" My eyes widen at her words. I hear a growl rumble from his chest.
"No, I need a Queen, Jaiden." He growls.
I furrow my eyebrows.
"I know that August but I can't be that anymore, I can't do this, I don't want to be this anymore, this fake relationship could ruin your position as King. Please let me go." I hear her beg. In return August growls.
"Fine, you can't handle the pressure I'll find someone who will." I hear a sigh of relief from Jaiden. My eyes widen as I hear her footsteps comin to the door. I rush to where the hallway turns and get around the corner and hold my breath.
The door opens and I breath a sigh of relief as I hear her walking towards the other way. I turn to look around the corner and yelp as I see August glaring down at me.
"I don't like spies." My eyes widen, I open my mouth but nothing comes out. "Close your mouth before I put something in it." My eyes widen at the smirk on his face and I quickly close my mouth. I feel a pull at my heart strings but I ignore it.
"Don't get your hopes up about what I said in there. I need you as a warrior. Not a Queen." My eyes widen at the lack of insult in his sentence.
"I don't want to be Queen August. I never did." I speak with complete truth as we stare into each other's eyes.
A growl leaves his throat. "Good. I'm glad we agree." He then shoves past me and I watch him walk down the hall. Seeing him walking down the same hall to the kitchen I change my mind about gettin something to drink. Instead I turn and walk back to the room Atta and I share.
I walk in and see Attas sleeping figure. I sigh a relief seeing her in a different position so her snores are more quiet. I slip into the bed and let my head lay on the pillow . I sigh as I close my eyes letting sleep find me once again.
I wake up sharply to Atta shaking my shoulders.
"Its. Its. Wake up I hear something. My eyes shoot open and I quickly sit up. Atta is curled into my back at this point. I close my eyes and focus my hearing.
My eyes open and I tilt my head at the sound. Sniffing. It was a ways out of the room but was getting close.
I look at the window and see it's still dark out. I look at Atta who looks at me in fear.
"What is that." Atta whispers. I shrug my shoulders and then listen again. I turn to her and mouth the word "wolves. " as I hear the sound of paws hitting the hallway floor a soft growl is heard every couple seconds as they get closer to the door.
I look at Atta and motion my head to the closet. Atta nods her head and quietly makes her way to the closet. She quietly shuts the door and I wince as I hear it whine just a little bit. By the sudden halt in the steps of paws I know the wolves heard it. I move to a standing position off of the bed and on the floor, getting into a slight fighting stance. I hear the wolves stop at the door of Attas and my room.
Suddenly the door is thrown off of its hinges and I hear Atta scream, the wolves look towards the closet and I curse.
I see about 7 of the wolves and the foam falling from the wolves mouth confirms my suspicion. The first wolf leaps at me and I dodge it grabbing the skin on his neck and throwing it back while throwing a fire ball at another wolf in the middle of leaping. It throws him back and I continue to hold the rest of the wolves off.
I groan aggravated that no one has sensed what's going on someone has had to of heard this.
The next wolf that lunges I grab by the throat and quickly burn through killing him. My hands covered in his blood as the wolves continue to fight me not even phased at the dead wolf.
"Atta I need you to mind link someone or something. I'm tryin really hard not to burn this castle down." I growl out as I punch a wolf.
"Oh yeah that would be smart huh." I hear her muffled voice through the closet door.
I roll my eyes as I kick another wolf. Suddenly a wolf gets pulled by his tail and slammed on the hall wall. I see Jeremy's face and sigh in relief. Though by this time there were only 4 wolves left. We quickly subdue the wolves and I sigh in relief as Atta comes out of the closet. She runs to Jeremy and he embraces her in a hug.
"I have a question Atta. How do you sleep through your snores yet wake up just from hearing a wolf sniffing." I throw my hands up and she blushes at my statement and shrugs her shoulders. I roll my eyes at her and see August and Atticus rush into the room. When August sees Atta and I okay I see relief fills his features.
Atticus furrows his brows. "These are my wolves." Atticus states.
I nod as I smell the familiar scent. "Makes sense on how they were able to get in without alerting anyone."
Atticus runs a hand through his hair "How did this happen." He asks out loud.
"They are obviously being poisoned. All of them were foaming from the mouth. It could be an inside job." I state as I look at the wolves surrounding my feet. A couple guys come in and lift the four that were still alive and take them away.
"I'll look into it." Atticus says as he quickly walks out after quickly scanning my body. I look at the window and see the sun starting to rise.
"Well I doubt I'm getting any sleep after that" Atta states. "Let's get food." She then drags Jeremy out and down the hall towards the kitchen. I meet August eyes as we stare at each other.
"Are you okay." August asks as his eyes study my body for any sign of injury.
"I'm fine, Atta woke me so I was prepared." August nods as he gives me another look over. His eyes connect with mine for a moment making me hold my breath. He then turns and walks away without a word. I release the breath I was holding. I sigh and turn and walk into the bathroom and get ready for the day, ignoring the beast staring back at me in the mirror.,
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