Juvia's POV
The words the strange man had just said echoed around in Juvia's head. What did he mean? Brother? She knew of no such person. Yes, her childhood had been rough, but she was sure she wouldn't forget such a major detail.
And yet, his features did hold a surprising resemblance to hers.
"No," she replied hesitantly, unease pulling at her words. "I don't have a brother. If I did, I would remember having one."
The figure in front of her shook his head sadly. "Ah, you see, that's where you're wrong. The younger you are, the easier it is to meddle with your mind." He paused for emphasis.
"You see, our parents were bad people. They had met in a dark guild, and got into trouble a lot. Our mom- she wanted kids. Dad was against it, saying it would intervene with whatever they were doing with the guild, but he eventually gave in. And so I was born. They were never home, so by seven I was already caring for myself. Our parents had no powers, so I was expected not to have either. Then you were born. I remember it being stormy out that day.
"When they figured out you had powers, they panicked. They couldn't control you, and flooding problems and lightning strikes to our house were constantly happening. And so, at age 3, they couldn't take it anymore, and our pathetic parents gave you to one of the guild members, who wiped your memories, and sent you to an orphanage. Trust me, I tried to stop them. When I turned 14, I finally realized what had happened, and I ran from home and searched everywhere for you. I was searching for years. The orphanage said you had left, and when I traced you back to your guild, it had been disbanded after a fight. I thought you had died, so I gave up eventually. Only recently, I heard from someone that you had joined the Fairy Tail guild.
"I immediately sent my two henchmen who-" he paused and glared at them. "-clearly don't understand what 'bring her safely to me' means."
Borris and Morris chuckled uncomfortably.
Juvia sat in shock her brother unlocked her chains. What did this all mean? Her thoughts were rushing through her head. And suddenly, a memory resurfaced.
Her and a boy sat playing in a sandbox, his blue hair blowing back in the faint wind. He looked young, and it appeared, so was she. He was building a pretty sandcastle. She envied him, as she looked down to her pile of sand. It seemed pretty when she was making it, but his was much better. She burst into tears, and he quickly stopped and pulled her into a hug.
"It's okay Juvia. Here, I'll help you."
A faint drizzle of rain had begun, but it was already dissipating. She watched, eyes filled with wonder, and he sat in front of her and began shaping her pile into a pretty sandcastle, similar to his. She giggled, watching him, and he smiled.
There was a bright flash, and she opened her eyes once again, finding herself in a dark place. She didn't know this place. It scared her.
She stood, shaking in front of a tall man with a crooked nose. He glared down at her. He was mumbling something under his breath. She noticed two figures to her left, wearing all black. A man and a woman. Mommy and daddy. She let out a warbled cry and tried to make her way towards them, but the man held her back. He continued saying incomprehensible words, and Juvia began to feel a strange feeling. It was as if she was drinking and water had gone down the wrong pipe. Except there was no water, and she could breathe just fine. She felt herself blacking out, her head tingling and throbbing. Thunder boomed loudly from outside.
Juvia came to after a few seconds of heavy breathing. She remembered. Everything. She felt her face and noticed a tear had fallen. Looking up, she got a good look at her brother. A name quickly resurfaced.
"Haruka," She said, her voice hoarse.
He smiled at the recognition, and nodded.
"I know it's a lot to take in, but give it time." He kneeled down and brought her into an embrace. She sunk into his shoulder, and began to weep.
Juvia was still coming to terms with her situation. How could this have happened. How could her parents be so heartless? How...-
"There is more than one reason I brought you here, you know." Haru said slowly.
Juvia looked up and noticed his eyes seemed slightly darker than they had moments before. His smile seemed more maniacal than out of joy.
"Hinako and Takeshi. Our-" he stopped.
"Mom and dad." Juvia finished. Her voice had taken on a growing tone of anger.
"Yes, them," said Haru. "I've had them captive here for a while now. I was going to kill them myself but-" he smiled, "I think you would find much more joy if it was you who did the honors".
Natsu's POV
"Natsu! Natsu! I've found her!"
Happy stopped and folded his wings, out of breath. He had been out all day searching for Juvia, while Natsu had been in the village, questioning people of her whereabouts. He had been extremely worried.
"Where?!" He jumped up, anxious to know.
"Some weird abandoned building right outside town!" I saw her being brought in by these two scary guys. I think she was unconscious but I don't know..."
A thousand worrisome scenarios ran through Natsu's head, but he shook them off.
"Let's go then. No time to waste."
As he and Happy set of towards the train station, Natsu was hoping he wasn't too late.
a/n This just hit 350 reads, which is absolutely insane, and I can't believe so many people are genuinely interested in this but thanks anyways I love you guys!
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