Juvia's POV
Juvia splashed water into her face. She was home, but sure she was imagining things. How could her hair possibly by silver?
"I'm not that old, am I?" She said to no one in particular.
After a little longer of examining the strands, she let them go and plopped onto her bed. Disregarding it seemed like the best option at this point. She had worse things to worry about.
She let her mind wander, spewing water mindlessly from her fingertips, watching the blobs float around her. She felt a gaping hole inside of her. This feeling... so familiar.
She was back in the hospital room, remembering the way things had gone at that moment. When Natsu kissed her, it was as if... as if she could finally love. She had felt so incredibly happy and powerful in that one moment. And to have all that drained all at once...
Juvia clenched her fists, and the water dropped suddenly from the air, splashing on the ground, before sinking into the floorboards. Juvia sighed. She would deal with that later.
Suddenly the room felt unbearably suffocating. She had to get out, and get some fresh air.
Locking the door behind her, she found herself following a trail near the river. Things were peaceful here, she thought. If only her life was as peaceful as this river, then she could truly be happy. But who was she to talk. The way things were going now, it was quite apparent to her that she would never truly be happy. Love would never come to her.
Someone familiar crossed Juvia's view. Who was it? Cana, by the looks of it. Cana quickly noticed her and waved her over.
"Juvia! Long time no see! How are things?"
Juvia mumbled something along the lines of 'things are okay' and 'I'm good', eyes drawn down.
Cana looked on with suspicion, but said nothing. "Hey, so where's Natsu? You guys have been together, like, a lot lately."
Juvia said nothing.
Cana gasped. "Wait don't tell me! Are you and Natsu, like, a thing? Oh my gosh! That would make so much sense!"
Juvia felt tears brimming in her eyes, and she shook her head vigorously. "I- I thought maybe we had s-something but-"
Cana put her hand over Juvia's shoulder, tone suddenly serious. "Listen Juves, guys can say some dumb stuff. It's not always that they mean it, they're just too stupid to understand that what they want is right in front of them."
Juvia nodded, attempting to blink away the tears. "Thanks, Cana. But I think I'll get over this. I mean, the same happened with Gray and-"
"Stop thinking about Gray, and don't focus too much on Natsu. He'll come around eventually. Gray though- I wouldn't stay caught up on him."
Juvia inhaled, before smiling and thanking Cana. Her advice was probably the best she'd ever gotten, but she found it difficult to focus on that now.
"And hey, did you dye your hair or something?" Cana asked before she left.
"I'm not entirely sure. I think this just kinda happened overnight... It's probably nothing."
Cana nodded, smiling, and went her own way.
After they departed, Juvia found herself peeking through store windows. She looked at the models on the posters, and found herself comparing herself to them. They always seemed so happy, and had bubbly personalities, and looked good in anything they wore. She caught her reflection in a shop window, and shuddered. She wasn't even the slightest bit attractive. She was timid, and clingy at times. Of course Gray and Natsu weren't interested.
'Juvia, stop it. You have to stay positive, remember? Get over it.'
Juvia finally stopped at a pastry shop. She spied a blueberry cheesecake, freshly baked on a shelf, and found herself salivating. However, before she could step into the store, she heard a sound, making its way towards her. She looked over her shoulder.
'Is that... Lyon?'
The sight was a strange one. Ahead of her was Haru, Lyon on his shoulders. Lyon was making an ice path appear under the feet of Haru, who was gliding along, his face a mix of excitement and terror. Lyon was laughing, arms wrapped around Haru's neck, to the point where Haru couldn't even see where they were going.
Juvia moved too late. The two came barreling into her, knocking her off her feet. Juvia lay in a heap, as she watched the two awkwardly slide to a stop.
"What were you thinking, covering my eyes like that?!"
"You were supposed to stay on balance!"
"You were STEERING!"
Haru was about to holler some crazed insult back when he turned around.
"Oh hey Juvia."
Juvia glowered, walked over, and punched them both in the face.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Both were on their knees, apologizing like madmen.
Juvia sighed, and grinned slightly with an idea.
"Fine, I'll only accept your apology if you buy me a cake."
Minutes later, Juvia found the three of them sitting on lawn chairs, digging into cake. Juvia had her own, Lyon and Haru sharing one.
"So, what were you guys even thinking?" Juvia asked in amusement.
They both chuckled. "We wanted to go on a walk, and then we got kinda tired, so-" Haru cut Lyon off.
-"We discovered an amazing new way of transportation!"
Juvia facepalmed.
They both looked offended. "HEY! IT WAS AN AMAZING IDEA!"
Juvia shook her head, smiling. She watched as Haru took a piece of cake and held it to Lyons mouth, pulling it away right before Lyon closed his mouth over the piece. Lyon blushed and reached for the fork, but Haru held it over his head. There was such a height difference, Lyon didn't stand a chance. Lyon hollered in protest.
After they were done their bickering, Haru turned to Juvia, eyes focusing on her silver section of hair.
"Hey, sis? What happened to your hair? Did you colour it or something?"
Juvia shook her head. "I'm not entirely sure... It doesn't hurt or anything, so it should be fine."
Haru smiled and turned, to find Lyon holding the entire plate of cake over his head, cackling. Haru sighed and grabbed it effortlessly from Lyon's grasp. Lyon let out a suppressed groan, and Haru chuckled.
Juvia smiled, enjoying the moment. She finally felt- peaceful. That is, until she was interrupted by a familiar voice.
"Juvia! How's it going?" It was Gajeel.
Juvia turned and smiled. "Great, thank you!"
Gajeel opened his mouth, about to say more, before his eyes locked onto Juvia's silver hair strands. He froze.
Juvia looked on in confusion. "Wait Gajeel what's-"
Gajeel quickly grabbed her by the arm, muttering something along the lines of "Come with me, quick."
She had never seen him look this concerned for her before. However, she'd soon learn why.
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