gay, gay, and more gay :)
The brunch went on smoothly, although Jimmy and Scott would stare at each other from time to time while their parents talked business. "Scott?" said his father. "Hm?" "Why don't you take Prince Jamed on a tour of the kingdom?" "Of course," the cyanette stood up swiftly, gesturing for Jimmy to follow. He excuses himself and walked after the other. "So, James?" Scott looked down at him. If there was any other way for Jimmy to tell that he was the one from yesterday, it was his voice-a thick, but also understandable Scottish(haha, Scott is Scottish lol-just me? Okay :') )accent, which Jimmy found somewhat attractive? "Jimmy," he replied, hoping he didn't sound rude. "Mhm. So, Jimmy, should we head out?" he held out his arm, to which Jimmy cautiously linked his with Scott's. With that, Scott led him down into the town. "So, this is the shopping district," said the elf as they made their way though multiple buildings. "You know, I'm kinda glad it's you," Scott muttered. "What?" "Well, most straight elves-or anyone else I would have been forced to marry-wouldn't have been pleased i this situation. "You- you're not straight?" "Do I look straight to you?" he looks just like a gorgeous elf prince with those beautiful eyes-wait what? "I'm gay, Jimothy." Scott said, adding the unnecessary "othy" at the of Jimmy's name. Jimmy stared at him for a few minutes, as if Scott wasn't speaking English. "A bit slow on the receiving end," the elf prince mumbled. "no matter, just means you won't notice once I have you pinned to the wall," "Oh, yeah- wait, waht?" Jimmy's face flushed red. A small smirk tugged at Scott's lips as he took Jimmy's hand, guiding the blushing fish boy through the streets. Jimmy just stared at Scott, his face red. The boys fingers were cold-unusually cold-but he didn't mind.
Finally, the tour was done, the two made their way back to the palace where Scott's father and Jimmy's mother were finishing up. "Ah, boys! We've just finished up business!" "Did it go well?" Scott asked, it seemed like he'd asked this question a lot. "It was a smashing success."he smiled. "you two will be married, but only when you two are ready." they both smiled, thank god they wouldn't be getting married in T W O weeks. "Well, Jimmy and I should be going," his mother smiled and guided Jimmy out the doors. "Goodbye, your majesty." after they left Rivendell, they swam back home.
Once Jimmy was home, his thoughts were flooded with Scott. Did he say he was going to pin me to a well?! He's not straight? Am I straight? He's so beautiful,, he sighed. He just met this prince and he's already got feelings? Well, of course he does-they were going to get married. He just laid down and let his thoughts talk about Scott, Scott, Scott,,
Scott finished up his dinner and headed up to his room. He hung up his cape and untied his shoes. Once he was in something comfortable, he sat on his bed, a book in hand. However, it was difficult to concentrate when that cut fish boy was in his mind. His face, his eyes, his voice, he was all so adorable. A knock on his door sounded before it opened. It was his brother, Xornoth. "Well well, someone's getting mafrried, huh?" he smirked, leaning on the doorway, his purple-red hair laid messily on top of his head. "Since when were you interested in my love life?" "It's been a while since someone decided to actually marry you." "While that's true, i don 't see why it's your business. You're still single." "I'll find someone, Scotty." "I told you to stop calling me that," "Whatever you say, Scotty,"he laughed as he left. Scott sighed and rested his head against the wall. Jimmy, Jimmy,, maybe this wedding would go better this time.
Word Count ; 657
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