//more gay//
there's a lot of note writing back and forth-
Scott sat in his room, reading over Jimmy's latest letter, they had decided it was the easiest way of coversation, seeing as they both had Empires to run.
Dear Scott,
This is quite random, I do hope you get time to see this. Anyways, would you like to go on a date with me? Perhaps we could go to Mezaelea, or the Ocean Empire? You may choose, I am okay with either.
I'm keeping this short, so please get back to me with your answer.
Cod's Blessings,
Jimmy of the Cod Empire
Scott skimmed over the letter once more before writing back on his own scroll.
Dear Solidarity,
I would love-
No no, it's too son and too fast for the word 'love'. He crumpled up the paper and started writing again.
Dear Solidarity,
A date in Mezaelea sounds lovely, when were you wanting to have this? Tomorrow? A week from now? I trust that you will answer relatively quickly, if you are not too busy.
I must get back to my work, write back to me when you can.
Smajor of Rivendell
He tied the paper with a cyan ribbon, placed it in the claws of one of his messenger owls-Orion was his name, and he was Scott's favorite, and directed him to Jimmy's empire. After closing the window, he went back to doing some inventory of his library.
It had been a week since Scott sent that letter, Jimmy hadn't replied and he was starting to worry. Maybe it really was too soon? Is Jimmy ignoring him? Just then, a cardinal flew in, carrying a letter. He thanked the bird as it flew off. He untied the ribbon and began to read.
Dear Scott,
I apologize for such a late reply, I have been busy with my empire. Luckily, I have a few days to myself, so if you are free, we could go to Mezaelea today?
I've already set things up with Joel, and I'm already here, all I need is for you to say yes.
Cod's Blessings,
Jimmy of the Cod Empire
Scott smiled and sent a short note back.
Dear Solidarity,
I will be there as soon as I can. I look forward to our time together.
Smajor of Rivendell
Scott took his time to get dress. He didn't have many casual clothes, so he took a button up shirt, some flowy pants, and his usual boots. Of course, he wore his cape. As he buttoned up his pants, Orion flew back in with a letter.
Dear Scott,
That's great, I await your arrival! I hope you enjoy the food and scenery.
Scott giggled at the 'yours, Jimmy'. Something about it just felt right. Then he remembered he had to leave. He adjusted his crown, left the palace and took off into the sky, straight to Mezaelea.
Jimmy stood outside of the Mezaelean palace, watching as Scott came flying down from the sky. His cyan hair billowed in the wind, his eyes sparkling. "Hello, Jimmy," "Scott," he smiled as they walked in. "Scott, Jimmy. You meal is served. I've got to visit Lizzie, message me when you leave." the brunette said before flying off with his elytra. The two sat down at the table, across from each other. They smiled before digging into the food, occasionally chatting about how much work they've been doing. A while into the eating and talking, Jimmy caught Scott staring dreamily at him, a lazy smile growing on his face. "Scott?" he chuckled. "You're pretty?" "Huh?" "Your eyes are gorgeous," he leaned over the table, inches away from Jimmy. The cod boy stared at him. Could he kiss him? But, I'm straight?! The next thing they knew, Jimmy pressed his lips against Scott's. His lips were cool and smooth. The elf suddenly pulled away, staring at him. "Jimmy?" Scott gasped, his face red. "Jimmy-" "What?" "you-you're straight, Jimmy!" "So?" "We haven't even talked about our marriage, and you're straight!" "Scott-" "Jimmy, did you lie to me?" "About?" "About being straight! I don't like liars, Jimmy." "Scott, I am not straight-" "Then why didn't you tell me?! Nevermind, I'm going home." "Scott-" "Shut up." Scott shushed him and left, flying off.
This was bad. Scott was angry, and elves are known to hold drudges.
Word Count : 696
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